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Everything posted by SteveAJones

  1. Hands down. I was literally asked at check in tonight if I wanted housekeeping during my stay. I looked at the Receptionist like they had two heads.
  2. The younger generation is only here to find free ringtones. They don't know Peter Grant from Peter Pan.
  3. Were you wearing clothes that make you feel pretty when you posted that?
  4. The point I made was there are few if any significant unresolved Zep-related "mysteries" remaining that could possibly be solved without band member's input. In other words, the reason I seldom post to the Zeppelin Mysteries Thread anymore is there is little point in doing so knowing it would likely take a band member's input to solve the discussion topic. The band members do not contribute to or participate in this forum in any meaningful way and seldom shed new light on anything elsewhere. Of course it would be great if they did, but they don't.
  5. Yep. It's a privately owned tourist trap with all the gravitas of a styrofoam Big Mac container.
  6. If you have unresolved Zep-related topics that could be resolved without band member input I cordially invite you and others to post them to that thread for further discussion. As I recall the last one we did try to resolve was identifying the actress in the Japanese 'Communication Breakdown' promotional video to no avail.
  7. I'd like to post to the Zeppelin Mysteries Thread but it seems some 50 years after the release of the debut album there's very little left unsaid or unsolved. Much of what is not known is only known by the band members themselves, and they aren't telling, or others who are long since deceased.
  8. Phenomenal songwriting which for listeners was almost conversational.
  9. Groat was a Dick. I'm not speaking ill of him, that was his name.
  10. Government benefits from this design. Ignorant, unarmed citizens are powerless citizens.
  11. Hey, at least he google it, I'll grant him that. I've said before I'm convinced that farm hands and long haul truckers from 75 years ago had more practical knowledge than the average college graduate in 2023. They knew a lot about a little, or at least something. This Gen Z though, they don't know anything about anything. It's frightening to realize this is all by design too.
  12. The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias whereby people with low ability, expertise, or experience regarding a certain type of task or area of knowledge tend to overestimate their ability or knowledge. These Gen Zs have it in spades.
  13. It had all the characteristics of a bot attack. Annoying, but at least the board content is undamaged.
  14. I'm sure an audience recording must exist but I don't have it to offer. The majority public opinion is he pretty much blew his voice out by mid-1973. He remained great afterward, but his voice was never quite the same.
  15. Well, just to be clear don't conflate his selling his rights to receive royalties from sales of Led Zeppelin's back catalog with his change of bandmates and management. They were two separate and distinct events, with the change of bandmates and management occuring afterward. Just between us girls, there was a time in my life when my ability to recall events and capacity to aggregate information and retain it was rather remarkable if I do say so myself. That was a very long time ago and I have become convinced I'm entering the back nine of mental acuity. I am exceedingly hesitant to post anything from memory anymore. Oh sure, I usually will get the gist of it right but the finer details escape me. Fortunately, I always journaled a lot, took copious amounts of notes and my unpublished memoir was drafted long ago. The upside of getting old is one reaches a point in life where one has little left to say, if only because it's all been said before and there's a search function.🙂
  16. Program it to have Arnold do Eddie Murphy's Honeymooner's monologue.
  17. I can't fucking stand the twerp. He hasn't worked an honest day in his life and he's arguably the most inconsequential cabinet member in the history of this country.
  18. I still laugh until my sides ache over Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg debating each other. It was like watching the two biggest dorks in high school argue over which one was a nerd. What a couple of insufferable lightweights. Wht
  19. ^^^ That is amazing! Imagine what AI will be capable of producing 10 years from now. It's already to the point I won't call people I don't know because of this mimicking capability.
  20. It's been discussed here in the past with more lucidity, but the search function may or may not reveal the precise threads. Perhaps search key words "royalties" or "back catalog".
  21. Homes From ‘WandaVision,’ ‘Partridge Family,’ ‘Bewitched,’ on Warner Bros. Ranch to Be Razed (thewrap.com)
  22. Tucker Carlson will remain a prominent national media figure for years to come. If anything, his release from Fox News allows him to reach his full potential as a commentator.
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