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Everything posted by reswati

  1. Hei di hei do lala........Udo und die Metalmänner sind da! Something Dutch and quite ancient by now And some modern Sabbath-esque proto-doom http://youtu.be/u9bo9HRS4y0
  2. This record was so intense that I stole it when it came out Some really beautiful singing of the more eerie kind (King Diamond is a Robert Plant fan) Great semi-ballad, even after all these years Ze Germans are coming And here is the man who has a 30 year career based on the word UGHHHH Great solo by Akira Takasaki (does anyone even remember this band?) http://youtu.be/I-tyjeGlfK4
  3. Have a happy 52nd pregnancy Strider. May your babies be beautiful. Rock the cradle. Roll on.
  4. Black rock is possibly coal.
  5. Rest in peace Pottedplant, you shall be missed here. Also condolences to all her friends and family members.
  6. Aerosmith are a band from the seventies.
  7. Of course you are right in your regarded opinion. Tarot cards are designed with the sole purpose to murder, curse, torment and suppress people. Very unlike for instance weapons, which were designed with the purpose to protect human and animal lives. Lol. Cthulhu bless you!
  8. First of all, there is no voodoo stuff on tarot cards (voodoo is a Haitian religion, which has absolutely nothing to do with tarot cards). The Major arcana contain pictures with allegorical depictions of a person's psyche, the good the bad and the beautugliful sides of it. The goathead demon picture (major arcana card 15) symbolizes someone being bound to indulgence preventing a person from growing or becoming healthy—an example might be alcoholism or materialism. On the other hand, however, it can be interpreted as being too calculated, restrained and/or dispassionate and never allowing a rash, wild or ambitious moment. Before the cards were ever used for divinatin (before the 17th century) the cards were simply used for gaming and gambling. There may have been allegorical and cultural significance attached to them, but beyond that they originally had little mystical or magical import. Just because you have no clue about what these cards mean/meant does not make them "evil". Is a Dio record "evil" because the depiction of a devil on the sleeve? Is Led Zep 4 "evil"?
  9. Muchos gracias, jb126 and Walter. regards from the land of the flying Dutchmen (mister Arjen Robben and co, haha)
  10. A farewell to the master of weird art RIP H.R.Giger
  11. The Montreal one is indeed a bootleg., repressed in different versions. Most people seem to dislike the fake stereo panning effect that was later added to make it sound more exciting.
  12. Had the time to finish a painting, here's the result...............
  13. Have an amazing birthdayification Ally..........cozmic energy to you, rock on!!!
  14. T-shirt weather, tomorrow will be even warmer.
  15. A new webcam, a new colored room, yet the same old me.
  16. Yes, vinyl does it.............you have a good taste!
  17. (to stay with the Rush vibe, this was recorded live in Holland, many moons ago)
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