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Everything posted by manderlyh

  1. I also saw Don't Mess with the Zohan. I really, really liked Sex and Lucia, which is an independent or foreign film. Towelhead, which is a movie about an Arab-American girl who is trying to figure out, well, life, really. It was a heartbreaking but beautiful movie. We also got The Incredibles from Netflix--I liked that one. I'm usually on top of Pixar's films, but sadly, I had not seen that one yet.
  2. Tales of Beedle the Bard by JK Rowling. Bought it tonight.
  3. ^It is! (at first glance, it looks like a mary jane leaf on the tongue)
  4. I just watched The Duchess. I liked it a lot--it was sad, but intriguing. Kiera Knightley did a great job, as did Ralph Fiennes. In fact, I hated Fiennes, and I muttered a few insults under my breath, LOL. The Duchess on Netflix
  5. I joined Netflix this last week. I've watched Then She Found Me Mrs. Brown and the entire first season of 30 Rock. I have The Duchess on its way--should be here tomorrow.
  6. Snow, snow and still more snow! We got (seriously) like 7" today. Had to shovel three times, and there's still more out. Our neighbors are riding their snowmobiles up and down the street...one other guy is riding a 4-wheeler, pulling people on sleds.
  7. Dzldoc--that's GREAT news! What made me happy today? Many things--but one is just two words: liquor store.
  8. ^I'd need two airline tickets to fly home to see family if I lived in New Orleans.
  9. Are you an optometrist? I wear the kind of contacts you can sleep in. I really want Lasik. I'm blind. I'm watching the news--the Poinsettia Bowl wasn't on local chanels, so I had to wait for the news to hear the reports. Boise State Lost. More snow is on the way...big suprise. (but I'm happy about it...)
  10. It took me over an hour to shovel the 4" or so of snow we got since yesterday around 8pm this morning. It was my turn to shovel (our house--we take turns), and it was our turn to shovel (between my neighbor's and our house), so I got up at 5:30 to be sure that it was done before the neighbor did it again, (we owe them a few).
  11. Thanks, MSG, Sunchild, and Dzldoc. lzfan715---good job! Hotplant--I'm (a bit) jealous! It's snowed about 4 more inches here today! It snowed a total of about 8-9 inches yesterday!
  12. ^LOL I'd have to go BACK to school to meet your state's certification requirements, too. (each state has its own set of requirements)
  13. The snow isn't stopping here, either. It's on the news that people are stranded in airports across the Northwest. I am thanking God that everyone I want near me for Christmas (at least the ones who are planning on being here) are already here. I do worry though--both my sisters are traveling after Christmas--one to Colorado Springs, the other to Portland. I hope they don't encounter any issues. The one who is going to Colorado Springs is traveling with her 2-month old baby; the one going to Portland is traveling alone. Both are flying on a plane for the first time ever.
  14. ^I'd love to come and teach you English, but I don't know if I can move across the country! LOL I've got my empty diploma cover on display in my living room.
  15. Thanks ladies. I'm a bit proud of myself, despite being unemployed.
  16. Thanks guys. My next big hurdle is getting a job. Yes, I want to teach, which means I will be substituting for the entire semester. There were only two openings at semester--and I think really experienced teachers got the jobs because none of my friends and I got them. : ( I am going to make nice big posters with my name, phone number, email, and "substitute ID number" so I can post them in all of the schools' teachers lounges. I'm so broke I can't even pay my internet, phone or car insurance bills. (My mom is giving me car insurance money for Christmas...D'oh! Thanks mom...I can keep driving.)
  17. It snowed all day yesterday and most of the night--then around 2am, it started raining--then begun snowing again. I shoveled the 4" of new snow (since the last shoveling around 5pm yesterday) and couldn't do a good job because there was so much ICE underneath! It looks like a 6-year-old shoveled my driveway and walkway. The sidewalk looks fine, but the driveway is dismal. It's sunny and 32 degrees in the City of Trees. (some of the craptastic ice is beginning to melt--I may have to go out and shovel again...)
  18. I'm sorry Buckeye Doc. That is indeed stupid. My grandmother's birthday is today. The Winter Solstice. It snowed like 5-9" (depending on where in the area you are), and my grandma said she didn't leave the house all day!
  19. We didn't literally lose her as in death--we literally lost her, as in we couldn't find her form our graduation ceremony to that picture. (she's in good health and fine, thank God...) Thanks, Hotplant! I'm quite happy! LZ--I laughed when I saw that, though I know you feel that way.
  20. I GRADUATED TODAY! I GRADUATED TODAY! I GRADUATED TODAY!!!! Before you start looking at the pictures, read this! I was in the first row of undergraduates. I was in the 4th row of the seating on the floor. I have a white tassel. (it will help you find me) Me before we left the house...(I'm not digging my graduation pictures...) Oh, the confetti! They also blew out little cotton bits that looked like snow. Here they are! Brand-spanking new teachers! (English teachers, that is...) Amanda, me and Elizabeth. (three out of the six total English Ed degrees...and we lost a friend along the way...)
  21. Thanks guys. I GRADUATED TODAY!!!!
  22. I GRADUATE IN THE MORNING!!!!!!!!! My mom and sister came over to my house today and cleaned it from top to bottom while I prepared lasagna for 25-30 people for my graduation party tomorrow night, (Friday). Yayayayay!
  23. I just feel a lot better when I'm exercising. I totally agree with you, Jimmy's a Legend.
  24. The thing is--I can't enjoy being a fat-ass. My ass is WAY too fat! My resolution is now that I'm (on Friday) a college graduate, I will concentrate on hitting the damned gym, damnit! In the past few months, I've gained too much stress-related weight. I'm going to lose it, damnit, because I have to buy too many new clothes that look crappy on my otherwise!
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