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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. then who is? And I said, all of the above for the most obvious reasons.
  2. I don't really like Bon Jovi or Sebastian Bach, but that's besides the point. I think that it's wonderful they are still married to their childhood sweethearts.
  3. Once again, Robert is to blame. Heaven forbid he get on his own boat. The hole in the Ozone is twice as big, gas is going to be higher, and it's all Robert's fault. What else can we make Robert's fault? Global warming, my allergies, the fact that my room is a mess. (Well, actually that one is on him in a very indirect way. It's covered with Zep.)
  4. Probably, it's Jimmy Page. Would I listen to it? No. I don't like Britney Spears. It's all a matter of taste. I didn't say that my opinion was the right opinion for everyone. To each their own.
  5. Allow me to think really hard about this one. VINYL. I don't ever buy cds unless I can't get it on vinyl.
  6. I don't know. I'd probably buy it since it's Jimmy Page, but I didn't think the lyrics were done all that well. My mum hates Zeppelin and even she said that Leona Lewis butchered the song and she'd rather hear Robert sing it.
  7. Wonderful pictures everyone!
  8. I love White Rabbit! I know it was a popular song, but I love turning up my stereo and blasting it. My dad makes me turn it down when pictures fall off the wall though. And how ironic! Something tells me a little bit of acid was required to write White Rabbit.
  9. Hi and welcome, I thnk you'll like it here. And you can find a thread around here that has pictures of tattoos that people have, maybe you can get some ideas.
  10. I got a Jim Morrison poetry book, and I bought my dad a limited edition vinyl pressing of Pyromania.
  11. I like that. Feed your head is a classic 60s line, very Grace Slick, but it works. You have two very classic musical elements.
  12. I really like it. I mean it's not Zeppelin, of course but I really like it. He did an amazing job with being thrown into the music world after Zep.
  13. Edited: I posted this in another thread, but it ended up here.
  14. Kiss is a marketing agent. Gene is an arrogant jerk, the other guys seem pretty cool. I just can't stand Gene.
  15. Happy Birthday Percy!! Man, I wasn't even around in the 70s, and it seems different for me to think he's 60. Ah well, age is just number.
  16. That's because around here, everything is his fault. Just kidding Robert, most of us love you here. I do, but I can't speak for everyone.
  17. I'm certainly not preoccupied on how they look. They could be all wrinkly, grey, and hunched over for all I care. If I look like Grace does when I'm that age, I'd be very happy with it. For being in her mid-60s I think she looks fantastic. I was simply stating, that not having seen pictures of them, and not being around for 40 years; I don't know how time affects people like that. And sounds like a great show though. Edited to add the word not, because if I didn't it sounded rude and had a different meaning.
  18. I just won Janis The Way She Was on ebay. I"ve hunted for it forever, and I finally got it. Only $27, the other time I almost got it, it was $48. I quit bidding on it.
  19. I got Fly Jefferson Airplane today!!!!!! I'm so excited about it. I couldn't believe what they look like now though. I knew what Grace looked like, but they all looked so different. They don't look bad, but they aged.
  20. I thought that was pretty funny, even the one about today's kids. Even though I am a kid. I do appreciete good music, vinyl, and all the other types of things. Quite frankly, I don't know how to download anything from the internet, putting a ringtone on my phone takes me hours, and I didn't know how to work an ipod for the first three weeks I had one. My mom had to do it for me. I"m okay with all of that though, I know how to run a turntable into a stereo, what vinyl sounds likes, and all that good stuff. People my age may not understand what I do, but I enjoy putting that "round black thing" on the "spiny thing" and hearing just how wonderful it sounds. And yes, those are direct quotes from one of my friends.
  21. The first one I disagreed with was Iron Butterfly, then I saw the Doors were even higher on the list. And Yngwie Malmsteen, I really like him too.
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