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And you said that in context (look up what "context" means if you need to) to a post made by someone else who was attempting compare Gene Simmons to Adolph Hitler. We can all go back and read the thread over again to you slowly if we need to. BUT CONTEXT MEANS SOMETHING Rock Historian. You were not just making an isolated point on helping animals. However, by even using Hitler to make that point I or anyone else will defeat your argument just on the sheer weight of your fallacies of reasoning(look that up "fallacies of reasoning" too if you need to Mr. Historian).

Oh, but there is always more isn't there. Because you just have to keep on trying to dig yourself out of every hole you dig.

Shall we continue where you left off?

That's like saying....

Oh never mind, because how could anyone find an even worse person to make an analogy against your argument, when you have already used THE WORST HUMAN POSSIBLE TO MAKE YOUR POINT? But to put this succinctly for even you to understand. That's like saying that the rapist compltimented the woman on her pretty shoes before he savagely beat her and sexually assaulted her. So at least he said something nice to her.

Are you serious?

That's like saying:

Well, Hitler did systematically murder over 13 million people in the death camps (including 6 million Jews), and played the major role in a global conflict that caused the death of over another 50 million people (most of them civillians) besides those killed in the death camps, and cost the nations of the world billions of dollars.... but of course protecting some dogs and cats was a positive thing to his credit I suppose.



Rock Historian says, " I have no argument with the rest of Hitler's demoic life or GENE SIMMONS.."

Really nice one Rock! Your lameness never ceases to amaze me.

But of course I'm the sick one, because YOU say so right? Somebody else want to explain it to this guy? He's wearing me out with his absurd and twisted logic,

Here is a clue Rock: There was zero positive aspects about Adolf Hitler, none. And comparing Gene Simmons to Adolf Hitler is an unspeakable fallacy no matter which false logic you attempt to apply to your argument.

Did I compare Hitler to Gene???Show me that..Im waiting...Did I justify anything about Hitler besides him helping animals???Did I say anything at all about concentration camps or anything else about him killing people besides his contribution to animals???answer that. Im gonna put YOU on the spot buddy...did I say it???? Didnt think so. I WILL credit him for that sole purpose of helping animals, because I can relate to that..you see, I rescue animals and care for them. I have a heart for them, because they are the unwanted and forgotten. People like YOU probably either dont own a pet or just dont give a shit if they live or die. So if you wanna prosecute me for acknowledging that he helped animals-then so be it.

-again your twist of words and you adding what you want to the picture shows your true intelligence and lack of comprehension. Your a total nut -You waste SO much time writting bullshit. Your lawyer instincts have sprung to a new level. This is not court- you make mountains out of molehills.....You wanna talk about anger..look in the mirror dude-you got it all over. What does helping animals have to do with anything else you said?????? So because YOU say so, I can't make a comment without you twisting it into what you think it means...You have serious serious issues....

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Rock for a moment just try to wrap your mind about what you are saying. Read what your are saying man.


You said that Hitler did something positive. Are you still sticking to that? That HITLER did anything positive?


I really don't think I am the one "on the spot" here Rock, but I will out of kindness and goodwill attempt once again to walk you through this so that you just might possibly become enlightened and see the error in your logic.

By your logic Hitler, the butcher of millions and millions of innocent people, and an evil and demonic human being by even your admission, was also somehow capable of making "positive contibutions to animals". That Hitler was capable of doing positive acts that were a benefit. Right? I think that is what you keep on saying, so I guess you actually believe that.

But here is the problem with your logic. And just to try and make it easier for even your mind to understand lets just for a moment forget about the MILLIONS of innocent people killed as a result of Hitler and his demonic hatred for all of the people of the world. Let's just talk about his contributions to animals, because that is what you seem to hung up on.

But here is the answer Rock. How were "animals" better off if Hitler's war resulted in millions of more animal deaths than probably even the people he killed? Animals killed from bombing. Animals killed from starvation and neglect. Animals who died from the pollution caused by war. Birds, fish and all manner of living creatures decimated because of this evil man and his desire for world conquest and racial hatred? Tell me Rock how that is a "contribution to animals"?

Where is there anything "positive" that resulted from any of Hitler's policies? There is NONE. ZERO. No net gain on anything he did. Just misery and death for humans and animals alike. I am SHOCKED that you can't see or apprecitate that. Even an elemetary school child could figure this one out.

So sad.





Oh - My - God! Can anybody please help me out with this guy?

Rock HISTORIAN, here is a challenge for you. You give me a 500 word essay on 'How Adolf Hitler Was A Positive Contribution For Animals' and I'll submit that essay for you (at my expense) to 500 university professors of history, and philosophy for them to critique and return. But only if you will agree to read and accept each critique with an open mind. And just think, I'm sure that judging from the way some of our institutions of higher learning operate today; I'm sure at least a couple of those professors may even agree with you and your twisted logic. So at least you won't have to walk away feeling alone.


Rock I have not twisted any of your words. Everything I quoted from you is what you said.

And Rock, I am not a lawyer. I sort of explained that to you twice already but the humor in what I posted where I said, "I have no conscience, I worked in a slaughter house before I went to law school", seemed to go right over your head like a Silk Zeppelin.

Rock, try to keep up.

If your not a lawyer, you should apply. You'd make a damn good one- you have all the right traits.

This video should explain what Hitler did to protect animals. because that was your "challenge" question. A 500 word essay is not nesessary or worth my energy, but this should explain simple enough. It has nothing to do with camps, death or anything of that nature.

So to repeat myself and my simple, one line statement. " For the welfare of the animals-Hitler did good things".


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Not to be a spelling Nazi but since YOU'RE on the subject, I've seen you make this error many times so I thought I would mention it to you. I think you meant to say: If you're not a lawyer --or, If you are not a lawyer.

Your is the second person possessive adjective, used to describe something as belonging to you. Your is nearly always followed by a noun. You're is the contraction of "you are" and is often followed by the present participle (verb form ending in -ing).

The confusion between your and you're occurs because the two words are pronounced pretty much the same. The ironclad rule - no exceptions - is that if you're able to replace the word with "you are," you're saying you're. Otherwise, your only choice is your.

And btw, I'm not a lawyer. I only have a high school education so I could never be a lawyer.

Ouch! I ask you do defend your position on positive contributions made by Hitler in regard to animals, and you supply a video uploaded to youtube by a pro Nazi anti Semetic holocaust denier.

Very interesting....

Clue: not everything you can gleen from the internet, from Wikipedia to Youtube and facebook, is something that you can use to support a factual basis for an argument Rock HISTORIAN.

Now I think I understand where your confusion on many topics may be coming from.

Attention all Forum Members: In defense of Rock Historian I don't for one moment believe that he intended to support his earlier posts by citing a pro Nazi holocaust denier as his source. I'm sure Rock will be submiting a retraction and an apology shortly.

Just saying. :whistling:

Sure , you'll get this one final quote back. You asked for something that PROVES hitler did good things for animals, right? Did you look at the video? Did you read the link I posted under it-that explains and shows all the laws imposed for the rights of animals? What more would you like? Hitler to be risen from the dead and tell you himself that this is indeed true. Now your just being plain hard-headed. The proof is there to read. If you denounce it as bullshit-than I guess it;s bullshit-if you say so. One again, never good enough for you, is it? Even after I give you the link presenting the evidence that exist-you still have a problem accepting it. Very strange.

But it doesn't matter to me. In the end-Hitler did great things...for animals! Call me a Nazi lover or a racist or a radical activist...that'll be next Im sure. You got your proof you asked for, it's up to you to accept it. If not, that's your own problem.

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I like how you always try and insult my intelligence by saying I dont have grip on life or something to that effect...thats a nice one-Im starting to think you enjoy this rivalry (even though you'll blow me off as some uneducated fool) If I bore you, then leave. If it's no challenge than leave. If I make no sense to you than leave....why stay here? why continue...? Something tells me you'll stay

Let me ask you the question. How many times did I say to you "for the welfare of the ANIMALS" Hitler did good things??? Did I say for the welfare of people? Did I defend his status in any other way or justify what he did to human beings besides the one sole FACT of the laws he set in place and enforced for the preservation and well being of cats, dogs, and other living animals? I am not defending the man, his actions or his demonic terror against people. Im acknowledging that he helped animals and protected them. That's a FACT of life. And it was the only quote I posted. If you despise the man, that's great. I understand that. And if you have NO love of animals or connection with them, then you have no reason to relate to what I'm saying. As for me, I think it was a great thing he did to protect animals. Because I get it. I understand the connection, the respect, the love for an animal. Besides that , he was a peice of shit.

Answer this:

So are you saying that you can only like/love or dislike/hate someone or something completley? You don't believe that someone has good qualities even though you may not like them or what they stand for?

I don't know if your just incredibly analytical or Im just to logical , but I can't be more clear than this. If you wanna continue this-go to another thread or page. This is way off topic and it's been this way since we got here-

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It's then leave, not than leave. Although you did spell "educated" correctly.

Yeah, I've heard you say that part about Hitler and his policies, "for the welfare of animals" a whole bunch of times already. It's not like you haven't repeated that part of it over and over and over again already.

I guess I'm just thick headed or something, but I guess I keep getting hung up on the mass genocide and global war thing I why it's hard for me to soften this guy's heart to the realization that Hitler's love of animals actually equals true LOVE for anything. Because to my sensibilites, if you HATE that much, enough gas innocent people, women and children, and even order unspeakable experiments on prisoners; then I don't believe you when you continue to call Hitler's regard for animals LOVE.

Charles Manson said he "loved" animals too, but he ordered his sicko friends to murder and torture a pregnant woman. I suppose then there must be a different definition of "love" and "regard" from my perspective.

What I'm saying is that no moral goodness can occur where absolute evil exists. If Hitler is not the best example of absolute evil incarnate, then I don't know who is.

Rock you're not TOO logical I can assure you. But if you ever post something that passes the 'logic test', I will be the very first person to congratulate you. I promise.

I gotta give it to you, honestly besides the last smart remark - you didn't try to insult my intelligence. So this whole discussion comes down to this.

It isn't a debate on an opinion. You are giving an opinion on how much you dislike him...that's great. I gave you a fact of proof for what he did for animals...two totally different things..if you wanna keep me here stay on track buddy. This is about my acknowledgement of what he did for animals. Your testifying your dislike of him....What does your dislike have to do with a fact of documented proof. Two different subjects brah, you lost me. The whole thing started with you wanting evidence of the things he did for animals...I provided that. So what if you don't like the guy, neither do i. WTF thats got to do with a law document I'lll never know- I'm tired of repeating this. If you dont get it, im sorry. I'd call that logical-as in very clear. If you wanna take another jab towards my intelligence level in your next reply-consider this done. I won't waste time with someone trying to make me as a fool. I got a wife to go lay with for that matter-and it's way better than this shit-trust me. :P

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Thank you for acknowleging that I have mucho negativo opinons about Hitler. I would hate for anyone to assume that I only mildly disliked him or something.

You mean a "fact of documented proof" from a pro Nazi anit semetic holocaust denier?

yeah right.

So then it is your contention that "the things Hitler did for animals" was a moral act? The actions that a normal healthy reasonable sound minded human being would do for animals?

But what if Hitler wasn't a healthy sound minded reasonable and sypathetic human being? What if he was none of those things? Would is actions still be automatically moral? It's not like there isn't just a wee bit of documented proof that Hitler just may not have been a sound minded individual is there?

Is it just possible that you are applying a wrong definition to the so called "moral act" of a mass murderer? That those acts while, not causing proximate harm to the animals in Hitler's personal care, were not coming from the same place where your morality and regard for animals comes from Rock?

If you want to celebrate "the good things Hitler did" then be my guest. Don't expect that I will be joining in the celebration anytime soon..

Good luck with that Rock.

Bravo, thats the best you did all night. And for clarification, Im not "celebrating" anything, just acknowledging it as a good act towards the creatures. So your way of looking at it is...you only either dislike/hate or like/love someone. You dont believe that someone you dislike can posess good qualities???
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Wow. Everytime somebody mentions Mr. Adolf there has to be a guy who goes nuts. Why can't you accept that even the worst persons ever also did one or two good things? There is no pure Good and Evil, you know.

SSSHHHH, be careful, you might get frowned upon for that thought.............
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True dat.

:thanku: ^ ^ ^ a few who know the difference between apples and oranges.(laws protecting animals - killing people) and recognize the FACTUAL evidence of the law document. (Led Tiki, "challenged" me to prove the fact or write an "essay" (the nerve) that Hitler did indeed protect the rights of animals....) so there it is-clear as day for em'. It's just THAT simple, in Black and White. And they still wanna deny it & throw bullshit "off topic" comparisions (about his reign of terror) in the mix. WTF that's got to do with an animal rights law? I didn't defend any part of his Hitler's character other than acknowledging him doing "good things for animals"

This should have been a two post discussion. (1. ask for the proof- 2. show the factual proof = end of story) How hard is that to comprehend? Some people need to admit and accept the fuckin sky is blue when they look up at it ...(on a bright sunny day) -but you'll have em' argue that one too. What a complete and utter joke this thread has become...and admittingly, I'm partly at fault-for choosing to engage in this shit.

StairwayRemainsthesame, I don't think I was the one who compared Hitler to Gene? Better do your homework.

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:thanku: ^ ^ ^ a few who know the difference between apples and oranges.(laws protecting animals - killing people) and recognize the FACTUAL evidence of the law document. (Led Tiki, "challenged" me to prove the fact or write an "essay" (the nerve) that Hitler did indeed protect the rights of animals....) so there it is-clear as day for em'. And they still wanna deny it & throw bullshit "off topic" comparisions (about his reign of terror) in the mix. WTF that's got to do with an animal rights law? I didn't defend or acknowledge any other part of his Hitler's character as being "a good person".

This should have been a two post discussion. (1. ask for the proof- 2. show the factual proof = end of story) How hard is that to comprehend? Some people need to admit and accept the fuckin sky is blue when they look up at it ...(on a bright sunny day) -but you'll have em' argue that one too. What a complete and utter joke this thread has become...and admittingly, I'm partly at fault-for choosing to engage in this shit.

StairwayRemainsthesame, I don't think I was the one who compared Hitler to Gene? Better do your homework.

Ok. Your still disgusting

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Good grief. How did a thread about Led Zeppelin and KISS degenerate into a discussion about Adolf Hitler and Nazis?

What's wrong with you people?

To agonizing for you to read how this came about (trust me) ....basically someone (forum member) mentioned Hitler possibly did protect animal rights. I simply posted a short confirmation message that said - "for the welfare of the animals, he did good things".., and from there, well.......

ask the gang of butchers.

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Hey Ross!

I would rather see NY & LZ on the same bill and forget about KISS altogether.

Led Zeppelin had an affinity with CSN&Y and some of them even jammed with them plus JImmy played on Stephen Stills' album in the '80's called, Right By You.

I'm certain that being English and formerly from The Hollies, Nash would've crossed paths with Jimmy during the '60's and '70's as well.

They loved their style so much they wrote and recorded Down By The Seaside as a kind of hats off to them individually and collectively, particularly Neil Young circa After The Goldrush and Harvest.

So in that context Young would be a better fit than KISS.

Hi Reggie.

I couldn't agree more with you,that'd be a great event.Even if the Roadeyes were made to stay backstage during Zep's half of the show,because if they came out trying to move things around or just standing onstage with their glowing eyes I'm sure there would've been hell-to-pay! :D

Thanks for your other info.

Speaking of NY,I watched him,JP,JPJ,RP and Jason playing WTLB at the RaR HoF in '95 again recently.It's cool,but amusing to watch also.


How about we get this thread back on track,all parties have made their points.And the less said about a man the world would rather forget the better.

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