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Everything posted by aen27

  1. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I remember seeing that top picture on ebay. I am so jealous of that girl....but never mind.... A bit from me...............
  2. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    The first is from the back of Tangents within Framework and the second is from some Japanese clippings I got from ebay about the party for the Pretty Things Silk Torpedo in the 'caves.'
  3. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I just finished watching No Quarter this morning and have been dreaming about Pagey all day at work!!
  4. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    More....He makes me crazy in this first one..it's on my wall.
  5. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Yeah! I can really post again. Here are some from me! Love everyone's pictures...
  6. I had done these in the fall...
  7. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    You just about killed me!! Those are beautiful!
  8. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    All beautiful to see before I go to bed. Have a lovely holiday!
  9. Is he really doing it? I will be so happy if he does! I hope it will be filmed as well.
  10. Yes! Thank you! I have always wondered what you look like too! You are lovely too!
  11. After. He said it was a tongue and cheek version of Revenge that he said he wrote with Ray Davies from the 1977 interview that comes with the Press Reports book on CD.
  12. All of Jimmy's instrumentals are beautiful, but I think the most beautiful is Swan Song. I was in love with it from when I got Brutal Artistry and is the reason I tracked the album down. I can hear him playing it for the whole hour on one of the CDs as he tries different things out and sort of talks to himself. Though it's became Midnight Moonlight, it is so Jimmy. It even grew out of White Summer.
  13. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I love this picture too. It's also one of my favorites. He was and is most beautiful guy in the world!
  14. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I love everyone's pictures!!! Those I've seen, but especially the ones I haven't seen. I should able to post mine again end of next week or beginning of the next. I have all kinds of Pagey treats to put up. I have been using my father's laptop, as we're having problems with our computer that my pictures are in, but someone is fixing it for us next week. I plan to save them when I get to my pictures again. I wish I could post too! Your story is fun, Lucia. Jimmy has been keeping me happy with the stuff going on at work.
  15. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Annie said that's best for Jimmy viewing in her Jimmy 'squee' thing!
  16. I thought Patricia was a waitress, but you might be right.
  17. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I'd love to see what you have too. I loved the old board. I joined before it ended. Don't worry. With all of us, it will be 600 again before you know it.
  18. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    These are interesting. Where are they from?
  19. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    That goes without saying!
  20. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    I love those mugs! All those pictures are so beautiful.
  21. Thank you so much for this! I hope he does it!!!
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