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WDVE Pittsburgh greatest band poll

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Hello all, I'm from Pittsburgh Pa. Our largest rock radio station is conducting a greatest band poll. I am a huge Zeppelin fan just like all of you, and i would like to see them win. I did a search of the internet and noticed that fans of Rush, Skynyrd, and the Floyd have done the same. So i'm just trying to level the playing field. Here's the link.......


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Hello all, I'm from Pittsburgh Pa. Our largest rock radio station is conducting a greatest band poll. I am a huge Zeppelin fan just like all of you, and i would like to see them win. I did a search of the internet and noticed that fans of Rush, Skynyrd, and the Floyd have done the same. So i'm just trying to level the playing field. Here's the link.......


Voted!! :)

And sorry--Zeppelin vs SKYNYRD?!?!? :blink: Guess it's just my musical taste, but Zep blows their doors off..just my opinion!! Seems weird to me that Skynyrd should even be mentioned in the same breath as Zep!! :D But again, that's just me......... no offense to any Skynyrd fans intended!!!


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Pittsburgh is a quirky market. The one great thing about it is that it's a good Rock and Roll market. R&B and Hip Hop really doesn't do that well here. We do have a lot of country boys, but as you can see they are much more Skynyrd than Garth Brooks. Without internet fan interference Zeppelin was crushing it's competition. As you can see the Rush fans united and are stacking the voting. Fans of the others follwed suit, so i figure i had to wave the Led Zeppelin flag. I actually like all the remaining bands but put the mighty Zep above them all. Thanks for helping!! I have read the board for a while but never been a participant until now.

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Voted!! :)

And sorry--Zeppelin vs SKYNYRD?!?!? :blink: Guess it's just my musical taste, but Zep blows their doors off..just my opinion!! Seems weird to me that Skynyrd should even be mentioned in the same breath as Zep!! :D But again, that's just me......... no offense to any Skynyrd fans intended!!!


I love both bands but obviously Zeppelin blow the doors off any band.

I find Rush v Floyd more of a mismatch. Rush aren't even in the same Universe as Floyd, yet amazingly Rush are winning.

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I love both bands but obviously Zeppelin blow the doors off any band.

I find Rush v Floyd more of a mismatch. Rush aren't even in the same Universe as Floyd, yet amazingly Rush are winning.

Rush fans are spreading the word through the net. Rush is fairly popular in Pittsburgh however. We are only 4-5 hours from Toronto, Canada (their hometown) I would say that Floyd is the more popular band here though. Certainly in my household.

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I love both bands but obviously Zeppelin blow the doors off any band.

Any band? The Beatles are my favorite but that doesn't mean I think they're the best or superior to all other artists, they just my favorite.

I find Rush v Floyd more of a mismatch. Rush aren't even in the same Universe as Floyd, yet amazingly Rush are winning.

I'd say they both do "art-rock" (for lack of a better word) so I don't really see it as that much of a "mismatch". The most mind boggling thing is that people get so worked up over what boils down to a pissing match. Why does it even matter what artist wins? If Zeppelin is your favorite, so be it. It doesn't mean they have to win every contest of this nature by all means necessary. Music to me has never been a competition, my listening choices are driven by what mood I'm in at the time. That may mean I reach for some John Prine or it may mean I select some Sabbath. It's never a matter of who I think is the "best" at any given moment.

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Any band? The Beatles are my favorite but that doesn't mean I think they're the best or superior to all other artists, they just my favorite.

I'd say they most do "art-rock" (for lack of a better word) so I don't really see it as that much of a "mismatch". The most mind boggling thing is that people get so worked up over what boils down to a pissing match. Why does it even matter what artist wins? If Zeppelin is your favorite, so be it. It doesn't mean they have to win every contest of this nature by all means necessary. Music to me has never been a competition, my listening choices are driven by what mood I'm in at the time. That may mean I reach for some John Prine or it may mean I select some Sabbath. It's never a matter of who I think is the "best" at any given moment.


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I'm from Pittsburgh too, and we were kind of laughing about this over the weekend. I wasn't interested enough to go on DVE's website to vote, but since you so kindly posted the link I did.

It's funny how every year they do the Memorial Day 500 - the top 500 rock songs - and I swear every year that I can recall, Stairway has been #1 and Free Bird #2.

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It's funny how every year they do the Memorial Day 500 - the top 500 rock songs - and I swear every year that I can recall, Stairway has been #1 and Free Bird #2.

Yet another reason why I don't miss Classic Rock radio. Just like their playlists, those 500 best rock n' roll songs of all time countdowns are just as predictable.

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Any band? The Beatles are my favorite but that doesn't mean I think they're the best or superior to all other artists, they just my favorite.

I'd say they both do "art-rock" (for lack of a better word) so I don't really see it as that much of a "mismatch". The most mind boggling thing is that people get so worked up over what boils down to a pissing match. Why does it even matter what artist wins? If Zeppelin is your favorite, so be it. It doesn't mean they have to win every contest of this nature by all means necessary. Music to me has never been a competition, my listening choices are driven by what mood I'm in at the time. That may mean I reach for some John Prine or it may mean I select some Sabbath. It's never a matter of who I think is the "best" at any given moment.

I get where your coming from, but it's all in good fun. If you notice, i haven't bashed other bands. I love music. Everything from Soul music, to Country, to Blues, to Rock and Metal. I'm not going to be devastated if they don't win, I'm just supporting my favorite, Others did the same. I listen to this station at work in the morning when it's more comedy and talk than anything else. The Ipod comes out in the afternoon.

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Any band?

Yup. Any band.

I have been into (and I still like) a lot of bands over the years, including all the classic important bands but I say Zeppelin blow away all of them......from the Beatles to the Stones to the Who etc.

I don't think it should surprise you that on a Led Zeppelin website there are people who actually think that Led Zeppelin are numero uno hehe. :D

The Beatles are my favorite but that doesn't mean I think they're the best or superior to all other artists, they just my favorite.

That's where we differ then. I think Zeppelin ARE superior to any other band. :D That's why they are my favourite band. That's why they clicked with me so much while the others didn't quite as much. As I see it, Led Zeppelin were the greatest rock band ever. I like the Beatles too but honestly I don't think their highs quite reached the highs of Zeppelin. Purely my opinion of course but no song from the Beatles gets me like a lot of Zeppelin and I couldn't see the Beatles living with Zeppelin live on stage at their peak.....and nope, nobody will ever be able to convince me their early Hamburg days would have given Zeppelin a run for their money. With the Beatles, Stones, Who etc I've never once thought to myself "Geez, that's inhuman, how did they do that?". I've often thought that with Zeppelin.

The term 'blow away' as I use it is an expression of a band amazing, stunning and staggering me with their performances. I can put the LZ DVD on and this still happens to me. I don't get that when I put, say, The Kids Are Alright on, or (as much as I love them) Skynyrd's Freebird The Movie etc etc.

I'd say they both do "art-rock" (for lack of a better word) so I don't really see it as that much of a "mismatch".

Where I live (England) Rush barely make the radar. When you say the name Rush to most people here, they will think of an ex Liverpool soccer player LOL. I'm talking about importance, influence, legacy etc etc as a band (not Neil Peart's expertise on the drums). Rush going up against the legendary Pink Floyd? That sounds like a mismatch to me. Dark Side of The Moon? The Wall? Wish You Were Here etc. What Rush albums can compare with those?? Rush aren''t the kind of band that people talk about in hush toned reverence (here at least). I really don't think they had much of an impact outside North America. I could be wrong about that but this is my perspective.

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I'm not questioning your fandom, I just don't think of any artist as being "superior" to another, mainly since I've never thought of music as some kind of competition. I've also never understood the belief that just because someone belongs to a board devoted to a particular artist that it's a given that that artist is their favorite. Yeah, I'm a Zeppelin fan but they're not my favorite. I also belong to a number of other boards/e-mail lists devoted to other artists but none of them are my favorite either. I'm just a music fan in general.

As for Rush vs. Pink Floyd I still don't think of that as some sort of "mismatch". Again, it's the needless act of pitting one artist against another regardless of what they may have in common stylistically. In regards to their influence, they've been highly influential. Perhaps not on the same level as some other artists but that wasn't my point. I believe the approach and scope of their music is in line with that of Pink Floyd and similar artists. As far as Rush's popularity, they are known on an international level, not just in North America. A number of their concert films have been shot in other countries including Germany and Brazil. Again, none of that even has anything to do with my original point which is that Floyd and Rush come from a similar place in regards to their approach to music.

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Without internet fan interference Zeppelin was crushing it's competition. As you can see the Rush fans united and are stacking the voting. Fans of the others follwed suit, so i figure i had to wave the Led Zeppelin flag. I actually like all the remaining bands but put the mighty Zep above them all. Thanks for helping!! I have read the board for a while but never been a participant until now.

Setting aside artistic merits,Rush aint anywhere nearly as popular as Zep in any market including Toronto.

I also realize that popularity is a crock cos the number of albums a band sells has more to do with how long they band was active and type of music played. Zeppelin could have sold many more had they not disbanded in 1980 but the music to them was more important than besting other artists in sales

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These polls are inspid. It doesn't matter if a poll places Zep (or anyone else) at the top. What matters is if YOU think Zep are the greatest. I could give a shit if polls, music mags, critics and various other self-appointed experts think that Hendrix, Clapton, Beck, SRV, Cobain (lol) are all better guitatrists than Jimmy Page. All I know is that I listen to WAY more Zep than anyone else, probably combined. I wouldn't spend a thin dime (well, maybe a dime) on a Beck bootleg yet I've parted with lots of $$ to further enjoy the live Zep experience and will continue to.

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I'm not questioning your fandom, I just don't think of any artist as being "superior" to another, mainly since I've never thought of music as some kind of competition.

That's fair enough although I see it differently. For example I see Elvis Presley as superior to Robbie Williams and I see Frank Sinatra as superior to Harry Connick Junior. :D

If anybody said to me they don't see Led Zeppelin as being superior to The Darkness I think I would have to go and phone the local mental hospital. B):)

I've also never understood the belief that just because someone belongs to a board devoted to a particular artist that it's a given that that artist is their favorite.

No no, not a given, you're right. It shouldn't be a given.......but it shouldn't come as a surprise that on a forum devoted to Led Zeppelin there is somebody who believes Zeppelin blow away all other bands. That's what I truly think after listening to music for over 30 years and that's why they are easily my favourite band. I can't help it. I don't get the same awe when listening to/watching any other bands although there are many many other bands who I appreciate and like very much. I'm into anything from Abba to The Sex Pistols.

Yeah, I'm a Zeppelin fan but they're not my favorite. I also belong to a number of other boards/e-mail lists devoted to other artists but none of them are my favorite either. I'm just a music fan in general.

Hehe, I don't think I would have time to be a member on any other music boards. That's why I pick just one and stick to it. Even then I don't spend too much time here.

As for Rush vs. Pink Floyd I still don't think of that as some sort of "mismatch". Again, it's the needless act of pitting one artist against another regardless of what they may have in common stylistically.

I can see where you are coming from there. Whoever started this poll is the one who should be questioned.

In regards to their influence, they've been highly influential. Perhaps not on the same level as some other artists but that wasn't my point.

That's why I saw it as a mismatch.

As far as Rush's popularity, they are known on an international level, not just in North America. A number of their concert films have been shot in other countries including Germany and Brazil.

Well I didn't mean to suggest that Rush are unknown elsewhere outside North America (many many bands are known around the world and have played concerts in other countries....even relatively obscure bands) but, as I said, I would be surprised if Rush had much of an impact, or maybe I should re-word it to a notable or significant impact, outside North America. They certainly aren't on the same level as Pink Floyd here.

Again, none of that even has anything to do with my original point which is that Floyd and Rush come from a similar place in regards to their approach to music.

Again, fair enough. But then I guess you could also say that about a lot of other bands where I would still consider it a mismatch to pitch one up against the other in a (silly?) poll like this.

Pink Floyd are one of the truly great bands of all time in my view and are worldwide legends. I just don't see Rush as that....hence the mismatch.

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I get where you're coming from on the superiority angle but I still don't look at music as some sort of competition.

With all due respect I believe you severely underestimate the influence Rush have had on an international level. As meaningless as polls like this are I still don't see it as a mismatch to put Rush up against Pink Floyd, I'm basing that not on one's influence vs. the other's but on the type of music they play. Whoever wins it still won't mean anything.

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I get where you're coming from on the superiority angle but I still don't look at music as some sort of competition.

With all due respect I believe you severely underestimate the influence Rush have had on an international level.

I was just watching Live in Rio and what a tight trio,amazing the sound they produce with just 3 instrumentalist

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I get where you're coming from on the superiority angle but I still don't look at music as some sort of competition.

No, not a competition (which is why polls like this aren't my thing and it's not something I would come up with) but I definitely have thoughts on what I consider superior. Not just music, but other things like film. I consider Jaws to be vastly superior to Jaws The Revenge hehe. I can't help it. That's more of an observation rather than competition.

With all due respect I believe you severely underestimate the influence Rush have had on an international level.

As I said, I'm only going from my own perspective. I have never personally known anybody who has ever been into them and I would say that if I asked the next 20 or 30 people I see to name a Rush song, I'm pretty sure not one of them would be able to give me an answer. In England, at least, Rush aren't a household name at all.

As meaningless as polls like this are I still don't see it as a mismatch to put Rush up against Pink Floyd, I'm basing that not on one's influence vs. the other's but on the type of music they play.

Oh yeah, I get that you base it on the type of music. But if somebody was to have a Led Zep v Van Halen or Arerosmith poll I would still call that a mismatch, even though I guess some people (not me) might try and say the 'type' of music is similar. All have been called hard rock bands.

Whoever wins it still won't mean anything.

Too true, that. :)

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WHo's winning the poll?? For some reason I can't see it when i go to the link. Did this end already, or are they still voting?



Beats me. I can't figure it out either. Not that I really care. I was just trying to answer your question. :D

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Not sure if it was sold out or not but the bonus disc of Rush's triple live album Different Stages is a show from the Hammersmith Oden in 1979. Yes, that's been 30 years ago now but they still play shows around the world (including the UK) so my guess is, they're far more well known in England than you're aware of.

In regards to pitting one artist against another, I still don't see Pink Floyd vs. Rush as any sort of "mismatch". Of course anyone that's a fan of Floyd is going to be pulling for them, no matter their popularity or what they have in common with Rush from a musical standpoint. When it comes to such polls I guess I go more by what the artists share musically than their overall popularity.

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Not sure if it was sold out or not but the bonus disc of Rush's triple live album Different Stages is a show from the Hammersmith Oden in 1979. Yes, that's been 30 years ago now but they still play shows around the world (including the UK)

Even small obscure bands play shows all around the world so that doesn't mean anything. I'm pretty sure there are English bands playing concerts in America right now who most people there wouldn't have heard of.

so my guess is, they're far more well known in England than you're aware of.

You would guess wrong. I live here. :D

Here, Rush aren't thought of as a real major band at all. Not even amongst rock fans and I'd say most people (even music fans) couldn't name a song of theirs.

As an experiment I asked 11 people (friends and family) about Rush yesterday while at a birthday party. 10 had never even heard of them while the only exception still couldn't name a song of theirs. In England they are WAY down the line compared to other rock bands. I grew up amongst many rock fans. Between us we were into almost every band you can think of. Rush weren't one of them. Ever.

And just to clear this up, I never said Rush are completely unknown here or that nobody likes them. I just questioned that they had 'much' impact here or as much as you seem to think and I pointed out that in England they aren't one of those bands people talk about in hushed toned reverence......like Pink Floyd.

Again, Rush v Pink Floyd is a mismatch in my opinion (you see it differently).....just like Led Zeppelin v Van Halen would be a mismatch in my opinion.

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