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Everything posted by zepscoda

  1. Great pic! There' something about humming birds, almost magical, certainly surrel. I don't have a feeder set up, but plant enough annuals to draw them in. There's something special when you're in the garden hand watering and one appears out of nowhere.
  2. Fantastic!... I now subscribe to this YouTube channel. Lots of good stuff on here
  3. ^^ great pic Walter !! My next gig , another night with the Rev! At Trees in Dallas
  4. Wow... so, I heard about these guys yesterday. A band out of Austin, The Bright Light Social Hour...
  5. Elsa Lanchester. - HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! 28 October 1902 – 26 December 1986
  6. I really like Spider Baby. Hadn't discovered it until I looked back through Sid Haigs body of work. It's one over several he made with Jack Hill. More importantly for the context of this thread, Lon Chaney Jr stars in this. So if you allow yourself if to geek out as I do, Its one degree of separation from Sid to the golden age of horror. This was a freak show type of house film that pre dates The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
  7. Out of the 2 films I like House of 1000 Corpses the best. That crew worked so well together in both films. Sid Haig is greatness ! Have you guys seen Spider Baby?
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