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Lucy In The Sky


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Very nice article ms_zeppelin 94. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds is one of my daughter's favorite Beatles songs. I always loved that Julian gave the inspiration to his dad to write it, :) Very sad that Lucy has lupus. One of the worst diseases anyone can suffer. Speaking of Julian, i wish he'd write a new album. I saw him on his first tour B)

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Julian drew a picture for his dad of a girl named Lucy. It had diamonds for the eyes. It was sub-titled Lucy in the sky with diamonds.

It was at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland at one time. I remember seeing it there, but it was not there on exhibit last November. It was extremely interesting to see it. There were other letters there that John and Julian wrote to each other. The entire John Lennon exhibit was amazing.

There seems to be some controversy as to the location of the picture that Julian made of Lucy. I distinctly remember seeing it at the RRHOF. They say that the location of the picture is unknown. Maybe that is why it was gone when I visited in November, because the RRHOF obtained it by nefarious means and they don't want anyone to know that they have it?

Or maybe my memory is deceiving me? I will ask my son if he remembers seeing it, as he was with me. It was the summer of 2007 when we saw it.

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