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World Tour


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So I know they did a reunion concert in London, but I totally think they should have a concert SOMEWHERE in the US.

My friend said the same thing and I was like no way. He was like, way. I was like we're not worthy. He was like hey, another Plant/Krauss album - gag me with a spoon. I was like, take off hoser. He was like, it would be so totally rad.

Finally, I said way. He was like, totally!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay this is a fact. Jimmy WILL be touring this year. But he will more than likely be solo. Just him and some of his new music he has been working on. Jimmy is one of those guys who says, "If I am capable of doing something, I will". So maybe I will get to see another one of my "men" this year. I am already going to see Clapton! ;)

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Here: Jimmy's Tour

If you have been reading in the News section, you would have seen that I was the first one to post that piece of information.

see my post on 16.12.2009

Yet I don't see Jimmy saying "I will tour", all he has said is "I have the intention", and like in his BBC interview, "I don't know, I don't know...but I do have plans".

It does sound promising, but it's not a fact.

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