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Encouraging Rabia.

I just flipped off my homework. I'm that pissed at it. My teacher said we wouldn't need our textbook for it, and how the hell am I supposed to know everything under the Intolerable Acts? I just put that is included the Writs of Assisstance…oh shit it doesn't even include that…that's the Townshend Acts.

Heaven help me.

I also put that John Adams chose George Washington for commander of the army because he was from Virginia. I know that's not the answer…I just don't know what the answer is. It's a completion grade, but I still want to do as well as I can. But I just don't know! Fucking book.

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Ya know, right before the Revolutionary War…

Basically, they were a result of the Boston Tea Party really aggravating Britain. They included the Writs of Assistance (under that, British soldiers could search literally any place), they cut down town meetings in teh colonies to once a year, it closed the port of Boston, and strengthened some other acts.

Or did you mean what are brain farts? :lol:

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Hahaha, yeah. I hate when that happens when I'm doing my geometry homework! :o

It didn't happen tonight, thank goodness. Besides, I'm studying for that final at this point, so it's not that bad. It's not like I have to learn something new.

I'm hanging by a thread to my "A" in geometry! I have never gotten a "B," so I really wanna keep my grade up, but my teacher sucks so it's kind of hard.

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I'm only taking two finals. English and French.

I have French, geometry, and science.

At my old school, if I were still going, I would have Civics, English, Geometry, Science, and Latin, just like last year. I miss my Latin class so much. And even the people in it. They were so fun… man, Ted, David, and Natty all in the same class was hysterical.

Nevermind, you don't know them…

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Well, I don't get why they call it "English" cos we're not learning how to speak the language…we're learning, WAIT A MINUTE WE ARE LEARNING TO SPEAK IT. That's just stupid then. Why the hell do we have to learn all the crap we learn in foreign language classes in our English class too? Huh? That's just weird. I NEVER thought about that!

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Good point. What I don't get is that it isn't really English. Igot in trouble one year for beinga smart alec and spelling colour with a u. And that's how the English spell it just ask Richard. And the English say "loo" instead of bathroom. (Or at least I thought they do.)

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:lol: Alicia, I know how the English spell…actually, I spell that way too. I use it anyway, even though I know it means I'll never get 100% on a paper. I got 99% on my last English paper cos I put "colour" "theatre" "favourite" etc on it.

And they always think I don't know how to spell when I put "realise" or something. And my partner for a project once thought I was really stupid when I put "harbour" on a project. I argued that we were supposed to be the supporting Britain in our project anyway. She didn't get it. :mellow:

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