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Everything posted by Walter

  1. Halftime show....no bueno - in my opinion.
  2. With Goff out there, it was the only choice!
  3. Already won 40 in the first quarter squares! Goff is horrible. Where the Hell is Gurley??
  4. Watched a great Foo Fighters set last night from the ATL. Lots of Pats fans at the game. Love downtown Atlanta. Flipping between nfl network and cbs. Heading up to the Lakehouse for a neighborhood party shortly. Rooting for....
  5. Nice! Just picked up stuff to make an amazing kielbasa recipe, that needs to sit overnight. Chips and various dips picked up. Going to a neighborhood gathering so not too much prep necessary. Tonight making...herbes de Provence lamb chops, with goat cheese carrots and roasted potato coins.
  6. So how’s the weather, CP? 🤣 Warming up here finally. Upper 70’s and more humid.
  7. Picked up a delicious pizza from my favorite NY style pizza place in downtown and looking at a 3-day weekend - plus the weather is turning out to be beautiful! Nothing like a Friday night!
  8. I do love Rose Bowl Super Bowls. Miami was always a good place in the old days too! That Cowboys teams was not going to be denied. They were very hungry and physical. Plus those Great Lakes cities/teams are consumate losers.
  9. Unless it’s very shitty service, I always go 15% minimum plus round it up to make the bill an even dollar amount. Exceptional service, 20% or up. Absolutely! And if it’s a busy bar scene, a little more so they spot me quicker when getting the next round. Service industry is not easy work, plus people can be pricks...
  10. Yeah, they’re having a phenomenon named “firenado” which is: the frost quake. Water is freezing under the ground and causing the rock and soil to crack. It’ll be interesting to see what transpires after the ground thaws.... Insane weather in Australia, hope you, slave and others are doing alright “down under”! ✌🏼
  11. Strong coffee and assorted cake donut holes
  12. Someone’s had a meds change....
  13. Looks very soft and cuddly. Glad there’s lineage. Hope he is doing alright!
  14. No it doesn’t. I still think about him and it was 16 years ago. But, we get more and love the hell out of them too. This new one we have is out of his fuckin mind! Fun to watch, but I’m just waiting for him to fly out the 2nd story window this spring, going after a bird or a lizard.
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