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Obama care passes. Any opinions? Lawyers reading it over


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:thanku: Thank you, Thank you.

Even if you are for the health care bill this clip was funny. The whole movie was funny if you're pro-military though it did take a few shots politically (but nothing near as bad as you see on every episode of a Seth MacFarland or Matt Groening cartoon). And we are the reddest state in the nation. The last Democrat to win the delegates for President from Kansas was LBJ if I recall.

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So now we have Obamacare....which is really Romneycare, even though he says he doesn't like it, and Obama didn't like it before he embraced it. It's now called a mandated tax, which Obama insisted it wasn't. Romney doesn't like it, and thinks we as Americans shouldn't either, even though it was his idea in the first place. Meanwhile, the blue/red States still look like we're fighting the Civil war, a Supreme Court Justice bites the hands that feed him, and both CNN and Fox pull the 'Dewey Wins !' of the 21st century.

Personally, I'm struggling with who makes me frown more.....Nancy Pelosi or Mitch McConell (sp). It's a close race....very close.

Very incitefull post Bonger!! Well done! :goodpost:

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So, no one finds it even slightly ironic (and troublesome) that throughout the entire push to pass this Healthcare Act, Obama and Democrats went to great extremes to assure the public and kept insisting this WASN'T a tax?

Yet the only way it could pass constitutional muster was by re-interpreting it as a tax.


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According to CBS, Chief Justice Roberts 'wobbled' - he switched his vote as he became convinced that a 5-4 ruling against the law would damage the reputation of the Supreme Court. If Roberts voted to uphold in an effort to save the Court's legitimacy (from further media attacks), then his choice did more to hurt the Court's legitimacy than just about anything else he could have done because it showed that the Court can be bullied into reaching specific holdings.

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So, no one finds it even slightly ironic (and troublesome) that throughout the entire push to pass this Healthcare Act, Obama and Democrats went to great extremes to assure the public and kept insisting this WASN'T a tax?

Yet the only way it could pass constitutional muster was by re-interpreting it as a tax.


The main thing I'd be worried about is that the US population has been so heavly brainwashed over the last few decades that they honiestly believe a healthcare tax is one step removed from gulags in Alaska.

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The main thing I'd be worried about is that the US population has been so heavly brainwashed over the last few decades that they honiestly believe a healthcare tax is one step removed from gulags in Alaska.

I agree ! Problem is, I think this plan would even have trouble being accepted in countries like ours who are used to a government run health care system.

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Yeah, governments are so efficient at running things,.... <_<

Not saying they are KB but, 300, 000, 000 people would certainly make for one hell of a group health insurance plan.

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Not saying they are KB but, 300, 000, 000 people would certainly make for one hell of a group health insurance plan.

44 million(est) without HI,so they have to get it or be taxed.There 20 more taxes in the bill,so how the hell can they call it the Affordable Care Act?

What the SCOTUS really said is that the Feds can force you to buy something.FTS! :angry:

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44 million(est) without HI,so they have to get it or be taxed.There 20 more taxes in the bill,so how the hell can they call it the Affordable Care Act?

What the SCOTUS really said is that the Feds can force you to buy something.FTS! :angry:

That's why I said this plan would be a hard sale in countries already with a public system.

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44 million(est) without HI,so they have to get it or be taxed.There 20 more taxes in the bill,so how the hell can they call it the Affordable Care Act?

What the SCOTUS really said is that the Feds can force you to buy something.FTS! :angry:

Yes they should be forced to have insurance, same as auto insurance. If that wasn't mandatory, how many more idiots would be driving around running into responsible people and not being able to pay for their damages? WE (those of us who have HI) are paying for those who are irresponsible, who don't have HI and end up in the emergency room. As far as I see it, it's all about personal responsibility. Why should somebody be allowed to bet they won't get sick and not get health insurance, but when they do we have to pay the bill on it? That's not infringing on someone's freedom, it's ass backwards logic. Maybe a pair of magic underwear will make everything go away....:rolleyes:

Yes, govt is not perfect, but what is? Certainly not private businesses that don't complete the services they are contracted to do or fuck over the people who pay into premiums and don't have things covered that should be without a fight or ever for that matter.

I am loving watching these idiots spin out of control up in Washington over this. Especially given Roberts was the deciding factor!

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>Yes they should be forced to have insurance, same as auto insurance.<

Auto insurance is not a federal mandate.

>If that wasn't mandatory, how many more idiots would be driving around running into responsible people and not being able to pay for their damages? <

We already do.

>WE (those of us who have HI) are paying for those who are irresponsible, who don't have HI and end up in the emergency room. As far as I see it, it's all about personal responsibility. Why should somebody be allowed to bet they won't get sick and not get health insurance, but when they do we have to pay the bill on it?< That's not infringing on someone's freedom, it's ass backwards logic. <

You mean like illegals?They are exempt from ACA you know,....

>Maybe a pair of magic underwear will make everything go away.... :rolleyes:<

Maybe if the addressed the cost of HI,which they didn't, it might get resolved.

Case in point: a friend had a stay in the local hospital and got an itemized bill of the charges.Guess what 1 aspirin cost?$10.00

>Yes, govt is not perfect, but what is? Certainly not private businesses that don't complete the services they are contracted to do or fuck over the people who pay into premiums and don't have things covered that should be without a fight or ever for that matter.<

Not in there.

Good luck!

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WE (those of us who have HI) are paying for those who are irresponsible, who don't have HI and end up in the emergency room.

With all do respect that is bologna. I do not have insurance because I can't afford it. I wound up in the ER and I had a huge bill that I payed for myself. The taxpayers didn't help me one bit. If I had never payed the government does not cover the bill for me. The hospital takes the loss. And that does not translate into higher hospital or insurance rates because the hospitals already gouge you on the prices to an ungodly degree that taking a loss everyone once and a while does not effect their overhead and cannot drive up prices. I'm also really looking forward my government imposed diet in which I have to use my grocery money to buy health insurance.

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Yes they should be forced to have insurance, same as auto insurance. If that wasn't mandatory, how many more idiots would be driving around running into responsible people and not being able to pay for their damages? WE (those of us who have HI) are paying for those who are irresponsible, who don't have HI and end up in the emergency room. As far as I see it, it's all about personal responsibility. Why should somebody be allowed to bet they won't get sick and not get health insurance, but when they do we have to pay the bill on it? That's not infringing on someone's freedom, it's ass backwards logic.

the government does not cover the bill for me. The hospital takes the loss.

This is a great point.

Supporters of the bill keep using that argument, but taxpayers don't currently foot the bill.

But under the plan, that's basically what's happening.

We are being forced AS TAXPAYERS to support those who refuse or can't afford insurance.

In fact, the comparison between health insurance and auto insurance is actually not very accurate at all.

Whether someone else has insurance or not in no way affects whether you get sick or not.

But an uninsured driver can hit your car.

Maybe a pair of magic underwear will make everything go away.... :rolleyes:

Ahhh, the inevitable Mormon-bashing card.

It will be so very interesting to see how ugly that angle becomes as we near November.

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Maybe if the addressed the cost of HI,which they didn't, it might get resolved.

Case in point: a friend had a stay in the local hospital and got an itemized bill of the charges.Guess what 1 aspirin cost?$10.00

That's it right there ! If the costs of delivering health care aren't addressed properly... no private or public plan will be able to pay for it ...properly . Imho, until that happens, all suggestions of how to pay are kind of mute

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That's it right there ! If the costs of delivering health care aren't addressed properly... no private or public plan will be able to pay for it ...properly . Imho, until that happens, all suggestions of how to pay are kind of mute


I was close to ranting,...... :P

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44 million(est) without HI,so they have to get it or be taxed.There 20 more taxes in the bill,so how the hell can they call it the Affordable Care Act?

What the SCOTUS really said is that the Feds can force you to buy something.FTS! :angry:

Again, US public spending on healthcare is vastly higher than anywhere else in the world including many european nations with either free or directly publically funded systems considered to offer a better standard of care.

This is a great point.

Supporters of the bill keep using that argument, but taxpayers don't currently foot the bill.

But under the plan, that's basically what's happening.

We are being forced AS TAXPAYERS to support those who refuse or can't afford insurance.

Is that wrong? surely better than helping to support the massive profits of the healthcare industry AS TAXPAYERS.

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>Again, US public spending on healthcare is vastly higher than anywhere else in the world including many european nations with either free or directly publically funded systems considered to offer a better standard of care.<

Free?Really?So we are going to Europe for better care?I never knew,....

>Is that wrong? surely better than helping to support the massive profits of the healthcare industry AS TAXPAYERS.<

The ACA does NOT address that! :rolleyes:

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So, it's responsible to have the hospital "take the loss" and you really think that cost or "loss" is not being passed on to the rest of us?

Yes, Type O, there is no way I can cast a vote for someone who believes in wearing magic underpants.

KB, it is not a federal mandate to have car insurance I know but in the states I have resided in you are supposed to have it to register your vehicle so you don't make someone else "take the loss" for you. Doesn't always happen that way, but it's the lack of personal accountability that gets me....

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I was close to ranting,...... :P

KB, for me, it's all about getting quality health care that people can afford. That will never happen under either system if the biggest slice of the pie continues to go into the administration of the system.

Edited by ally
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^ completely agree with that statement ally! We all just want something that works, doesn't kick us out when we need it most and doesn't put limitations if things get costly. IMO


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