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Everything posted by lipslikecherries

  1. You haven't seen her yet and you're already putting her to work!! I don't have a picture of her. Next time I see her I will ask her for one and tell her ' Because Walter wants to see you." I will hope she doesn't get creeped out!
  2. This has happened to me before. Very irritating.
  3. Hopefully you're getting some good hold music.
  4. Engineering an empire: Rome. The guy who hosts this show looks like Frank Sinatra! He's actually a professor of archaeology and very passionate about the history.
  5. A stressful day at work. But I'll be fine.
  6. I know this chick who is half Italian and half Jamaican. She's not beautiful, she's gorgeous!! And she is really sweet, down to earth AND funny..... so I guess that would make her beautiful too! :)
  7. Things people do that rub me the wrong way: drunk driving driving while using the cell phone nagging people sticking their nose where it doesn't belong adults acting like children when people say "children should be seen not heard' or having a lack of appreciation for children singing commericial jingles not taking no for an answer making rash assumptions wasting food
  8. Here comes the sun - The Beatles
  9. I was only joshing..... That's very sad though if someone could actually enjoy that type of thing.
  10. That's sucks Plantpothead. I accidently broke a mirror picture. It's a good thing I'm not superstitious because what is that seven years of bad luck? Crap.
  11. I can't quit you baby - Led Zeppelin
  12. Dream a little dream of me - Ella Fitzgerald
  13. That was a cool song! Thanks! Now I'm going to find the album and listen to it! And..... if I were a dude I would certainly put some serious thought into f***ing a blow-up doll. :lol: Have you? (Don't answer that! ) But maybe he is saying that even though there is no woman in his dream home, a blow-up doll does just about the same thing! You know floating in the pool.....dressing her up. I don't know. Funny though.
  14. Those are pretty cupcakes! What kind of icing are on them?
  15. I don't know why but The Isle of Man TT. This guy just flew off his bike going around a corner. Holy crap!
  16. Politicians are the pushers of war and corruption!! "For a nickel gonna sell you lots of sweet dreams."
  17. I believe the world today is how it has always been. The average American doesn't waste their daily worry over threats of nuclear war from Iran or N. Korea. That is all government propelled hysteria. The average American is more concerned with not having their home broken into. Or a being a young lady and not getting raped or mugged getting into their car at night. Or being killed by the freaking drunk drivers on the road. And I'm sure it is that way for people in most countries. I think.
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