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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Not even close to what I was referring too!
  2. Don't write checks your ass can't cash! This isn't 2011!!!
  3. Strider, why are you trying to make sense of what is otherwise, senseless?!? As for Wednesday, we shall see.........
  4. Again, my point being when a group says that "Hollywood Types" opinions mean nothing compared to "real Americans" opinions, then why trot this great American actor (who has obviously seen better days) to promote your agenda? I know what you are talking about, but again it speaks to the "do as I say, not as I do" attitude that is given in a hypocritical action such as this. I really hope it doesn't go down as one of greatest follies in modern day politics, for Clint's sake. Oh well, back to the NFL, MLB and Beautiful Women threads!
  5. Believe me, mstork, I completely agree with a lot of what you said. You can't start a business without help, we have been doing that ourselves - and having to work with a gov't agency that requires the same paperwork to be filled out many, many times for the same reason makes no sense and is not time effective nor cost effective. GWB was far from a conservative president, we definitely agree there too. I hope the R/R, if they are elected, don't continue those same policies either - however, I don't want them to turn all of the rules/laws in this country to favor corporations either. That's when we have more environmental issues, worker's rights being taken advantage of and more gov't spending to help pad their buddies pockets with being given contracts, etc. and change foreign/domestic policy to benefit their bottom line and not what's best for our country. So, we are not that far apart actually and yes, Jimmy Page does kick ass! Happy Labor Day!
  6. The point remains that the GOP has spent a lot of time saying they don't care what "Hollywood Types" think, "real Americans" believe in the Republican message. Then, they trot what they say doesn't matter, the opinion of a "Hollywood Type". Stand by your convictions, GOP. If Hollywood actors' opinions don't matter, then don't try to have one come out and support you with their opinion! Especially when you are trying to distance yourself from the stereotype of an aging, white political base - and then bring out an 81-year old guy, interviewing a chair and sounding a bit confused. It's not Reagan at the RNC in '88 after all.....
  7. There is never any debate there. I respect mstork and Type O, among others, as they at least have some food for thought. Peace.
  8. All I'm gonna say is this, facts such as Scientific findings, documented meetings/speeches and plans that have been presented in the past, don't seem to work with the GOP. Ryan/Romney have supported using a voucher system for Medicare recipients, which will not benefit those who are on a fixed income (or most retired folks), Ryan/Romney support giving Social Security dollars to Wall St. for personal investments, and we have all seen how well Wall Street handled investors money which almost brought us to a depression in 2008, Ryan/Romney support giving the wealthiest Americans more tax breaks, in the name of creating jobs - because that has worked out so well over the past decade and Ryan/Romney support cutting many programs that help middle income families such as cutting Pell Grants - the same grants Ryan himself used for college. Those are all true statements and, as was said earlier, let the pile on begin......
  9. When you are speaking to a chair with a make believe person in it, that pretty much removes any consideration of being "the man". Unless, of course, you are in The Villages, FL!
  10. Jealous! Wish he would make it down here sometime soon! Please give us a review after the show, Virginia!
  11. The real kicker is that the RNC thinks an 81-year old, senile actor interviewing an empty chair is their link to pop culture! Man, if Andy Griffith had still been alive, they might've trotted him out to try to convince everyone that electing Mitt would return everyone to Mayberry! Probably would've come off better than Clint did, at least.
  12. Without being too graphic, last time you had what - a session that involved "squirting"?
  13. ^ You love showing off your pussy, don't you!?!
  14. I LOVE how repub's don't want to hear from "Hollywood Types", but then trot out ol' Clint as the mystery speaker - that was an understatement! Again, the hypocrisy never ends. Family Values? What does Clint have, 7 kids from 5 different women??? The best part is that there now is a website dedicated to people standing next to empty chairs, posing for pictures. That's !
  15. Here are some blatant lies/untruths by the beloved Paul Ryan: 1. Obama is the "greatest threat" to Medicare - the truth is Obama didn't make any cuts to Medicare benefits; he made cuts to provider reimbursements, to improve cost efficiency and extend the fiscal security of Medicare by eight years. According to the Medicare actuary, "[Obama's] Affordable Care Act makes important changes to the Medicare program and substantially improves its financial outlook.". The source for this is the USA Today. But Ryan actually does want to cut benefits. He proposed dismantling Medicare and replacing it with a voucher system, leaving millions of seniors to come up with more money to pay for care out of pocket. 2. Lie: President Obama ignored recommendations of a bipartisan debt commission. Truth: Paul Ryan actually sat on that commission. And he led Republicans in voting down the commission's own recommendation. So the commission never gave a report to Obama, because Ryan himself voted to kill the report before it could. 3. Lie: President Obama is responsible for the downgrading of the U.S. Credit Rating. The truth is House Republicans, including Paul Ryan, held the full faith and credit of the United States hostage to try to ransom it for trillions of dollars in cuts to social programs without increasing taxes on the wealthy one dime. Standard & Poor's said specifically, "We have changed our assumption on [revenue] because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise revenues." That's why our nation's credit rating was downgraded. 4. Lie: Ryan wants to protect the "weak.". The truth is Ryan's biggest feat in his political career was proposing a budget with dramatic cuts to programs benefiting the poor. He'd cut Medicaid by one third, take away health care insurance from 30 million Americans, and cut Pell Grants for 1 million students. All so that he could give more tax breaks to the rich.
  16. That's not even what I was referring to. However since you brought it up, he misspoke on that issue last week and got closer to the truth this week - although the majority of the plant was closed in Dec. 2008. Even though you used a pro-GOP source, which if I had used a pro-Dem source it would be dismissed by the usual crew, I'll give it to you. When I have more time to post the inaccuracies, with the proper sources, I'll let you pick at 'em. Good thing mitt helped save the auto industry though!
  17. Local newscasters of ours right there..... Oh well, still a great job by them overall!
  18. It was 41 years ago today and Zeppelin was here in Orlando....listening to the show right now. Wish two things, 1) Celebration Day was in SB, 2) Whole Lotta Love wasn't cut before the end - LOVE the intro!!!
  19. ^ As I've always said, "I'll walk a mile for a vertical smile"!
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