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Everything posted by JMH

  1. I have a lead now. Five bucks and I’ll PM you.
  2. I have been into 71-73 and 77 lately. Now went back to these 75 boards starting with Vancouver II. Listening will need some adjustement in my ears. Next maybe best to pick Long Beach II or Vancouver I, haha. Keep up the good work as long as there is something to nitpick and you have the motivation.
  3. Time jump to Pontiac 77. Sounds very different 😃
  4. A new release on 10th of November
  5. Any idea what sort of TO the shop was doing?
  6. Yes, just to compare it to Flying Rock Carnival.
  7. It’s grim in a way. Soon to face one of biggest tragedies man can face.
  8. Bonham’s stance before he starts to hit the tambourine made me smile a bit. Jimmy looks somewhat healthy! Once again, treasures unfolded.
  9. Boots & Co have some knitting to do! (i.e. we NEED 😂 the best possible merge once all is transferred) Awesome find.
  10. You’ve got three nights and three cameras and cannot get it in the jar properly. FFS! Strider’s first point tells all. Somehow people like this accumulated to the industry in the 70s. A lot of missed opportunities like Jimi’s concerts in Berkeley 1970.
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