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Everything posted by lipslikecherries

  1. That is awful geekfreak! Obviously your friend is just confused. That is too bad. :( And you must have a lovely wife. Keep your fist up!
  2. Aen27.............. Thank you!! I looove these two pictures of Jimmy in the archway!! This is the picture they used in the Telegraph article. Is it recent? It's a great picture!!
  3. Geekfreak what has happened!???!
  4. One bourbon, one scotch, one beer - George Thorogood
  5. Geekfreak I am so sorry if you think I meant you because I totally did not!!! I like your thread but OMG..... I don't think I'm very good at thinking deeply. Please carry on!
  6. I love the calender idea! Wonderful pictures!
  7. I enjoy the Peter Green Fleetwood Mac better! Peter Green wrote Black Magic Woman!! The music speaks for itself! I hope you enjoy it!
  8. Welcome Layla! It would be so cool for you to post some of your playing for us to hear! I hope you have lots of fun here!
  9. I have an awesome memory. I never forget a face. That must be why I have so many friends! :lol: And I am very observant too. I always notice when something is out of place.
  10. I am deeply thinking about what kind of person it takes to become a busybody. Are these type of people's own lives just not interesting enough to hold their attention? Are they trying to find answers to the meaning of life but cannot find them in their own lives? Or maybe they're just mean and nasty.....and are possibly from another planet or universe! I am not sure. What does everybody else think?
  11. I hope you feel better soon geekfreak! Uhhhh I am unhappy today for someone else not myself.
  12. Beautiful pictures! I love the first and the last ones. Thanks for posting Aen27!
  13. Silly humans. We think we can manipulate and rewrite the laws of nature. In the end nature wins every time.
  14. Hi Pagefan55! I'm most interested in reading the periods of history I know least about. Everything is interesting to me. I cherry pick. I would like to read up on the French Revolution, American Civil War/Reconstruction period, the American Great Depression. Those are just a few examples. Do you have any recommendations?
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