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Everything posted by lzfan715

  1. I have a question, if the caption thread no longer exsists, how can the fan club? And we may be on the list of people threads getting pulled, so that means my post count will plumit. You all should be on your BEST behaviour. Just kidding.
  2. ^ This may be a litte blunt. My advice: 1. Get social. Talk to people, even if it's just saying hi to someone you don't even know when you pass them. Just talk to people. 2. Music can be the most importnt thing to you without you centering your life on it. Develop new interests, even if it comes from the music. for instance what I did, I like a lot of music from the 60s, so I started to look into and learn about the 60s. Maybe you could learn about how stereos work or something, that way you have the safeness of the music, but you also have another interest. 3. If it's that important that she knows, tell her. If you don't think you can tell her, then don't.
  3. lzfan715

    Pet Peeves

    If you don;t like the thread don't enter it. It isn't hard. I don't know why some people can't grasp that concept.
  4. lzfan715

    Robert's Hair

    I have hair like that, not nearly as curly as yours but still really curly. I used to straighten it, but I quit because my curly hair is so much more me. It makes me stick out in a crowd and I like that.
  5. lzfan715

    Robert's Hair

    His hair is so pretty.
  6. Even if the Beatles were all bubble gum, I wouldn't care because I like the Beatles bubble gum music.
  7. You knows spats? That's really Robert in disguise. Actually, to I don't think they do. However Jonesy runs his own board on johnpauljones.com.
  8. I looked and I can't find it! I suck at finding videos on youtube. Can someone please find it, I'd like to see it.
  9. Okay- so it's all good. I have to go now though so
  10. I'm very pleased to say I've never been wasted. In any way shape and or form.
  11. Rabia you'd better not be drinking. It's illegal for you.
  12. Take her advie, and don't worry about tomorrow. It's already there in Australia. And I'm not offended, people are my school are morons.
  13. I fixed it. I always that she was very intellegent, but people at my school say she was dumb, unintellegent and fried her brain.
  14. You can destroy your now by worrying about tomorrow. - Janis Joplin. That is the truest thing I've ever heard.
  15. You guys should read this: Quotes I hope you don't mind language, because they're Janis quotes and she liked the f word.
  16. that one is really cool too, but the one I want to find is an actual picture. It's from the 60s and it's the street sign post and you're looking up at it and behind it is just a colour blur. V, you don't have to be in a corner alone. Come into the brightness. We have cookies.
  17. It's okay Rabia, I will find the one I want. I love names, just not boring ones. I'm glad that Robert sticks to Robert because Bobby and Bob are so bland.
  18. If I got to name myself I'd have named me Ayryan. It's not that I don't like my name, but I think it's a little bit dull and normal. I am not either of those, especially the normal one.
  19. I like your name. The more different the better. I like all these names: Galadriel Tolkien Ayryan Janis Paige Except like Janis Paige is one name. (In honour obviously of Janis Joplin, and Jimmy Page.) And Ayryan from All My Love, I just spelled it different. I also like the name Jude Anthony. It's after the Beatles' song, not Jude Law. And Anthony I just like but it's also Robert's middle name.
  20. Awww what? And check that out, it has two V. I'm pyshic. Now if only my powers would tell me how to spell that right. I like that picture, but I need one from the 60s. I want to decorate my room around it my mom will let me. Anyone got ideas that will make the Haight look like a wonderful loving place?
  21. For 10000 bucks I'd write an essay on whatever you wanted me to. Does anyone have a big picture of the Haight Ashbury street signs from the 60s? I can only find a small one on wlofgang's vault.
  22. I have Jimmy, but I want a complete set. I have them in Russian dolls and Peter Grant is the tiniest one.
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