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Jimmy Page new stuff?


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Prior to the launch of his website, several sites mentioned he was working on an album where he would play a different kind of guitar on each track. I have no idea what became of that project. More recently (meaning around a year ago) he said in an interview that he would be using JimmyPage.com as a way to make new music available via downloads. Right when everyone least expected it, that site became a reality and went online. I also remember everyone being up in arms over the re-release of the Death Wish II soundtrack on vinyl since he didn't release it when he originally promised. Right when everyone figured it was not going to come out at all, there it was.

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In the interview Page did a year or so ago, he gave the impression that he would be uploading some new music to his website one song at a time. Not sure when or if this will ever happen but I would imagine he has something recorded as he's been alluding to new music for several years now.

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I don't know that his "ambition is gone" but he's obviously not in any big hurry to release any new music. I gathered from that interview that part of the reason for the website was that it would give him an outlet to share new music with fans. Who knows what he may have in store. Personally, I'd prefer a complete album in physical form (compact disc or vinyl) but at this point I would be happy just to see him release anything. This has been discussed many times before but perhaps part of the problem is that some musicians' that are Page's age just don't know what the most effective way would be to release new music in this day and age. I know that some of them find it to be incredibly frustrating because some people won't even go to the trouble of buying a new release when they can just download it off of the internet for free.

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I was told by someone (who says he is in occasional touch with Mr. Page) that there is something in the works. As for the reliability of that, well, it is third hand information from me!

That's interesting, but "who" is this "someone" and what is their relationship with Jimmy? I am not doubting something may be in the works, but I doubt very much any new CD and tour is going to happen. Jimmy has said himself the website would be used in part for a means to release new stuff so we'll see. I do believe his touring days are done outside of Zeppelin reuniting which now seems very slim. What we don't know is how much new material Jimmy is sitting on, if any. There was of course some indication of a couple unfinished tracks that were heard in "It might get loud" but again, who knows. Jimmy was said to have been disappointed by the lack of attention these got. Time will tell. Maybe he has some stuff from the jam sessions he did with Jones and Bonham a few years ago...... What I have been thinking of is what is going to happen when his websites reaches the 1 year mark.....is that the time new material will be released through "On this Day" or will it just continue with other memories?........we'll see.
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There was of course some indication of a couple unfinished tracks that were heard in "It might get loud" but again, who knows. Jimmy was said to have been disappointed by the lack of attention these got.

There's an acoustic piece on the DVD extras that was outstanding, if that's an indication of what he's been up to we should all be excited. I'm not in position to link it right now or I would. I hope Jimmy isn't disappointed by any lack of reaction to it, but I definitely thought it would create a bit more of a buzz around here. I think perhaps people don't want to get their hopes up because it's been a few years now of "next year is THE year". I still believe he has something special up his sleeve...

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