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Helen Thomas


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Hi Danny,

In 1948 Israel/Palestine had an Arab/Muslim majority, so in a democratic society one would assume that the Arabs would form a Government.

That is funny! :D

But Zionists from Europe illegally entered the country and started first a TERRORIST UPRISING against the British and then a CIVIL WAR against the Arabs, and as luck would have it (for them) they won.

You mean the ones who were fleeing the Nazi's?Or the British,who opposed the splitting of Palestine into two states,which the Arabs rejected?


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I just used the image on http://www.rense.com because I don't have my own server up these days.


It is very clear that you never had any interest in any meaningful discussion about Helen Thomas and that your sole purpose is to is to increase traffic at various anti-semetic websites and to spew out your own theories denying the holocaust and blaming the Jews for all of the world's problems. Why don't you take this discussion to one of the hate-mongering websites you apparently frequent rather than spewing it here.

While you are at it, there are a couple others on this thread I might suggest you take with you...

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It is very clear that you never had any interest in any meaningful discussion about Helen Thomas and that your sole purpose is to is to increase traffic at various anti-semetic websites and to spew out your own theories denying the holocaust and blaming the Jews for all of the world's problems. Why don't you take this discussion to one of the hate-mongering websites you apparently frequent rather than spewing it here.

While you are at it, there are a couple others on this thread I might suggest you take with you...

Stunning contribution there, Dandu. The Patrick Star School of Reasoned Thought must be very proud of you.

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Stunning contribution there, Dandu. The Patrick Star School of Reasoned Thought must be very proud of you.

I have read your contributions on the issue. You are a bigot, plain and simple.

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I have read your contributions on the issue. You are a biggot, plain and simple.

Not sure what a biggot is, Dandu. But if you mean bigot, then no, I'm not.

Since it appears to be open season in terms of unsubstantiated accusations, here's one for you: you're a pinko commie crustacean deep-well saboteur, in bad shorts :P

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Not sure what a biggot is, Dandu. But if you mean bigot, then no, I'm not.

Since it appears to be open season in terms of unsubstantiated accusations, here's one for you: you're a pinko commie crustacean deep-well saboteur, in bad shorts :P

I have fixed the obvious typo.

A bigot is:

One who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.

In this thread you have:

1. Said Israelis would nuke themselves if they could blame someone else.

2. Said every Israeli lies every time they speak.

3. Made a joke about Israelis being killed by suicide bombers.

Substantiated enough for you?

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I have fixed the obvious typo.

A bigot is:

One who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance.

In this thread you have:

1. Said Israelis would nuke themselves if they could blame someone else.

2. Said every Israeli lies every time they speak.

3. Made a joke about Israelis being killed by suicide bombers.

Substantiated enough for you?

Nice try, Patrick, but no cigar.

Definitions of 'bigot' all include reference to 'prejudice'.

'Prejudice' is an adverse judgement or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts.

In my assessment of Israel, I have formed my opinions after having amassed considerable knowledge, which has involved examination of the facts as generally accepted by objective third parties, i.e. the vast majority of people outside Israel and the US.

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In my assessment of Israel, I have formed my opinions after having amassed considerable knowledge, which has involved examination of the facts as generally accepted by objective third parties, i.e. the vast majority of people outside Israel and the US.

Hang on. Do you now contend that those things above are facts?! That is unbeliveable!

You say it is a fact that ALL Israelis are lying everytime they speak. It is a fact that ANY Israeli who has the nerve to enter a pizza parlour deserves to die and it is a fact that Israelis would choose nuke themselves if thy thought they could pin it on someone else. Maybe you should recheck the objectivity of your "third party" resources.

Or were you just saying that it is your opinion that Israelis who eat pizza should die.

When you generalize about people and you say such venemous things about an entire group, you reveal yourself for who you are.

By the way, if you haven't met EVERY Israeli but have formed an opinion about ALL of them, you have, by your own definition, acted with prejudice.

Keep calling me Patrick. Bigot.

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It is very clear that you never had any interest in any meaningful discussion about Helen Thomas and that your sole purpose is to is to increase traffic at various anti-semetic websites and to spew out your own theories denying the holocaust and blaming the Jews for all of the world's problems. Why don't you take this discussion to one of the hate-mongering websites you apparently frequent rather than spewing it here.

While you are at it, there are a couple others on this thread I might suggest you take with you...

Please address facts and evidence rather than employing ad hominem fallacies.

I'm not sure which "anti-semetic(sic)" websites you are talking about.

The Washington Post.

Why we'll miss Helen Thomas


Political Friendster?


Note that most of the sources on Zionism are Zionist themselves.


The only other site I explicitly linked to was http://www.rense.com and that was after someone else pointed out that an image I had linked to was on that site.

If you disagree with me on factual matters, please present facts and reasoned arguments to support you position.

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The rest of us are stuck with her own words.


from PDs Jeffrey Weiss on Helen Thomas

"Took her several days to come up with an apology, which is posted on her website:

"I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians. They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon."

"I'll give her this much credit: She didn't blame her age, alcohol, or anything else. And she paid more immediately and directly for her offense, with her employer announcing that she was retiring as of right now."


Of course "regret" doesn't mean "repent", but does anybody really repent anything anymore nowadays? B)

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Bush I, Clinton, Bush II and now Obama have prosecuted campaigns which have killed and maimed millions of noncombatants, often in horrible ways such as starvation, disease and poisoning on the basis of lies. None of them resigned.

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What did you master in, btw? Hyperbole and Flawed Logic?

The spirit of the Third Reich is alive and well, and living in Israel. Guess that makes you a Nazi sympathiser. Good luck with that.

Funny. I never declared a position about Israel in this agrument. I simply said that your generalizations evidenced your bigotry and prejudice. Now you have accused me of being a Nazi sympathiser with absolutely no knowlege of my opinions! I rest my case.

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If you disagree with me on factual matters, please present facts and reasoned arguments to support you position.

I had posted a response to you here, but I do not want to advance your agenda any further so I am removing it.

Good luck recruiting hate-mongers.

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I had posted a response to you here, but I do not want to advance your agenda any further so I am removing it.

Good luck recruiting hate-mongers.

Sticks and stone may break my bones....

Strange that you cannot engage in an honest and open discussion with me for fear of advancing my position. What's that say about yours?

Please name one "hate-monger" I have recruited. Also, please identify my "agenda". Do I have an organization? If so, what is it called? Hint: I am a member of an informal activist group that meets periodically to plan consciousness raising actions. About 30% are Jewish.

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I am a member of an informal activist group that meets periodically to plan consciousness raising actions. About 30% are Jewish.

I actually thought you were more advanced than to use the "Some of my best friends are Jewish" defence. Well, you got me there.

Strange that you cannot engage in an honest and open discussion with me for fear of advancing my position. What's that say about yours?

For a guy who is supposedly so concerned about the facts, you certainly do not respect them.

I never said it would advance your POSITION, I said it would advance your AGENDA. One can advance an agenda regardless of the correctness of their position simply by spreading that position, as you have amply demonstrated. As I said, I won't give you a basis to do so any further.

As I said - good luck!

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The whole situation in the Occupied Territories is a sad one. The IDF can't leave because they'll get rocketed again. The Israeli government won't accept a two-state solution. The Palestinians are resulting to sad, despicable acts of terrorism to further their cause, which has caused the Israelis to become dangerously aggressive and reckless. So it seems the IDF will stay in Palestine in an indefinite occupation, a depressing downward spiral of death and human tragedy. And all for what? What are all these people dying for? Our problems are bigger than some elderly pundit.

Edited by MisterMcLov1n
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The whole situation in the Occupied Territories is a sad one. The IDF can't leave because they'll get rocketed again. The Israeli government won't accept a two-state solution. The Palestinians are resulting to sad, despicable acts of terrorism to further their cause. So it seems the IDF will stay in Palestine in an indefinite occupation, a depressing downward spiral of death and human tragedy. And all for what? What are all these people dying for? Our problems are bigger than some elderly pundit.

You buy all this rubbish?

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I actually thought you were more advanced than to use the "Some of my best friends are Jewish" defence. Well, you got me there.

For a guy who is supposedly so concerned about the facts, you certainly do not respect them.

I never said it would advance your POSITION, I said it would advance your AGENDA. One can advance an agenda regardless of the correctness of their position simply by spreading that position, as you have amply demonstrated. As I said, I won't give you a basis to do so any further.

As I said - good luck!

My position is my agenda.

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