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2013-14 NBA Season


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^^ Yeah, apparently the Thunder were just doing the old rope-a-dope on the Spurs in the first 2 games of this series. I have a great fear of whoever comes out of the West--but first things first, the Heat have to wrap up this series tonight...

Let's go Heat! :bravo::D

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How about those old ass Spurs? I have a bad feeling, they are on their way to a 5th NBA title...

They are favored. I never thought they could do it. Charles Barcklay sure did not think so. He said they were old and could not beat any good teams. I still think the Clippers blew it. That game 5 was won by the refs. And I think Sterling and all of his crap distracted them too. You may say its making excuses but you do not see this in sports EVER. At least not in a long long time. Miami will have their hands full. I do not give a rats ass who wins and I will not watch one minute of it. Hate them both.

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Reverse psychology Paul?

Walter Jr. says "Heat in 7". I think Heat in 6.

No psychology, I'm really afraid of the Spurs. The way the Heat ran through the Eastern Conference is nothing compared to the hell they are about to face.

Rick, you're not watching the games, not even a small wager?

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No psychology, I'm really afraid of the Spurs. The way the Heat ran through the Eastern Conference is nothing compared to the hell they are about to face.

Rick, you're not watching the games, not even a small wager?

I have no strong feeling either way. Miami is younger. They won the last two. San Anton knows how to win. I am assuming they are getting a ton of help for Parker and Duncan and Ginobli by their young 6 and 7th men? I saw them play very well and almost beat the Heat when Popovich sat all his starters one night. Remember that one? So they are deep. Even though their stars are old. I am really surprised they got by OKC, but then again, the Clippers let that series slip away. There went my interest. I do not care for either. I do not live there. I cant stand Lebron. I cant stand Parker. I like both coach's actually. I will take peaks. If the Stanley Cup is on that is far more relevant to me as hockey is my favorite sport. And I am watching the O's as long as they are still alive.

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Hey wait a minute...you mean to tell me the NBA Finals are happening? :lol:

Errrr, sorry...my focus has kind of been engaged elsewhere. I just discovered SA is up 3-1 on Miami after back-to-back ass-whippings on the Heat's home court! :o

Paul, have you thrown in the towel or can Miami force a Game 6?

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Paul, have you thrown in the towel or can Miami force a Game 6?

At this point, it really doesn't matter. There's no way in hell Popovich and crew piss away a 3-1 series lead. It's exactly what I feared before the series started, but going back a few years, I would say 3 titles in a span of about 7 years is enough for me--and considering who my football and baseball teams are, 3 World championships is damn good.

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Lebron has til the 29th of this month to opt out. It's hard for me to imagine leaving a championship ready team like the Heat to go to the mess that is the New York Knicks. But, stranger things have happened....

To you and Walter above, Carmello may decide to stay wherever Lebron goes. And you say the Knicks are a mess. Maybe so but in the NBA you can rebuild faster than in any other major sport. Lebron goes there and they have the right guys they are instant contenders. Just like with the Heat and just like with the Milwaukee Bucks back in the 70's when they got one Lew Alcindor, who later became Kareem Abdul Jabaar. Worst to first in one year. The Knicks showed flashes of having some good players last year. That winning streak included them going into San Anton and taking them apart. I know you want him to stay in Miami but conversations behind closed doors that are ongoing, are going to tell the tale.

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