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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Walter Jr: Carolina - L Atlanta Baltimore Houston Green Bay Detroit New England Washington Tampa Bay LA Rams Kansas City Chargers Denver Tennessee
  2. Mrs Walter: Carolina - L Atlanta Baltimore Houston Green Bay New Orleans New England Washington Arizona Jacksonville Kansas City Oakland Denver Tennessee
  3. Walter: Carolina - L Atlanta Baltimore Houston Green Bay New Orleans New England Washington Tampa Bay Jacksonville Kansas City Oakland Denver Tennessee
  4. http://www.packersnews.com/story/sports/nfl/packers/2017/10/12/lance-kendricks-explains-why-he-sat-protest-national-anthem/758388001/ Good read.
  5. Completely agree! He has been that way since college. Never been a fan. Off the field too. Btw, I hate the Eagles - if I haven't conveyed that yet.
  6. Why? You an Eagles lover in disguise or a Cam hater in the open?
  7. Walter: Carolina Mrs Walter: Carolina
  8. Zeke Elliott suspended.....again. Don't think it will be stopped this time. Still think it's bullshit but it's time to get on with it and get past it. Bring on McFadden. He looked great in preseason with the first string offense. Plus this has been a cloud hanging over the team. Time to move on and possibly look to next season. Btw, the ratings are not down 20% and dropping. Ratings don't mean shit anyway. People are going to sports bars more often to watch all the games and also using their tablets, etc to watch on the internet. Burning NFL gear, oh boy! More profits when they go back to get more. Strider, I tend to agree with you. They should've addressed this last year as a workplace issue (protest on your own time and not on our dime) and not waited until big orange made it about himself and painted themselves into a corner.
  9. No shit, Sherlock. Yet another instance of big orange lying and his minions spreading it.
  10. http://money.cnn.com/2017/10/11/news/trump-praise-nfl-anthem/index.html
  11. Perfect! Break On Through was about as perfect for The Doors
  12. After 5:00 in the middle of October and we are still 60% humidity and a feels like temp of almost triple digits...
  13. ^ until 30 min later! A wonderful veal parm with fettuccine alfredo side and a glass or three of decoy merlot.
  14. such a great performance. I wasn't a fan, but am now!
  15. Here come the 9'ers!
  16. Big Ben has 5 picks! He should've retired like he wanted...
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