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Everything posted by lipslikecherries

  1. Hi geekfreak!! Laughter is free. So is love, friendship, kindness, and happiness!
  2. This didn't happen today but the other day. Another thread reminded me of it. While out shopping an adorable little boy, all dressed up in his best button up shirt and trousers, came up to me and gave me his quarter! I asked him why he was giving me his quarter and his mother said he found it in the car and he wanted me to have it. After some time shopping we passed each other and the little boy came back up to me and wanted his quarter back. His mother wouldn't let me give it back to him. It was the cutest thing ever. I melted!
  3. I just googled some pictures of Cow Bay, it's beautiful! I don't know if I would fit in there though Charles J. White. I've never been daring enough to wear a g-string on a beach!
  4. I've got my love to keep me warm - Frank Sinatra
  5. I agree, that's very unkind! I don't understand what it is with people today and their dislike and intolerance of children. Recently I was out shopping and a mother walked passed me severly scolding a little child of 5 or 6 because she had to escort her to the restroom so she could go potty! Children are beautiful, pure, delicate beings and should be treated as such!
  6. That's a good one! Would you be disappointed if they didn't?
  7. In my opinion, if you take everything into account, he IS the greatest guitarist ever! There are some guitarists who find themselves on the instrument and their sound is like their staple. And in my opinion, their growth can become 'somewhat' hindered and one dimensional. Of course there is nothing wrong with that as these types of guitarists also serve as examples of greatest playing and composition! But Jimmy is not one dimensional by any means, which is something special. He isn't afraid to take risks or break rules. It seems like he tries everything and anything when it comes to exploration of sound. I think some of it must be due to his time working as a studio musician. He was exposed to all kinds of music and styles of playing. I assume that a studio musician probably looks at their instrument as a tool so they can get the job done properly. It seems like it must be a very demanding field of work with some pressure. Jimmy has this ability to improvise with fluidity and substance! You know a great speaker when they can concisely express their thoughts with words. I think the same idea applies to a great musician. Jimmy is fantastic in the studio, but he is mind-blowing on the stage. Listening to the live Led Zeppelin performances, for example, is an amazing experience just hearing him play. It's like there is an invisible cable connecting his soul to his hands and there's no thinking or anything involved! He just breathes and sings with his incredibly nimble fingers, even if they were sometimes broken! He is an inspiration to many musicians and is much more musically than a guitarist! These are the reasons I say yes, he is. But it could just be that I love what Jimmy sounds like and this is how I've justified it in my mind!
  8. Yes the golden glow is very nice. Is it just the lighting or was Jimmy a tan guy? I never noticed or thought about it before! Yes the hipbone is an eye-catcher, I know what that's about as I've got handlebars of my own!
  9. This picture is very saddening. I have read that Jimmy started using heroin to enrich his creative juices, but I don't see how someone could be in a very happy place in their personal life if they choose to live that way. I have also read that his friends and family came very close to losing him. I'm so glad he fought through it and is still with us! And I bet he, his family and friends are too! He's accomplished a lot since those days.
  10. Maybe he wasn't singing at all and was just rocking out!
  11. Scylla thank you! I love this picture!! It looks like he has an outie belly button but in this next picture you can see that he doesn't. It i's actually a very nice and inviting belly button. It kind of makes me want to: "Hoohoo!"
  12. I like his t-shirt. It reminds me of Led Zeppelin III.
  13. A friend of mine is having emergency surgery. Tubal pregnancy. Very sad.
  14. Wow what a beautiful room! Thanks for posting!
  15. I just went to a local truck stop. They sell all kinds of snacks including some great beef jerky! They let me try a cherry maple jerky. It was tasty but too sweet and too soft. I like a good jerk! Peppered beef jerky, that's what I bought and that's what I'm eating! They also have a large range homestyle sauces, pie fillings and salsas. They had a salsa called habanero salsa. I didn't know what habanero was but I just looked it up. They say its pretty spicy! It looked good. I'll have to try that next time.
  16. Chuck Berry is very cool! A friend turned me onto him a long time ago. I always liked Maybellene! He did some other nice songs like this one:
  17. Maybe we will get lucky one day and Jimmy will release some of them!
  18. Thank you for sharing your story geekfreak! I agree music is comforting AND has everything good about life in it! I like your quote geekfreak. I don't want to worry I just want others to be as understanding of me as I am of them. I want everyone to find happiness! It's easy we just gotta listen to our hearts and the hearts of those we love and care for.
  19. An inspiring post! Thanks Charles J. White!
  20. I had this feeling someone would go for velvet! Fabric
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