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Everything posted by manderlyh

  1. 1. I have subbed 4 out of 5 days this week! I've been quite idle, so that's good. 2. I got 3 straight days with the same kids--that's good because they tend to listen better and work harder if they know you. 3. A teacher at the school I've been working in told me today that she told the lady I'm subbing for that she doesn't have to worry about whether her kids are in good hands because I'm a great teacher! 4. I got my teaching certificate in the mail today--after waiting since December for it. 5. My movies from Netflix came in the mail today...I'm watching them tomorrow night! I think that's all for now, LOL.
  2. It's funny---for a long time, I coudln't stand The Meaning of Life because of the Mister Creosote scene. Therefore, I wanted nothing to do with Monty Python. About two years ago, I caved and watched The Holy Grail again, and I decided I could give them another try.
  3. Mine too. Those guys kill me. Though many times, I think they're over the top, I still love it!
  4. I haven't gone to the movies in a while, but I watched And Now For Something Completely Different twice tonight.
  5. I'm saying that the minimum to run Vista is 1 GB. That's ridiculous. There is NO reason it should be that way. Mac OS doesn't require that much.
  6. Will Windows 7 eat up all of the RAM? That's what I've heard about Vista--it takes a ridiculous amount of RAM to run. My boyfriend's friend said that it takes at least 1 GB to run and 2 GBs is slow. I figured I'd be in better shape with my XP and 2 GBs for RAM.
  7. That's exciting! I think I was looking at the same computer. If it's not the same one, it's similar. I was looking at computers, but then I chickened out. Intead, I got more RAM for my computer and fixed the things that were broken on it. My laptop's about 5 years old. We have a desktop that's about 5 years old too. I wanted something newer, but I talked myself out of it.
  8. I've cleaned my house quite well. I'm working on laundry, which isn't too bad because my boyfriend's been in New Orleans for the past two weeks, (means that I only have my own laundry to do). The house looks good and the trash is out for tomorrow's pickup. Everything now works on my computer because I bought a few replacement parts to fix broken components like my DVD RW drive. My newly upgraded laptop computer is a LOT faster than it was last week--I went from 512 MB of ram to 2 GB--though it's not the MOST RAM computers have now, it's not bad for a 5-year old machine. (...and it's a lot cleaner, too. I took it apart yesterday and blew canned air in it)
  9. ^Congrats, Hotplant! I'm sure that's very exciting. Seeing my mom with my niece is proof how much grandmas love their grandkids.
  10. ROFL That's EXACTLY what I was going to do--quote her and highlight it. FWIW--Pip and I agree on that one. No going downtown is a no-go.
  11. Seriously--I wish I could have a patio like that. We have a deck, but it's a little cluttered and not too relaxing. We're hoping to find money somewhere to re-do it and make a nicer one. Firepits are awesome. I have a friend who has one in their yard--they dug a hole and put a metal barrel into the ground--and it's relaxing to sit in their yard in the summer with a beer.
  12. I got a graduation card in the mail today from my boyfriend's mother--with a generous amount of money in it. It was very nice of her to send one--it was a total surprise and totally unexpected. I've already called her to thank her.
  13. Great pictures, everyone! Happy belated birthday, Dzldoc! My bf's in NO right now--he's not there for Mardi Gras, but he's there. Spacewoman--great vacation pictures! I'm totally jealous! I'd love to visit Africa one day. Nice patio...I'm a bit jealous of the fire pit. I don't think I've ever seen a picture of you before--you're quite attractive.
  14. I vacuumed my house with a vengeance. I usually ignore the "dirty" light on my vacuum--and I usually "forget" to do the basement, but today, I vacuumed EVERY ROOM in the house, and I waited until the "dlrty" light was off before I moved around. I had about four canisters full of gunk--perhaps vacuuming like that will help with my allergies?
  15. Seriously? No one wants to hear that shit. Totally too much information. TTMI?
  16. Yes Bonnie---it looks great. Everyone--great pictures! This is really my favorite thread here!
  17. ^I went out to coffee last week with a girl I was friends with in elementary school. It was a nice get-together. Though we went to high school together, I really didn't know her then.
  18. Love the shout out, #48!

    Love #49!


  19. ^I like swimming a lot. It's nice because you never really sweat--that you know of.
  20. ^awesome! I hate running, no matter how in shape I am, I just can't do it. I hate it. That said, I lost 4.2 lbs on my first week of my boot camp.
  21. The local news, and I'm becoming depressed. There is absolutely nothing good on TV. Oh yeah: stupid BCS.
  22. My Netflix status update: Disc 1 Season 2 of the Tudors has been shipped today, I don't have cable, so I've been waiting for a while. Yay!
  23. I was pretty leisurely today. I ended up cleaning the house up, yesterday I got all of the Christmas decorations down. My kitchen's clean, and the laundry's almost done. I exercised for a (grueling) half hour today. After about ten minutes, my feet were bugging me because I need new running shoes, but I stuck with it.
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