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Yeah, I have two choices, Rich

Davidson Fellows

$50,000 US, very demanding

Holocaust Remembrance Essay

$10,000 US, not demanding


I get to go to Washington DC for free to visit the monument and the whole city. :yay:

Alicia, it's good that we're talking right now.

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Hmmm, I don't know if we do anything similar in this country. I just know that the government is paying for my course...because I am training to be a teacher and they want teachers so they are willing to pay. They are not paying all of it, but about 80% of it which is good. Very good.

And yes Alicia, you would be anti social if you were not on here. :lol:

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I'd love to visit your country, Richard. It seems gorgous.

Make it a goal in life. My country is a beautiful place if you pick the right places of course. Especially the Lake District...which is exactly what the name suggests, a district full of lakes and beautiful countryside:


Open this picture up fully...it is breathtaking!!!


Open this one too:


These sights and places are literally an hour and a halfs drive from my house. Unbelievable. Scotland and Wales are just as beautiful!!!

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Damn you, Rich :angry:


Kidding, [about the first sentence, only]

hey are the men as good looking as Robert or Jimmy or Richard?



Simple answer to your question....NO. They don't get much better than me Robert or Jimmy. Haha! :lol: Wouldn't want a sweet New Yorker to be tainted by British ruggedness. You need a man with smooth hands that knows the needs and wants of a woman....two words....


Red Eye B)

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Simple answer to your question....NO. They don't get much better than me Robert or Jimmy. Haha! :lol: Wouldn't want a sweet New Yorker to be tainted by British ruggedness. You need a man with smooth hands that knows the needs and wants of a woman....two words....


Red Eye B)

Sorry there, buddy.

But I've got Kevin

British ruggedness





RED EYE, you've really got me this time

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What do you mean by that last bit? Did I just crack you up? :lol: I am guessing Kevin is your man friend. Ah well, to each his own. hehe.

Alicia, you go and talk to your family if you need to. :thumbsup:

My Rich,

You really got me, according to my terms, means that you have made me laugh, an inarticulate joy cry, beyond comprehension. In other words, I was laughing my jeehubs off.

Kevin is my man friend, si :D

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It's complecated. But basically I wen to n a trip this weekend and pretended I got my nose pierced. It was a joke and the chaperones thought it was great. While visting my grandparents I told them about it. My grandpa freaked. I asked him what he'd do if I got a tattoo. That p.o'd him. I got lectured about tattoos and how they're a good way to get HIV. That isn't true my dad has alot and his is perfectly healthy. I want one and I'm going to get one whether they like it or not. Then they started in on my dad. It drives me nuts. My Grandma thinks I'm to mean and "sound like my dad which is ignorant." I'm sorry, but if people want to start rumors that I smoke pot then I don't even ant to waste my time on them. She thinks I should let them get to know me. Why would I even waste my time?

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It's complecated. But basically I wen to n a trip this weekend and pretended I got my nose pierced. It was a joke and the chaperones thought it was great. While visting my grandparents I told them about it. My grandpa freaked. I asked him what he'd do if I got a tattoo. That p.o'd him. I got lectured about tattoos and how they're a good way to get HIV. That isn't true my dad has alot and his is perfectly healthy. I want one and I'm going to get one whether they like it or not. Then they started in on my dad. It drives me nuts. My Grandma thinks I'm to mean and "sound like my dad which is ignorant." I'm sorry, but if people want to start rumors that I smoke pot then I don't even ant to waste my time on them. She thinks I should let them get to know me. Why would I even waste my time?

Woah, that would piss me off.

But you see the thing is, your father would approve of it. So, I know that when you're 18, you have the support of your parents. So, I mean that's the most important fleet of support one can have.

Your grandparents are important, but they certainly do not control your life. You see them once in a while, and they have to see that you're still the same person, whether you have a tattoo or not

But, it's alright I also have this type of issue. A lot of people in my family put me down because I like to wear skirts that reach my knees

to be continued on next post for emphasis

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Hello :wave:

Richard! I haven't seen you in forever! Hi!

Ah yes, Vannis...how are you? Forever seems to have flown these days. :lol: I have been around but I haven't stayed up on here for some time. Been pretty busy.

Yeah, Alicia, what can I say. It's all a matter of opinion really. Do what you wanna do, be who you wanna be, don't let people that don't understand mould you. Your grandparents do want what's best for you and are only trying to help so remember to be sympathetic with them rather than just shrug them off.

And I am glad you laughed heartily Rabia...that's the way I roll baby. B)

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Good, Alicia, go on and pursue this goal. I love Janis Joplin anyways

Some of my cousins see me do insignificant things

Here's a list

1- I socialize with the guys all by myself. You know, even if I ask for one thing

2- I said ideas about love, love not lust

3- I don't cover my head when going out in public

4- I think the human body is beautiful, and if a woman wants to wear a bikini in the beach, it's not disgusting

5- I listen to music reflecting these ideas

Some of my cousins have said to me that I should be ashamed of myself.

No, why should I be ashamed of myself? I should be ashamed that I have my own thoughts and opinions and I see the beauty within everybody, rather than wanting to censor it?

What have I to be ashamed of?

They're my cousins and they will not pilot my life. The only people who it is hard to run up against are my parents

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If you are built to wear a bikini by all means wear a bikini. There is not poin tin being ashamed. God gave you a body that works right, and you should be pround. Have you seen the janis heart? It's so tiny. The ones I want are so little and in spots where you couldn't see, so it isn't like people would stare. I think tattoos are a way to express yourself.

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Ah yes, Vannis...how are you? Forever seems to have flown these days. :lol: I have been around but I haven't stayed up on here for some time. Been pretty busy.

Well, yes, I know you've been around, I just haven't been on at the same time as you for a while.

I am alright. I am currently being overwhelmed by PM's. I went to dinner and when I got back I had four or five. :blink:

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My cousins are idiots. One of them loves rock music but refuses to listen to Led Zeppelin because his dad keeps saying they are satanic!!!! haha! :lol: My cousin said that he doesn't listen to them because he doesn't like that music. I was like so why do you listen to bands that were influenced heavily by Zeppelin. Anyway, to cut a long story short he admitted that his dad wouldn't let him. Ha! Then he tried to convince me that there is a backwards Satanic prayer in Stairway to Heaven. Classic argument. I just laughed at him.

I think he's jealous that I ROCK and he doesn't!!! :lol:

Me, my brother and my parents are the only cool people in our whole family. :hippy:

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