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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. NAh, if you want one get it. You are never too old to get something like a tattoo.
  2. But you didn't know better at the time. Everyone has something like that.
  3. I doubt you did. They are probably normal people. Everyone did something mean when they were little. I used to pull people's head out of their head and I bit a lot too.
  4. See? There is not reason to judge. No one wants to be judged for their faults.
  5. I have no idea what you were about to say, but I doubt you could change my mind. I'm not the kind of person to judge you about a choice you made.
  6. I hate the hiccups. I rarely get them but when I do they last forever. The longest time I've had them is 2 days.
  7. That's okay. Everyone does. Some people just aren't brave enough to admit to it.
  8. Thanks, Celia. It's apprieceted (spelling?) that people really are watching out for other aroudn here. And: Big Dan, don't worry about it, worse things have been said to me around here.
  9. I thought for a long time you guys meant burps led. Meaning she could burp Zep songs like people can burp the alphabet. Then I read a post were she explained it.
  10. When you started talking about Hand Sanatizer Incense, i thought you were serious. I was goign to ask where to buy some.
  11. That looks fantastic. I plan on getting something similar for my first tattoo. Probably same tattoo, I just haven't decided where.
  12. Glad I'm not the only one.
  13. You won 1 out of 100 white pressings avlible to the public. Yours happens to have a blemish. I'd be happy that I just got one. And yes vinyl can warp without anything happening to it. I have some if you don't believe me.
  14. The Rolling Stones. I really just can't stand them. and Ted Nugent. I hate Ted Nugent.
  15. I started with a Squire and an old Crate too! Then I got an American Strat for my birthday. Anyway, you can look on ebay, but be really careful. I know a girl who sold a guitar on ebay, and was very happy with it and she bought one too. I've been burned on ebay, but not on a guitar. It was a glass Knewworth poster. When they said near mint, they forgot to mention that I'd have the three mint pieces taped together. You could try places like Musician's Friend, or AMerican Musicians Supply, or a local place.
  16. I guess after the first 2 you should have learned. Vinyl warps. Get over it. You should just consider yourself lucky that you even got one. I'd consider myself more lucky that I got one like that because it's worth even more now. You are starting to remind me of spats. (Nothing against you spats.) All you do is complain and you won't do anything to help yourself.
  17. No, I looked for it a few times and can't seem to find a legitament copy. Is it a bootleg?
  18. Absolutely. I love the way my vinyl sounds, with all it's pops crackle and occasional skips. One of my copies of LZ3 skips over the word try in Gallows Pole, and it's imbedded in my brain so when I sing it off my ipod or whatever, I don't sing try.
  19. I think it just means where we can all sit back, relax, and be happy. It varies from person to person.
  20. I bought another vinyl copy of Alice's Restaurant.
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