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Led Zeppelin: again ?


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So, just because Plant doesn't want to take part in a full on Led Zeppelin reunion, he shouldn't include their songs in his setlists? Not to mention, the tour is in support of his new Band of Joy album. Yeah, he will be doing some Zeppelin tunes but the entire tour isn't based upon that (nor was the last tour or any solo tour he's ever embarked on).

He can play whatever he likes. But if he chooses to rely on a significant number of Zep songs to help keep his audience awake, and if he performs them backed by an otherwise Zepless band who come across like Crazy Horse on downers, then I'd say he's in no position to decry the O2 show or any potential reunion on the basis that it wasn't or wouldn't be 'Led Zeppelin'. Total hypocrisy, I'm afraid.

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He can play whatever he likes. But if he chooses to rely on a significant number of Zep songs to help keep his audience awake, and if he performs them backed by an otherwise Zepless band who come across like Crazy Horse on downers, then I'd say he's in no position to decry the O2 show or any potential reunion on the basis that it wasn't or wouldn't be 'Led Zeppelin'. Total hypocrisy, I'm afraid.

I really don't see Plant performing Zep songs as part of his set as "hypocrisy".

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He can play whatever he likes. But if he chooses to rely on a significant number of Zep songs to help keep his audience awake, and if he performs them backed by an otherwise Zepless band who come across like Crazy Horse on downers, then I'd say he's in no position to decry the O2 show or any potential reunion on the basis that it wasn't or wouldn't be 'Led Zeppelin'. Total hypocrisy, I'm afraid.

I think we should hold a contest where we all guess under how many names you're going to make this point.

(My guess: infinite. I win.)

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Is it hypocritical for David Gilmour and Roger Waters to perform Pink Floyd songs during their solo shows, even though aside from Live 8, Pink Floyd hasn't stepped on stage together in 29 years? Is it hypocritical for Paul McCartney to do Beatles songs during his solo shows, even though the Beatles never got back together again? Is it hypocritical for Roger Daltrey and Pete Towshend to still call themselves The Who, even though Moon and Entwhistle are dead?


So then what is the problem here? It would be foolish to expect Robert Plant NOT to do Led Zeppelin songs during his solo concerts. I'm sorry but last I checked, he has as much right to perform that music in the manner and place he chooses as anyone else that was in Led Zeppelin.

I guaran-damn-tee you that if Jimmy Page does any solo concerts in support of his new material and he whips out some Zep songs minus Robert Plant and John Paul Jones not one of you will say word one about it. NOT ONE WORD. Because Jimmy Page can do no wrong and Robert Plant can't do anything right, apparently.

Edited by Electrophile
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If I understand correctly, I believe the point is, if Plant feels he can't do Led Zeppelin songs justice with Led Zeppelin themselves, then why is he doing them on his solo tours? If that is indeed the point, I don't recall Plant saying he couldn't do them justice with Page, Jones and Jason Bonham. My impression is that he would feel chained to the past if Led Zeppelin were to become a touring entity again. Far too many artists have already gone that route, very few of which succeed in still maintaining the sense of urgency and originality associated with them. Foghat tours without "Lonesome" Dave, Skynyrd tours without Lynyrd Skynyrd (save Gary Rossington), Little Feat tours without Lowell George, the list goes on and on. Even though I wasn't in attendance, I'm just grateful they got back together for the Ahmet benefit. If ever the time is right maybe they'll work together again but I'd rather see each member continue down their own path than see a half-assed version of a band calling itself "Led Zeppelin". The concert halls are already full of artists that don't know when to call it quits, we don't need another one to add to the mix.

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Robert Plant has done his own thing Musically since 1982, apart from his association with the Page/Plant Project 1994-1998ish, and,

"That's the way...

That's the way it oughtta be

Oh don't you know now, mama said..

That's the way it's gonna stay, yeah"

I recently read this article of an interview with Robert and i must say that i now understand what he is all about, read this please?

"But just as his Krauss collaboration was lifting off, Zeppelin reunited for one night only at the Ahmet Ertegun tribute concert at London's O2 Arena in December 2007, with Jason Bonham taking his father's place behind the drum kit. "I really had a wonderful time," says Plant. "It was the best Led Zeppelin gig since 1975." Many would like the reunion to have continued, including his band mates. When I spoke to Jimmy Page earlier this year, he said: "You'd better ask Robert Plant what the future of Led Zeppelin is."

So I put the question directly to Plant: would he do it again?

"I don't think so," he sighs. "You've got to have a lot in common with the people you're working with at this time in your life. Everything has to move on and forward, in all relationships."


That really says it all for me, i know He could if He wanted too, reform Led Zeppelin, I've seen the O2 show many times and given time he would be able to make it work again, of that I'm totally sure, but He doesn't want to, and He has every right to act in this way if for no other reason than because He wants to do what He wants to do, and He has my blessing, like He needs it anyway? :lol:

I have nothing but admiration for him and his solo work, but, (here it comes) i just don't like it, but i wish him all the luck and good fortune this world has to offer, as far as I'm concerned he deserves it, he seems so happy and content with what he is doing that who am i to deny him that happiness? At least we know where he stands now and that a Led Zeppelin Reunion is as likely as winning £125 million on the lottery, i still wouldn't put money on it not happening buy you never know do you?

Here's to you Robert, have a beer with this disappointed old rocker will you? :beer:

Regards, Danny

PS, I hope Knebby gets to read this, she may really be able to forgive me for my former indiscretions on this matter and realise how sincere i really am about the direction Mr Plants career has taken him.

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I don't think a LZ reunion would work, based on the quote posted by Big Dan above. Plant is not into it anymore, remember the quote from JPJ that Plant doesn't want to do loud music anymore? So of course he still performs Zep material on his current tour but reinterpreted in a quieter or more "country" way. (I am quoting him from a recent BOJ performance of Rock and Roll I saw on Youtube).

Led Zeppelin as a band was greater than the sum of its parts; I believe each of them lifted the others to heights they could not have reached on their own. We are not going to see those days again.

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I'm relatively new to the forum, and even a relatively new Zeppelin fan. That said, you'll see A LOT of debate about whether LZ should reunite or not, and lot of it centers around Robert Plant's solo career and the direction he's choosing to go in.

Obviously, there is a huge contingent of fans who want nothing more than a chance to see the living members of Zeppelin reunited and performing and perhaps even creating new music. There are also fans who feel it is time to let go and to accept and appreciate the music that is being created post Zeppelin. Inevitably, these two camps butt heads and feel that they are philosophically opposed... and in some important ways, they are. But it's one of those, two-sides of the same coin situations, really. I don't think anyone who spends any time here doesn't care immensely about Led Zeppelin's music and has in found it formative, informative, and really just soul shaking, which is why these high emotions come out when anyone rumbles about a reunion.

The philosophical difference really is how you treat things you love and what you feel owed by them. In many of our cases, the situation stands that so much has been given and received from being a Zep fan that it is hard to tell whether you feel owed or you should feel appreciative. The way that nets out is a personal feeling per situation or per personal point of view, and it is always a matter of opinion, not fact, so these debates will never be resolved, and the options expressed within them should always be respected. I think when people say that we shouldn't harp on a LZ reunion, it is sort of like a good friend wanting you to appreciate what is (or could be) going on now instead of a really wonderful relationship gone by.

But of course, you know, sometimes people *do* get back together, so.... ;).

I don't know why I wanted to something... I know this forum has had some really long standing members, and again, as a very avid, but relatively new fan, I'm very often astounded at the depth of knowledge and the history here. It really is something I think is so cool. I come here because it's the best place to learn about Zeppelin.

My personal opinion is that I would love for the remaining members of Led Zeppelin to reunite, and ideally make some new music together. I think that we could learn a lot from them still, and am confident they can still make timeless statements, different than those of their 20s and 30s, but perhaps all the more valuable considering. Buuuut... I have a feeling that my personal opinion doesn't matter to them very much, and I don't think they owe their fans any artistic debt. I do wish Robert would be more gracious towards his LZ legacy (which it seems like he has been coming to terms with), but Percy's always had a funny tone about him anyway, I think?

Anyway, I don't want to, nor am I presumptuous enough to think that my opinion would stall this debate... but those are just my thoughts on the matter! I'll get off the :soapbox: now :)

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