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Female fans & Male fans...


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Hi all,

I found the Female fans are really good on the photo side of things. And the males tend be more interested in the live side of the band ?

Your Thoughts.......

Cecil,you mean the # of postings on the board in general?

I think the broads(that is a compliment Sisters!)on this site love the music just as much as the rest of us,.....ya got to admit from a female perspective the lads are easy on the eye. :D

The males,can't speak for any of them,maybe many of them are musicians(?),l don't know(is a poll in order?),for me I never tire of them and they have a song for every mood,occasion,season,etc,....

Bro Ally in his kindness send me the bootlegs,my respect and awe of this band grew even more,as well as my jaw hitting the floor!So,even though Robert's jeans fit him better than mine ever did, :P that voice is what did for me.Pagey,who when watching him it is hard to take your eyes off him,it was the composition,him speaking to you thru this guitar,Bonzo?John Paul?Words are not enough!


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Well it does seem that more guys than women post in the Live section, but a lot of guys also post in the Photos section too. Steve A Jones started a thread there called Led Zeppelin Photo Mysteries & DavidZoso has started many threads of pics from different live shows.

I usually browse through both sections- although I have rarely posted in the Live section it's interesting to me to see what's new in the bootleg world, in the 80s I did a lot of collecting of vinyl boots.

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As a female Led Zeppelin fan, I could care less what any of them look(ed) like. Yes, they were good-looking men when they were younger, but that's not why I enjoy their music. I don't listen to anyone's music because of what they look like. Their looks don't make the music, their talent does.

Are there some female fans here who just post pictures of Robert et al and drool over them? Yes, but that's their prerogative. I don't care what other people do here, as long as it doesn't affect me.

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I knew their music before them physically, I fell in love of their sound and of their concerts. That's all I have to say :rolleyes: Yeah, it's true that the image they have in the live videos makes it more impressive. Most of all Plant and Page are very attractive physically. But, that's not important. I'd love Led Zeppelin if they also were really ugly. I feel a bit idiot saying this, I think everybody takes it for granted.

And, I care less of the musical side? In my own case, FALSE. I sing, I play guitar and drums. Again, that's all I have to say ^_^ I spent whole nigths looking for bootlegs of my favourite songs in youtube, and for rare outtakes. Only sound :P

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As a female Led Zeppelin fan, I could care less what any of them look(ed) like. Yes, they were good-looking men when they were younger, but that's not why I enjoy their music. I don't listen to anyone's music because of what they look like. Their looks don't make the music, their talent does.

Are there some female fans here who just post pictures of Robert et al and drool over them? Yes, but that's their prerogative. I don't care what other people do here, as long as it doesn't affect me.

It's couldn't care less :D. Sorry I had too. I play in a band and we do Zep. Jimmy Page is the biggest influence on me. Just his style changed music, what he did, wore, etc. I love them for the music. Bonzo was the thunder, Jones was the groove, Jimmy was the light and shade and Robert had his pipes. They just worked perfectly together.

I myself am into the photos and I have a pretty good sized archive but its the live shows to me. Every show was different, every thing changed. They of course had riffs that other little things they have threw into songs but no one is like Zeppelin live. Playing for two to three hours straight without an intermission is very impressive.

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It's couldn't care less :D. Sorry I had too. I play in a band and we do Zep. Jimmy Page is the biggest influence on me. Just his style changed music, what he did, wore, etc. I love them for the music. Bonzo was the thunder, Jones was the groove, Jimmy was the light and shade and Robert had his pipes. They just worked perfectly together.

I myself am into the photos and I have a pretty good sized archive but its the live shows to me. Every show was different, every thing changed. They of course had riffs that other little things they have threw into songs but no one is like Zeppelin live. Playing for two to three hours straight without an intermission is very impressive.

man, you are brave.

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