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Wow, I am surprised to see such pessimism from you, silvermedalist...you who shows such eternal optimism in the Bills/Sabres chances season after brutal season.

I can assure you that it is possible to truly change your life. First, and most important, you have to really WANT to change your life.

I can give you two local examples that I have witnessed with my own eyes: John Frusciante and Bob Forrest. Both these guys literally had one foot in the grave in the 90s. The deplorable state I saw John in I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

Now to see where these cats are at and how far they have come, nobody can ever tell me a person cannot change their life.

Being realistic with the Sabres who made the moves to get it done. I realize the Bills are not close. No kidding. But the Sabres are.

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Hi MissMelanie,

It's really a tough thing from where I'm at because I just want to tell him to kick her out of the house and let her make it or fail on her own. I think they give her too many chances to make excuses for herself, but that's just how I see it. I mean it's not like she is still in her early 20s and still trying to find a job that will work for her. It also doesn't help that she is always so negative about everything, I can see why nobody wants to hire her, or keep her very long on a job. At some point you can't be afraid to change things, but if she won't do it on her own, she needs a hard push. She reminds me of these people on that show 'Hoarders' , not that she is one of those, but you can sense the same sort of messed up mind when you look at her. As if she has no sense of reality. For awile she was working at a retail store, but would come home and complain and complain about her boss, the stupid customers and the messes they made, or her coworkers. She acts as if everyone is against her and she is being picked on all the time. I think she needs to just grow up. And it's really embarrassing when I go over to my pal's house to visit and there is this 30 year old daughter who wants to hang out with dad and his friend.

It's just so sad and pathetic. I hope I don't lose a friend over this, but what can I really say.



Unfortunatly, changing one's life is usually a reaction from a tramatic life experience that shakes one to the core.

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Unfortunatly, changing one's life is usually a reaction from a tramatic life experience that shakes one to the core.

Very well put. Just like in the movie the Edge. When Hopkins says " I never did see anyone ever change their life". He goes on to say he will change his if he makes it out alive. I never really thought about it before. It really is NOT EASY to change one's life.

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Very well put. Just like in the movie the Edge. When Hopkins says " I never did see anyone ever change their life". He goes on to say he will change his if he makes it out alive. I never really thought about it before. It really is NOT EASY to change one's life.

Very true. That is why I said that is it easier said than done. She will need to not only want to change her life but know how to do so. Ledzepfvr, I think you are right. She seems depressed, like she is in a black hole and doesn't know how to get herself out.

Brad, don't lose your friend over this. Just sit back and relax or maybe invite your friend round to your place.

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Brad, that friend of yours needs to make a stand and show his daughter some tough love, or she is going to be a millstone around their necks the rest of their lives. She will bleed her parents dry if drastic action isn't taken soon...maybe an intervention is called for.

I wish you and your friend luck. Melanie had a good idea, from now on invite your friend over instead of going to his place.

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  • 1 year later...

I will confess my wife tapes two every day and I watch them with her at dinner time. Y & R and B & B for those that know what that means. My ex wife was a GH buff and I watched that. Many of the stars from GH have crossed over to Y & R. Even Jason. And visa versa too. What I do not like is how the writers absolutely insult your intelligence with some of the shit they pull. So predictable. There is no bliss in soap opera's. If they show someone in a car, you know a crash is coming. And everyone has slept with everyone. Its a big merry go round. In real life it does not work that way. Your ex wife does not go to the same coffee shop every fucking day and talk to you.

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