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Ian Smith

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Everything posted by Ian Smith

  1. Much like Forrest Gump, I will be here waiting Steve 😉
  2. Just gave this a listen Steve, HOLY F!!!!!! I then compared it to the EVSD remaster, yours embarrassed that one! That used to be my go-to now it is dead and lifeless. Then I compared it to your first remaster and I do not know what you did differently but this one is way more alive and the instruments perfectly separated and clear. I am a big fan of everything you have done, as you know, but this is truly a 10/10. Hey Steve, thanks my friend.
  3. Don't know but you are needing a bridge reglue 😜 Nice guitar!
  4. Wasn't the guy in Kyuss? Love that band. Nice stuff Thanks
  5. That said one of my bucket list things is to see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Probably a lot of cool stuff there.
  6. Do you consider the "Rock & Roll Hall of Fame" a legitimate thing? Honestly asking (no smart ass). For me it means nothing and never did. MY rock and roll hall of fame is the only one I give a shit about. What is your take on it?
  7. Ya made me smile. I needed that this morning
  8. Damn I am a huge fan of what you guys do. Nice mix of Zep and your take on it all. Wonderful.
  9. Very well said my friend. I appreciate the exchanges. I will go and listen to it now with your comments in mind. Oh and I will put it on loud............
  10. But I gotta ask, that sound, do you as someone who clearly knows their stuff like it? Personally I wish I could unhear it.
  11. I am loving this discussion. Thanks to everyone.
  12. Damn, great info, many thanks. Still can not understand why anyone would add that to a recording but I love knowing what it is. Much appreciated woz.
  13. In the right channel exactly. I too wonder why that was left in. Especially since it is off beat. Kinda cool I guess. Part of Zep's mystique. Thanks
  14. Starts at the very beginning. Under Page's riff.
  15. Had the album cranked last night with great headphones and Whole Lotta Love came on and maybe for the first time in 40 years I noticed the noise in the background over the main riff. Is it a cymbal? Some sort of bleed? It is off beat and I can not unhear it. I checked my book Zeppelin; All The Songs and no mention of it. Any expert here know anything about what that is? As always, thanks.
  16. I remember the day as if it was yesterday. CFOX radio in Vancouver announced the premiere of Plant's first single at a certain time the next afternoon. There were maybe 5 of us gathered around a boombox (oh the good ol days) on the sand of 3rd Beach and when the song came on we LOVED it! Great memory. Still love that tune.
  17. Come on those P&P tours were phenomenal. For that Michael Lee was perfect.
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