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Homeless woman set on fire - just horrible.

Leather Apron

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This is a horrible story. I have no idea how some people could be this cruel?

added: the link is just a news story. the video is from a news agency covering the story. It is not a video of the incident. Just needed to make that clear.

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Maybe because it's reality, Joe...?

Low-life trash. Do you remember this story, Leather Apron?


I remember watching the bitch get sentenced. Fucking sick people, man.

Yes I do remember. I thought she would get the death penalty because Texas unlike other states is very good about carrying that out in quick order. I was disapointed that she only got 50 years the selfish bitch.

Monsters are everywhere aren't they?

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I hadn't thought of that when I posted this, but that is an excellent point. I wonder how the anti-gun people explain these types of crimes?

I guess there's just a meanness in this world.

Back in my drunken hooligan days, I'm told I once tried to do something unspeakable to a sleeping tramp (= bum), but my mates dissuaded me. I don't remember anything of the incident, we had been hitting the tequila pretty hard and I'd blacked out, but I find it hard to believe because I'm just not that kind of person.

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Maybe some people want to cut the welfare bill by burning the homeless. It will of course add to global warming.

That's not even funny. That's like saying the Newtown shooting was to control the global population.

I fear that this woman is suffering right as we speak. Being burned alive is right up there with being buried alive or suffocating. Nothing to joke about.

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That's not even funny. That's like saying the Newtown shooting was to control the global population.

I fear that this woman is suffering right as we speak. Being burned alive is right up there with being buried alive or suffocating. Nothing to joke about.

Get over it. I have more compassion for other people than you could ever know, "it's what so called liberals have"

As I said there are some sick people out there. This guy is just another one, thankfully he was caught. I wonder what his rationale was, probably petty or just pathetic.

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