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Helen Thomas


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If Arabs had no guns, there would be no war. If Jews had no guns, there would be no Israel. Author Unknown

Your original question was about Helen Thomas. A responsible reporter shows no bias. Period.

So reporters shouldn't have opinions? The problem is not that Helen Thomas expressed a biased opinion. It is that she expressed the "wrong" bias. American media is pathologically biased.

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Hi all,

What a bunch of sweethearts! :P

Let's get back to Helen,shall we?She is almost 90,she asked a few tough questions and pioneer for women journalists.OK.Yes, a reporter can have an opinion.Now we know.

I think the Jews were there 5,000+ years ago,....ya know,...


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Hi all,

What a bunch of sweethearts! :P

Let's get back to Helen,shall we?She is almost 90,she asked a few tough questions and pioneer for women journalists.OK.Yes, a reporter can have an opinion.Now we know.

I think the Jews were there 5,000+ years ago,....ya know,...


I don't believe that Palestine was ever the exclusive domain of Hebrew-speaking people. I certainly don't believe modern Jews have any significant connection to people who lived there 5000 years ago. If anybody has a claim to that ancestry, it's the Palestinians. They aren't "Arabs" they were conquered by Arabic-speaking people centuries ago.

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I don't believe that Palestine was ever the exclusive domain of Hebrew-speaking people. I certainly don't believe modern Jews have any significant connection to people who lived there 5000 years ago. If anybody has a claim to that ancestry, it's the Palestinians. They aren't "Arabs" they were conquered by Arabic-speaking people centuries ago.

You believe or you know,which is it?

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You believe or you know,which is it?

The historical record tells me as much. The archaeological records supports this. Furthermore, the Bible is almost useless as an historical record. It is fiction with a smattering of references to historical events the authors were aware of.

For example, the whole idea that they were the builders of the Pyramids is complete anachronistic rubbish. And the thing about a massive population getting lost for 40 years on a two week road trip - with God on their side. Get real!

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I understand the avatar.


You force me to like you despite myself.

Seriously - do you believe the Holocaust (~6 million Jews put to death) happened, or that it's a hoax?

Or that it's something in between?

And this isn't some setup, I'm genuinely curious what your opinion is.

Humor a brutha. :D

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Hi all,

What a bunch of sweethearts! :P

Let's get back to Helen,shall we?She is almost 90,she asked a few tough questions and pioneer for women journalists.OK.Yes, a reporter can have an opinion.Now we know.

I think the Jews were there 5,000+ years ago,....ya know,...



Israelis have a right (not exclusively, mind, but they are the people in question) to live on this the land. She was wrong. That is all.

Edited by Patrycja
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Israelis have a right (not exclusively, mind, but they are the people in question) to live on this the land. She was wrong. That is all.

Wellllll, let's see. There were supposedly "original Jews" living in the Levant when the Christians conquered them. They were supposedly oppressed by the Christians, so they sided with the Persians (Iranian) who gave the boot the the Christians. But the Persians were conquered by the Muslims, and so fell Palestine to the "Arabs". Enter the Zionists from Europe who want to kick out the natives....

What part did I get wrong?

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Wellllll, let's see. There were supposedly "original Jews" living in the Levant when the Christians conquered them. They were supposedly oppressed by the Christians, so they sided with the Persians (Iranian) who gave the boot the the Christians. But the Persians were conquered by the Muslims, and so fell Palestine to the "Arabs". Enter the Zionists from Europe who want to kick out the natives....

What part did I get wrong?

Well ok I'll bite this time but I know it won't really do any good seeing as how just about every conspiracy theory of yours has some 'evil scheming' Jewish involvement in it. No slant there. That's one part you're getting wrong - impartiality (even here, "supposedly" oppressed :rolleyes:). The other part is, of course, that though they've been in the minority in the region at times, they've always been there. And conveniently you gloss over their being removed from the area. And finally, you're pulling this towards a whole other area of discussion, the focus of which is whether or not Thomas ought to have said what she did. And again, the answer is no. Really, please just keep the blatant Jew-hate in your conspiracy thread (though I wish it were closed, but hey, it's a free forum). You're not really convincing anyone here of a balanced view, regardless of where they stand on the issue.

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Well ok I'll bite this time but I know it won't really do any good seeing as how just about every conspiracy theory of yours has some 'evil scheming' Jewish involvement in it. No slant there. That's one part you're getting wrong - impartiality (even here, "supposedly" oppressed :rolleyes:). The other part is, of course, that though they've been in the minority in the region at times, they've always been there. And conveniently you gloss over their being removed from the area. And finally, you're pulling this towards a whole other area of discussion, the focus of which is whether or not Thomas ought to have said what she did. And again, the answer is no. Really, please just keep the blatant Jew-hate in your conspiracy thread (though I wish it were closed, but hey, it's a free forum). You're not really convincing anyone here of a balanced view, regardless of where they stand on the issue.

Sorry, I grew up non-Judeo-Christian-Islamic. All of this killing over a religious system that I have never put stock in is simply obscene. In my view the Bible is a work of fiction. The idea the the Jews of today are the people of the Bible is fiction squared. It's mythology built on mythology. Mythology is can be a beautiful thing, but not when it becomes the driving force in international politics.

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I believe (know that) Ken McVay is a holocaust denier.

I don't get it.

A quick google says he

Again, I'm not trying to be sly, just wanna be on the same page.

For all the hell I give you in other threads, this is your thread and I respect that.

So I'm not here to trash the thread or complain, just honestly participate.

Only problem with you is you make me do all the work to find out even the general vicinity of your answer. <_<

And right about now the vicodin is kicking in so I gotta hit the sack.

I'll check back and see if you've left more direct answers or more vague references.

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Sorry, I grew up non-Judeo-Christian-Islamic. All of this killing over a religious system that I have never put stock in is simply obscene. In my view the Bible is a work of fiction. The idea the the Jews of today are the people of the Bible is fiction squared. It's mythology built on mythology. Mythology is can be a beautiful thing, but not when it becomes the driving force in international politics.

Ah,all about Helen.

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I don't get it.

A quick google says he

Again, I'm not trying to be sly, just wanna be on the same page.

For all the hell I give you in other threads, this is your thread and I respect that.

So I'm not here to trash the thread or complain, just honestly participate.

Only problem with you is you make me do all the work to find out even the general vicinity of your answer. <_<

By telling you McVay is a denier, I have saved you decades of work. It's something Greg Raven told me back in the early 90s. It took me a while to catch on.

And right about now the vicodin is kicking in so I gotta hit the sack.

FU! Just FU! Where's mine? ;)

BTW, my girl - well, looks like X-girl - is Jamaican.

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Ah,all about Helen.

It's about what she said. I already said, I'm more reserved. I simply support universal suffrage for Israel/Palestine. I'm sure the Jews would get along just fine in such an environment.

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WOW, that IS pretty odd, considering most Asians I know find the term "Oriental" somewhat offensive.

About on the same level as calling African-Americans "colored".

Not so much an intentional slur as an awkward, uninformed and fairly dated reference.

So yeah, kinda weird you'd use the term "oriental" when referring to your wife.


"American English

While a small number of reference works used in the United States describe Oriental as pejorative, antiquated but not necessarily offensive, the American Heritage Book of English Usage notes that

It is worth remembering, though, that Oriental is not an ethnic slur to be avoided in all situations. It is most objectionable in contemporary contexts and when used as a noun, as in the appointment of an Oriental to head the commission. But in certain historical contexts, or when its exotic connotations are integral to the topic, Oriental remains a useful term.[3] Random House's Guide to Sensitive Language states "Other words (e.g., Oriental, colored) are outdated or inaccurate." This Guide to Sensitive Language suggests the use of "Asian or more specific designation such as Pacific Islander, Chinese American, [or] Korean." [4] Merriam-Webster describes the term as "sometimes offensive,"[5] Encarta states when the term is used as a noun it is considered "a highly offensive term for somebody from East Asia." [6]

British English

In British English, the term Asian generally refers to people originating from the Indian Subcontinent and its surrounding countries[7]. Oriental is used to describe people of Eastern and Southeast Asian descent, most particularly Chinese and Japanese. This usage reflects historic immigration into the UK, since more than 50% of the non-European population is British Asian, whereas East and Southeast Asians comprise only 5-6% of the non-European population. Of those, the majority are of Chinese descent.[8]

Oriental is not usually considered an offensive term in Britain."

Two countries divided by a common language, eh Typo?

Another difference is that Britain is slightly (but only slightly) less eager than the US to render the everyday use of its language utterly tortuous as a result of its constant supplication to the whining minority ingrates and liberal bed-wetters who try to tell others what they should be thinking, and which words are acceptable in the expression of those thoughts and opinions.

I'll say it again: FUCK YOU :wave:

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Two countries divided by a common language, eh Typo?

Another difference is that Britain is slightly (but only slightly) less eager than the US to render the everyday use of its language utterly tortuous as a result of its constant supplication to the whining minority ingrates and liberal bed-wetters who try to tell others what they should be thinking, and which words are acceptable in the expression of those thoughts and opinions.

I'll say it again: FUCK YOU :wave:

My observations are derived from direct interaction with Asians, NOT from subscribing to the ever-changing winds of political correctness.

However, it's pretty obvious where you're coming from even if you justify it by claiming cultural amnesty.

But splitting hairs on the peripheral issue aside, I, too, will say it again –

your anti-semitic remarks were a lot more "uncalled for" than my facetiously racist remarks.

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your anti-semitic remarks were a lot more "uncalled for" than my facetiously racist remarks.

If you look at my posts again, and read them slowly, carefully & whilst not under the influence of Vicodin or whatever your current drug-du-jour happens to be, you will see that I have not actually made ANY anti-semitic remarks.

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FU! Just FU! Where's mine? ;)

Aaaahhhh, we finally reach common ground on opiates :D

Unfortunately it's not all fun 'n games, I gots a wicked abscessed molar.

Gotta find a dentist to write me a script for cephalexin, or all the painkillers in the world won't help.

Now, if they should happen to kick in a small script of vicodin or even percocets, all the better.

And if it's an especially good day, that script might be for mepergans, amirite? :P

BTW, my girl - well, looks like X-girl - is Jamaican.

Seems I remember you mentioning that before.


To be sure, I love women of all ethnicities.

But I do have a certain... aaahh, weakness... for women of color. :P

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Ha! See? You said 'Colour'! Even if you did spell it wrongly :D

Hi 'Tripmender'

I don't think you can say that he spelt it wrongly, why? because,

1. He lives in America.

2. America is the Son of England, because they speak English as a First Language.

3. Because of "2" America is acting like a spoilt teenager, and as such America is trying to break out in to the world and carve a place for itself, and just like a spoilt teenager America will try to create a New Language of its own so as to show an Individualism to the people that it comes in too contact with and its surrounding neighbours.

4. I have no objection to Americans doing this, just as i have no objection to my once teenage sons creating another form of English, derived from their surroundings and their contact with today's fashion and music, it it just as Einstein said, a matter of Relativity, and just as much a form of Evolution as anything Darwin proposed.

5. I come from the East End of London, i speak a dialect of English called Cockney, England is full of these colloquial dialects, EG Scouse, Geordie, Brummie, Mancunian, and many others, we also have Australian, New Zealand, South African, Rhodesian, Canadian and of course American, all forms in one way or another of English, and what a wonderful world it makes, i can take the piss out of the way so many different people abuse MY language, and they can all do the same to me. :)

6. England has given the World a language that anyone, from any background, any creed or any country can use and change without exception or rebuke and for the most part it allows us all as a World Community to converse and communicate with each other, and that's what makes US GREAT. And if someone tries to put a slant to how something is expressed it only makes the Whole a little bigger. America is doing nothing wrong in creating something that is unique to Her, we all do it all the time, here's too all you Doodles and Rebels. :beer:

Sorry for going off topic, I'll be back on topic in just a mo, fanks for ya time y'all. :lol:

Regards, Danny

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Sorry, I grew up non-Judeo-Christian-Islamic. All of this killing over a religious system that I have never put stock in is simply obscene. In my view the Bible is a work of fiction. The idea the the Jews of today are the people of the Bible is fiction squared. It's mythology built on mythology. Mythology is can be a beautiful thing, but not when it becomes the driving force in international politics.

Nobody said anything about religion. A cursory scan of history books/records of victors will place Jews in the area for millennia. The assumption on your part that I meant anything religious opens up your privileging your position as someone supposedly neutral because he wasn't brought up in J-C-I environment, as if anyone in that scenario would share your view or couldn't be slanted. Or as if people who did grow up in such environments cannot be reasonable. Sorry but I don't buy the neutrality given your penchant for seeing Jewish involvement in so many conspiracies.

Ah,all about Helen.

The problem with what she said was two-fold: one, it was a gross generalization (ALL Jews should get the hell out of the area - not calling for the government to stop the inhumane mistreatment of Palestinians, etc.) and in saying so exposing the blatant bias (they should go back to where they came from - Germany, Poland - even though these two nations among others told their Jewish citizens to go back where they came from ie/ the area that is now called Israel. In other words, even enemies knew where they were from -- funny isn't it?)

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