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Everything posted by lipslikecherries

  1. That's a good one! Would you be disappointed if they didn't?
  2. Yes the golden glow is very nice. Is it just the lighting or was Jimmy a tan guy? I never noticed or thought about it before! Yes the hipbone is an eye-catcher, I know what that's about as I've got handlebars of my own!
  3. This picture is very saddening. I have read that Jimmy started using heroin to enrich his creative juices, but I don't see how someone could be in a very happy place in their personal life if they choose to live that way. I have also read that his friends and family came very close to losing him. I'm so glad he fought through it and is still with us! And I bet he, his family and friends are too! He's accomplished a lot since those days.
  4. Maybe he wasn't singing at all and was just rocking out!
  5. Scylla thank you! I love this picture!! It looks like he has an outie belly button but in this next picture you can see that he doesn't. It i's actually a very nice and inviting belly button. It kind of makes me want to: "Hoohoo!"
  6. I like his t-shirt. It reminds me of Led Zeppelin III.
  7. A friend of mine is having emergency surgery. Tubal pregnancy. Very sad.
  8. Wow what a beautiful room! Thanks for posting!
  9. I just went to a local truck stop. They sell all kinds of snacks including some great beef jerky! They let me try a cherry maple jerky. It was tasty but too sweet and too soft. I like a good jerk! Peppered beef jerky, that's what I bought and that's what I'm eating! They also have a large range homestyle sauces, pie fillings and salsas. They had a salsa called habanero salsa. I didn't know what habanero was but I just looked it up. They say its pretty spicy! It looked good. I'll have to try that next time.
  10. Maybe we will get lucky one day and Jimmy will release some of them!
  11. Thank you for sharing your story geekfreak! I agree music is comforting AND has everything good about life in it! I like your quote geekfreak. I don't want to worry I just want others to be as understanding of me as I am of them. I want everyone to find happiness! It's easy we just gotta listen to our hearts and the hearts of those we love and care for.
  12. An inspiring post! Thanks Charles J. White!
  13. It sounds like you are going to have a very enjoyable weekend geekfreak! I wish I could go to the beach but first I would have to buy a plane ticket!
  14. Very interesting slavetozep! As always thanks for posting!
  15. I am deeply thinking about patience. They say it's a virtue but maybe it isn't? I wonder if sometimes being patient can make people think that you don't care even though you're only patient for others and you're trying to do the right thing? Why is it when you do the right thing, by trying to be the best person you can be and trying to play by the rules that have been set down, you always get bit in the a**? Well I do at least.......
  16. Wow! 50 - 60? That's a lot of material. Jimmy has said recently that he wants to get out and play and this just makes me think about how much material he must have at this time.
  17. I just finished a white nectarine! It was slurpy and delicious!
  18. That was interesting. Thanks for posting! We discover new bacteria and forms of life on our own planet all the time. I think one day we may see that there is life outside of our tiny Earth. Right slavetozep?
  19. That was a pretty good song. Good guitarist.
  20. That is so freaking odd. He took all the time to write that post and then have nothing to say in response? Who is this guy? Do you think he has something to do with this lawsuit???
  21. I had never heard of the Doctors so I guess you're right! I think there are a lot of bands that don't get the credit they are do. Everyone makes some kind of contribution I think.
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