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Everything posted by Melanie_72

  1. The Message-Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five
  2. Message of Love-The Pretenders
  3. That's what's happening here in my area too! Once again by the end of the week, it is supposed to get back into the upper 50's.
  4. It would be cool of they covered some Zeppelin songs. They haven't done so in any of the seasons since the show started. Once they get into the top 12, they have a theme week and have had a "Beatles" week for about 3 seasons now. A "Led Zeppelin" themed week would be cool!!
  5. Breaking Us In Two-Joe Jackson
  6. Those are some great pics and it would be cool to see Robert on there! You don't like Sheena Easton? I think she is a great singer. Back to some points made earlier in this thread, I understand why some people are not fond of the "American Idol mold" and respect their opinions, but I think some talented singers have come off of the show. I am not ashamed to say I am an American Idol fan!
  7. Up Where We Belong-Joe Cocker and Jennifer Warnes
  8. I don't find it odd at all to like one album more than another. It is just more about personal taste. PG is my favorite, but I also love HOTH and Presence as well. I also love the rest, but hey, it is really hard to choose just one though. I am gonna have to take another listen to CODA since it has been years since I have heard the whole album. Actually "Bonzo's Montreaux" was one of the very first Zeppelin songs I ever heard.
  9. After The Love Is Gone-Earth, Wind and Fire
  10. I think Adam rocks too!! I also like Allison as well. She did an excellent job of singing "Alone". I think they will both do very well in this year's competition.
  11. I really enjoyed the version Page and Plant did on "Unledded". I am going to have to listen to some of the other live versions. It is such a beautiful song.
  12. I am a few days late, but Happy Belated B-Day Physical Graffiti!! It is my favorite Zep album.
  13. Me too Virginia! To me classic rock has never really gone away. I have always preferred "old school" or "classic" to the newer stuff anyways.
  14. LOL, great point!! I just like who I like for their talent and am not persuaded by anything the media says. Jennifer is my girl!
  15. I am just so sick of Brangelina!! The media acts as if they are the only couple to EVER adopt kids or DONATE to charity! Good for them, but give me a break! They are not the first and will not be the last to give to charity or adopt kids. They are overexposure to the hilt, IMO. I used to like Angelina and thought she was pretty cool because she was a bit different, "mysterious-like" than alot of the other actresses but Brad has never really done anything for me personally, although I like a couple of his film roles. Too bad some of these celebs love to have the media follow them around 24/7 and stay in their personal business, I think it makes them quite boring after a while. Thank goodness there are some celebs that don't get into that fake Hollywood crap!!
  16. I didn't watch the show, but saw some of the highlights. I am so happy that Heath and Kate won!! Congrats to Sean Penn and Penelope Cruz also.
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