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Everything posted by SteveAJones

  1. I hear Cyndi Lauper's next release is titled 'Girls Just Want to Have Schlongs".
  2. There's a lot to unpack there. Too much in fact and simply not worth the effort. I will say this much, you won't meet anyone more America First (nationalist) than I am. Additionally, the country had the third lowest rate of GDP growth under Obama than any other President in history. Obama was the kiss of death to the free market and he was the last straw for me. So I cashed out and left, not because I hate my country, but because I hate the socialist direction it's headed and its demographic projections. I did everything I could to get Donald J. Trump elected, not because I was personally enamored with him in the slightest, but because I wanted to kill the Clinton and Bush dynasties. If nothing else, we accomplished that much. Unfortunately, the globalists conspired to oust him and usher in what is essentially Obama's third term. Frankly, I'll never return unless there is a full-fledged succession which I don't doubt I will see in my lifetime.
  3. If you say so. If anything, Justice Roberts has turned out to be a turn coat son of a bitch and I don't mean that in the context of partisanship, I mean that in the context of upholding the Constitution of the United States.
  4. You have no need for evidence with regard to January 6th, so really, you do? Well, here it is. The election was stolen in plain sight. Media suppression of the news is primarily how they stole it and will continue to steal elections in the future.
  5. Neither you nor the prosecution has presented any evidence to support he is guilty of any crime on the day in question. He was their wet dream photo op which is why they literally escorted him into the innermost chambers of the Capitol Building. He is the textbook definition of entrapment.
  6. He declined to join Jeff on at least three occasions in Tokyo, despite Jeff asking him directly. It will not happen now that Jeff is no longer here.
  7. Case closed! Nice work, sam_webmaster.
  8. Does the prosecution rest? My rebuttal is thus, by your own testimony he is mentally retarded and should probably be in a home for mentally unstable people. As such, his actions inside the State Capitol Building on the day in question are completely and incontrovertibly exculpatory. This is especially true given the sole reason why he was there at all is because he was escorted in and accompanied by the Capitol Police.
  9. He definitely needs a better lawyer, and I pointed out from day one they were escorted in.
  10. Reimagining Led Zeppelin IV. Yes, that's me in the picture. Deal with it.
  11. Not necessarily, but it is true that Union forces tried to take better care of their Union dead, by identifying the bodies if possible, labeling their unit or state if known. Whereas Confederates often would not know individual names nor unit names or states, since so many Confederates wore homemade, homespun “butternut” uniforms without insignia as the war wore on. Usually long trenches were dug, remains laid in them and then covered over, with a slab of wood as a label- something like “52 confederate dead”. The slab of wood rotted, falling apart quickly. The memories of the survivors helped fill in the information gaps in subsequent years. At Shiloh, the victorious Union troops buried Confederate dead in huge mass graves. If there were battle dead between opposing lines, they declared “burial truces” all the time. Historical records repeatedly recite that not only would the soldiers clean up the battlefield but, also, touching accounts of Confederate fathers, sons, and brothers reuniting with Union fathers, sons, and brothers. Burial of battle dead was inhibited by forest fires at the May 1864, Battle of the Wilderness. The fires were still burning when everybody had to relocate to Spotsylvania. Skeletons in tattered and burned uniforms littered those woods for years afterward. However, very rarely, usually a Union politician given a generalship, would unthinkingly leave dead bodies on the field causing outrage among his men. Union general John “The Pathfinder” Fremont left his own dead lying in buckwheat fields in the Shenandoah Valley in 1862 - completely vilifying himself among his own men. The burial truces were thoroughly exploited for trading purposes too: usually precious Union coffee swapped for precious Rebel tobacco. Letters to friends and relatives were often swapped also.
  12. In Japanese this film is titled 'Matango'. It stars Kumi Mizuno, who even in her 80s puts a rise in my Levis.
  13. Interesting. Rockline aired "live" but as I recall there was an industry standard seven second delay. Regardless, if you made it past the call screener and Robert replied it would have aired. Bear in mind he did appear on the show in 1983 and 1985, so perhaps you called in during his 1985 appearance. Watch them go 'Cause one by one they rise to fall Hearts in tow, It's just a game - she's only having fun She laughs and turns away surprised She mocks it's all the same Tonight's the loss tomorrow's gain And in the end it's so Stand in line As one by one they march in time In the wings I stand and watch these foolish things go by Just preparing for the play Aloof she moves The confidante, with practiced step The merry dance she executes her role, role As the cavalcade begins to thin, Do you stop and look around Free to choose but not to win - You're just too late Your show is at an end - Now you're the victim of your game Through your fingers watch them slip Familiar rules just hit and miss For the one who never shows Songwriters: Robert Plant, Robert Blunt. Clearly the song is about an emotionally manipulative woman who loves to receive attention from a large variety of men and enjoys toying with their affections.Since she's very attractive, there's always a steady stream of guys ready to compete for her ("Stand in line, 'cause one by one they march in time") and she always does her part to encourage them. (''She executes her role")As she gets older she may notice that the quality and number of sexual/romantic partners is not what it once was. ("As the cavalcade begins to thin, do you stop and look around?")While there's still a few guys she can take to bed, there aren't any to have a meaningful relationship with. ("Free to choose but not to win...")In the end she's sad and alone. ("...now you're the victim of your game. Through your fingers watch them slip...")
  14. There is no demand for a four-disc C/P and they should realize it sooner rather than later. Remaster it, add the two or three "new" songs already circulating as bootlegs and call it done.
  15. The 1990 MTV Rockumentary (Led Zeppelin) coupled with BBC 4's "Mr. Rock n' Roll' (Peter Grant) already serve the purpose of this film.
  16. I strongly disagree with him politically, and he was a dumpster fire as President, but there's no question he's a good man who will be missed.
  17. Are they ready to be lead by a turncoat rhino? What's could her campaign slogan possibly be besides "Vote for me, I have a vagina". It doesn't matter. Any party that loses an election to John Fetterman is a dead political party in my book.
  18. To call this unqualified hack a lightweight would be to give too much credit. Ass Pirate Pete is invisible in the midst of every serious transportation crisis, and as useless as tits on a hog in the aftermath.
  19. We no longer have a federal government, we have a feral government.
  20. If it's the same message JPJ received, it's meant to be tour dates, presumably for North America, the first of which was May 4, 1973 in Atlanta.
  21. Wake me when the focus is on criminal control, no so-called gun control (or reform). If the woke prosecutor had done her job in 2019, the shooter may well have been found guilty of a felony and as such lost the right to legally own firearms. Instead, she allowed him to plea bargain the charge down to a misdemeanor. So the irony here is it doesn't matter what is done when the one thing that could have possibly prevented this was not done.
  22. The headstone seems to have been designed with the eventual addition of his widow's details in due course, as is quite common. That may be when the stone is either refurbished or replaced.
  23. The model T only came in the color black. (1914 - 1925) Woke before its time.
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