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Everything posted by aen27

  1. I love Jimmy too. Welcome!

  2. Thanks for the add. I love your site.

  3. Steve already confirmed it isn't.
  4. Thanks for the add. I love Jimmy's 'butterfly coat' too.

  5. Thank you. I love it. It's so hard to put and it's so interesting to read what he allows in it. It's lovely. I like that his dry humor is in it too. It makes it even more special. Hope yours comes very soon. The wait is almost over.

  6. The only other woman in the book is Leona Lewis, but that is because they colaborated for the Olympics. But the other tow women, he did have a personal relationship with both of them outside of music. By the way, I did say that the guy in the white hat a little bit back in the Leeds pictures was Zacron.
  7. Zacron. Jimmy's artist friend who designed the 3rd album cover. He wears a hat like that.
  8. This is a picture that appears in the book. It appears in the brochure I was sent by Genesis with their letter for being late. It also was in the exhibit for the book. Someone who attended and took pictures prove this was there. Those are on facebook on her page. It is dated from during the Arms tour.
  9. I think her eyes and eyebrows look very much like Charlotte's. I'm not sure if she is, but she certainly looks more like her than Morgana. I use this as an example. I think this is from the '70's of Charlotte.
  10. Yes. Also what a coincidence that he has a new book coming out about the same time as Jimmy's own book, concidering Jimmy hated Hammer of the Gods.
  11. The book is supposed to be based on his notes, how much truth there will be in it, I don't know.
  12. Thank you. I had a feeling it was not, but he certainly does.
  13. Is there another picture of Jimmy with what he is wearing in this?
  14. All right. Thanks for clarifying which necklace that is.
  15. Yes. I loved the picture too, and this also one of my favorite outfits too, which is why I wanted to find out more. I had forgotten about the scenes being reshot around '74. That could be why his hair is longer. 'Scarab' is the real name for the "dog collar" necklace? Thank you for all of this. I too hope this outfit makes an apperance in the book.
  16. I thought this might be around 1975. His hair is too long to be 1973. But I can't quite figure out when it is or which shows he wore that jacket for after 1973. I thought someone else would possibly know more.
  17. Lid (#11) (October 2010) (USA) New York photography/ art magazine. Has 4 other covers. Will have an exclusive interview with Jimmy and a 28 page preview of the book. I ordered one. I can't wait for this almost as much as the book itself. I think this is the interview that Ross mentioned when he mentioned Dave Brolan, who interviews Jimmy for this. Genesis's site links to this magazine for the interview and preview. http://lidmagazine.net/shopus.html
  18. Hedy Lamarr Marilyn Cole (Richard's 1st? wife)
  19. Do you still have any of your paintings that you did? I would love to see one.
  20. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    Yeah. I love it too. It's being sold on ebay. It's very expensive as in over $ 100.00 . It's from SRTS premiere.
  21. Sorry to hear that people feel that way.
  22. aen27

    Hot pics of Jimmy

    You're welcome Planet Page. Forgot this one. I love his blue polka dot scarf
  23. Thanks for this too. I can tell now they are both post Zep and very much like the during the Arms tour. I love discussing Jimmy's scarves too.
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