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Everything posted by JMH

  1. Don't know the next one but managed to get tickets to Rammstein 28.5.2023 on the Helsinki Olympic stadium. They are playing two concerts and 80 000 tickets sold out in two three hours. Hell, this could be the next one. Missed them in Tallin this summer as Pearl Jam was on in Vienna at the same time but of course Pearl Jam got cancelled. I attend gigs rarely as I have so many hobbies taking up my time.
  2. Pre ordered. Will be interesting to compare to this:
  3. OT: hear my train a comin’ could be my all time Hendrix live favourite. The Berkeley 1st show version being the best (found on Blues and on good quality bootlegs) edit: pre ordered the LA 69 show. Let us see what they’ve done with that as I’ve had the show for 20 years or so. In general Hendrix family ”bootleg releases” have been quite truthful to the source. Oakland is a great example, ace!
  4. Do you guys know Kingston Wall? https://youtu.be/gYMtk3lalzY btw. how does one insert a youtube video here?
  5. Comes a little late BUT the Hendrix family release did a disservice to the 10/11 2nd show by taking the slightly out of tune organ down in the mix. Bloody amazing the whole gig as is the afternoon show Are You Experienced jam with the flute. No one then and after (in rock) could step up and do an impromptu jam like that and deliver the goods. Been more than 10 years since I gave the bootlegs a proper listen. Funny how I still started to remember the licks etc.
  6. Trampled Underfoot and soon I’ll hit Moby Dick. I tend not to skip that. I quite like this Millard recording.
  7. I'm gonna dig out this old Whoopy Cat Hendrix Winterland bootleg. I was listening to the Hendrix estate release yesterday. Now off to 1st night evening gig where Cassady appears on bass for two numbers
  8. That Wendy one is pretty damn good but you are right. An Audio only RAH would be ace... unless it would turn out as they always do when Page gets his fingers on them, haha!
  9. 19.9. 1970 evening show
  10. She has earned her place on the cover. Anyway, off to Maryland 25th 1977.
  11. It is the JPJ playing that starts at roughly the 41 minute mark, which is the tone setter here. The notes he hits at 42.57 have the perfect timing and tone. One of those things that hit you in the gut you here them the first time. Definitely the most coherent 73 version I have heard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4Ig_8En93A Edit: just listened to the one from 27.3. 1975 for the second time. It does get points for effort 😁
  12. NQ from 24th May EC as I was posting. Was just checking I still have the same opinion. I do.
  13. One day I will have this on and get somewhat hammered while watching. Amazing job based on short glimpses I've taken.
  14. Holy thread revival, Batman! I think they got it right 1975 with the right amount of "self-indulgent soloing" and setting the mood. By the end of 73 US tour they were getting the hang of setting the proper tone and mood around the piece and the key to that was JPJ-Bonham and JPJ Page interplay. Finding the ideas, tones, moods and timings. However, in 75 they really could deliver the right mood with the piece when they extended it. Now, as for 75 I was long dependent on the EC 25th version and after that started to hear the US tour versions. However, when I heard EC 24th I thought this is it. What makes it for me in NQ is when JPJ starts his piano part, how he builds it up and a mini climax is reached when Bonham joins and they start to build that one up. On that 24th nigh JPJ's simple yet effective patterns make it very appealing for me. Yes, there are more jazzy and groovy, faster or slower jam sessions but this is the one, the part before Page joins in. It hooks me. Then Page joins but gently. Whatever happens after can only ruin it but he did not. He follows JPJ's and Bonham's ideas and continues to build up the tone and mood without any major bursts. Talking about them, the 21st June 77 version has really something in it with Bonham beating the shit out of the skins but when I consider to the whole piece that is when they are reeling me back in after "losing"me in the boogie section, which is a tad silly. It ain't bad but it feels a little disjointed. Joints... that ist the thing with Zep live versions. They had a skeleton of a piece that they would work out every night. All parts had something in them and most nights they would be close to the mark with them and hit bull's eye with one or two parts. Like Dazed. So many parts, timings, ideas and riffs. Is there a version where they hit all of them. I doubt and I think we do not need one either. Studio is for that. Part of the attraction is to hear when they pick up on things on the spot. Anyway, 24th EC flows the best for me and it makes it the most appealing version for me. If it is the best, I cannot say. Do I make sense?
  15. It's been a long time... ba dum tss
  16. A great find! Irvine, as in the Irvine the hole next to say aye to Killie pie? Must have been a rough place 69, haha! Edit: sorry, Irvine US, of course.
  17. Yeah, the other three Nite Owl ones, Fillmore West, Texas & Vienna are great too.
  18. Well, hello! 😁 Sorry about the nick and avatar but it is the same one I have used on all forums, all motorcyle related though. I have around 40 Zep boots on CD and of course have listened to more on the youtube channels. As for Hendrix I have close to 40 shows from him too. Been listening to both bands/ artists since mid 90s. Gotta point out here I am no musician! First of all it is difficult to separate the comparison between Hendrix and Page and The Experience and Zep. Where one ends the other starts but a poll like this can be fun as it can help one to write down his opinions and observations about the two and bring them into discussion. All we need is some background noise and a pint, don't you agree? The band... it can be said that Page had a much better band around him than Jimi and that helped him resonate with them in the right way. Page was also able to reach his top as a player, composer, and producer whereas Jimi's career was cut short. I think Jimi was just learning the studio work proper and was going into an interesting direction in early 70s but we never got to see it really. He was appalingly managed as well unlike Page/ Zep. I like "The Experience Mk II" the best on Jimi's side. Redding was not that good on the bass but Mitch was OK behind the drums and coud follow Jimi's leads well. Cox was an improvement. Yet, if I was asked which one I would like to SEE play the answer would be Jimi. I mean his playing is so effortless compared to anyone I have seen and, in the scope of this comparison, compared to Page. Jimi leaned back, closed his eyes and the combined lead/ rhythm guitar combination just flowed from his spine to his fingertips. Just recently watched RAH from Jimi and have seen both EC 75 shows from Zep within a year. I guess what I am trying to figure out here is that I guess I think Zep really is the Hammer of The Gods vs. virtuous Jimi and his Experience but Page on his own just wouldn’t do it, most likely. I can say this even with having a strong Zep phase ongoing as I have been pulled back into listening to boots, haha. As it has been said here Page had more discipline and preparation going into his shows but what Jimi got was vastly more practice hours. The guy never left his guitar and it really showed. His palette was huge. He could turn up on a stage and figure out there and then what to play. Of course, it did not work that well all the time. The brutal honesty in his improvisational work is what appeals to me. Zep impro had to be better practiced as it usually was an interplay with at least two band members but usually all four. That really made a good show (and a long one) as they could deliver almost 10/10. Someone here had listened to Machine Gun from Band of Gypsys and it hadn’t worked for him. Well as a Zep fan he/ she has got to be a blues fan too. My all time favourite Hendrix live outtake is from the first Berkeley show 1970. Hear My Train A Comin’. Max out the volume and let the notes flow... a lot of things are happening there. Can be found on the album Blues in Spotify too. It is the last track. Anyway, where was I… Oh yes, Jimi. P.S. What if Jimi had not died and Page had produced and album for him? Now, there's a thought!
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