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Everything posted by Plant77

  1. That is my Point Rainbow. That a shot is somehow related to the Devil? Come on man. You can’t possible think that. That’s crazy talk. Cheers Sir.
  2. What made me happy was being able to wake up, kiss my wife and daughter. Put on some Zeppelin, work out, and drive to my shop and have some good conversations while helping my customers with their needs. Plus the A’s won and now we have a tough series with our cross town rivals.
  3. You wouldn’t happen to get your news from your drunk uncle? Or from a homeless guy in front of the local Wal-Mart.
  4. Alright, that’s weird. Same exact thing happened to me with the inches!
  5. Thanks for this Thread Mr. Jones. Just awesome. I’ve read it several times. Very interesting, insightful, and informative. it’s awesome the depth and detail you as well as all the others who have contributed to this thread and site. Cheers Mr. Jones.
  6. Honestly John, from an outsider perspective you seem like the ugly from the outside and inside. I will say that I often enjoy your opinions and thoughts on anything Zeppelin related. But the constant shit talking and one way thinking has become tired. And likely to get this thread taken away as well. I know Mr. Reid’s a page back reminded BobDobbs of some hall monitor rules. But name calling and a lack of respect for others is just out of line. When you just quote borderline Quack Anon theories and literally don’t ever look at anyone else’s perspective maybe it’s you who has the problem. when you are quoted by the Elf and Rodriguez/Rodrigo who have some crazy beliefs and thoughts I would suggest looking inward. To quote my favorite line I’ve ever seen by one of the people I like to read the most. “ Lighten up Francis”! Thanks for that Steve. Made my day when I read that. By the way, the Mysteries thread from Mr Jones is awesome. Hope you can be a little more civil and not sound like such a know it all dick!
  7. Well hell, I guess you have it all figured out. I typically like to listen to my Dr. I didn’t know that they too are in on this. I did want to touch on the “ Mark of the Beast “ comment. Was it the also the mark of the beast for the Spanish Flu, or for Polio? Or is just this Gyna, aka China flu/Fouci flu that make it the mark of beasts. Wouldn’t the horned man want people to die so he could chill with them in eternal fire and damnation. I have an employee who also has Diabetes get COVID last September. He just returned to work, spent over 50 plus days in ICU, and he now has an oxygen tank he has to roll around with him for the foreseeable future. However, he did check a few other boxes. Overweight, didn’t wear a mask, and also didn’t think COVID was real. But on the bright side, ICU did help him lose over 50lbs. Except he has lung damage and his Dr. has told him they don’t know if his lungs will recover. I would like to say to each their own. But unfortunately, this pandemic/plandemic doesn’t allow that. If I’m not mistaken didn’t the previous administration roll out this vaccination? Weren’t they the ones responsible for how quickly it was done and for saving us. I remember all of those press conferences telling us that. As for lies, well I remember we were told that it would all go away by April of 2020 and that we had nothing to worry about. I suppose our country being changed drastically and dramatically is all on sleepy and Kamel. Just a thought, try reading, or watching, or listening to something that doesn’t just feed your narrative and way of thinking. We would all be much better off if we tried to do this. If we all force feed ourselves with only the type of information we want to hear then we will not be open to any other thoughts, opinions, or facts. Not alternative facts.
  8. Are the counties and hospitals in on the conspiracy, and also the conspirators as well? That seems exhausting to think that there are a few in the know and then countries, health organizations, governments are all in on this vast conspiracy. People are getting sick, this has killed and changed many peoples lives forever. To think that some blog, or website has all the real answers and that everyone else is ignorant to the reality of this pandemic seems very unlikely. Call me crazy, I just don’t think our own government is smart enough or capable of doing that. And why would they want to do it anyway? And wasn’t this vaccine part of operation warp speed? I thought that the previous administration is who developed these life saving vaccines and had everything to do with the devil jab. Also your comment above about this being just like “ the days of the Third Reich” seem a little misguided. Cheers Elf Man!
  9. I agree with you on physical graffiti, possibly that is my favorite Bonham track ever. Robert’s voice is just so gritty, amazing on that album. All of the songs that were recorded for that album in that style from him. Jimmy was inspired beyond belief, Jonesy was the consummate professional, and in my humble opinion I can’t think of anyone in his league. it’s impossible for me to have a favorite album, or song with Zeppelin, but I do find myself listening to that album more than any other. Finally this group of people on this forum are incredibly knowledgeable, interesting, funny and I too have enjoyed many years of reading their thoughts and opinions and have learned so much about this band and other topics. Fun place to “ lurk” for sure. I’ve been thinking about how amazing Robert is a lot lately. All of his different approaches, learning to use his voice in different ways. This to me this was his dirtiest, sexiest, voice on any album. It’s incredible to think about all his different incarnations, all the shows he sung, doing two and sometimes even three shows in the same day in their early years, all the tours, the incredible two and half/ 3 hour shows night after night. For him to have a voice, let alone that voice after all of that is beyond amazing. Thanks for the topic and post.
  10. I tend to think that people of that generation, baby boomers coming out of world war 2 generally don’t really discuss their personal beliefs other then their close personal friends and family. Let alone a musician/artist who built his whole life with the band and outside of the band being somewhat mysterious, and perhaps even aloof. I would certainly love to read a real account of his life, his beliefs and practices. How he was inspired. But I think the two books he put out, along with this soon to be released Led Zeppelin official biography is what we will get. I became a fan 35 years ago and would love to hear anything he had to say other than the interviews he has allowed. It would certainly be amazing to have him give some more insight into all aspects of his life. We can hope we get more, and appreciate what he has given. Its funny how often I go back to listen to interviews he has given over the years, or read interviews he gave. He is truly in my opinion one of, the if not the most amazing guitarist, producer, arrangers who ever lived. Also, that Oxford Union class/interview is one of my favorites. Seems like a classy guy who is very proud of his past and comfortable with where he is now and what he has achieved. 41 years after the band ended myself and millions of other are still discussing and wanting to discover new things about him and the band. Pretty awesome. Cheers.
  11. Florida is doing really well with their COVID numbers. Crushing it.
  12. Good evening Brad. Just came upon your post and it really moved me. You must be a very strong person, and it took a lot of courage to put yourself out there like that. Bless you Sir. You will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you have a great night, and I hope you continue to stay strong and continue to share your thoughts with us. Thank you.
  13. Been checking out Joe Pass for the last hour or so. That man is amazing. Thanks for the referral. There are so many talented guitarist and musicians out there. Nice to learn about someone that you’ve never heard of and be blown away by them.
  14. They were on top of their game for sure. Amazing run of shows they did at that venue. Absolutely brilliant.
  15. My band name would be Chester Swaps! First dog I had, and the Street I grew up on. Although I think that is for your porn name. But it still would be a cool Band Name. Or Sassy Swaps. First cat we had. That damn thing lived to be over 20 years old.
  16. Well said Mr. BobDobbs. By the way, I’m thinking of taking up a Tobacco pipe. Something very sophisticated about it. I am pretty sure you gain a few extra IQ points just from carrying one. Let alone actually packing and partaking in the lifestyle. Ive seen the cigarette in the guitar. Has anyone ever tried to shred while holding a Tobacco pipe? Have a great night Sir. Thanks for the advice earlier as well.
  17. That’s from a blog that is literally one of the most biased blogs to ever exist. I guess we could all pull some bullshit article to fit our way of thinking. The problem is even if this is correct which it very well may be, that Blog is so tainted it doesn’t really matter. We get it! You and the Elf man are very anti Vaccination and all other thinking other than far right is all wrong. I’ve never seen you pull any article from any reliable source in the 15 years I’ve been following this website. I really want to say that maybe I’ve missed it. You very well may have an I could be totally wrong. That is very possible. But the last several pages are from a very slanted view point and there is no debating or casual, respectful conversation with you it seems. you too seem like an educated, very thoughtful individual. However, you tend to come from one perspective and if someone doesn’t agree with it, they are are wrong and an idiot for thinking any other way than the crazy articles you post. Repeatedly post. Also, do you shred on the guitar? I’ve been trying to learn for about a year and a half and at 45 I’ve reached a point where I just feel like I’ve hit a wall and gone as far as I can by myself. I ask because of your avatar. Right on John, hope you have a great night, and week.
  18. So just so I am clear, no vaccine, and then don’t worry about wearing a mask to protect yourself and more importantly others. Look I’m all for personal freedom. I too want to go back to a pre COVID life. How are things overseas? Is it okay to not get a vaccine and to not wear a mask? I know in my travels I have seen people in Japan and other Asian countries wearing masks before COVID ever existed. Also, just curious, why do you need to be right? We all have opinions. Yours are very thought out most of the time and seem pretty articulate. There are several people I know that have been impacted and affected for the rest of their lives as a result of this pandemic. To show a stat of zero hospitalizations doesn’t really mean anything. Do you know what the repercussions of this illness are? In my own family I’ve had 1 death to a seemingly healthy 36 year old man, and an employee that works for me who checks a lot of the boxes, such as Diabetes, overweight, and a few others who will have to carry an oxygen machine for the rest of his life. Personally I would rather respect others, get the devil vaccination, or wear a mask as to not hurt anyone or change their life forever. Seems like the responsible thing to do.
  19. My Oakland A’s trying to take 3 out of 3 from the Texas Rangers. Let’s Go Oakland!
  20. I had a massive crush on Markie. RIP to a beautiful lady who went to young.
  21. I am pretty sure it was very scientific considering that all guests were tested and advised on being vaccinated. As well as Martha’s Vineyard has reported fewer than 25 COVID cases over a 2 week period. Also in the news was the Newsmax Host who was an anti vaccination proponent who just passed from COVID and sent out several Facebook posts before passing urging all of his friends and family to please get the shots. States who have the most new cases since June consist of Florida, Texas, Georgia, Illinois, and North Carolina. But people who are not wanting to get the vaccine, which I respect can’t have it both ways. If you don’t want the vaccine you need to wear a mask.
  22. Great post Bobdobbs! I’ve been reading this thread for the last year plus. Couldn’t agree with you more.
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