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Please recommend amp for playing music of Jimmy Page.


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I understand we all go through hero worship, its part of the process, however I did not start to really grow as a guitarist until I decided to find my own voice, my own sound. I remember for years I just HAD to get me a Les Paul Standard, a Marshall amp & an Orange head. Well, that shit cost some serious cash I did not have at the time(s) and eventually I met my guitar mentor who told me exactly what I said above, best advice I ever got. I completely changed my style actually, stopped using a pick and adopted a finger style similar to Jeff Beck (did not find out until later that Jeff did the same thing) and never looked back. Now my style is my own and when I do play Page songs I sound like me and not Page which is what I like. I also turned my back on shredding and speed and slowed down, also the second best thing I did, which added a texture and expression my playing never had before.

Sounding like the greats is all fine and good but you must find your own voice, your own tone and embrace it. That is the true secret to guitar.

Oh, and practicing, lots and lots of practicing.

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Many of the recommendations are very good. But I still need advice on buying the amp. Help me about VOX PATHFINDER 15r, Crush PiX CR20L, Fender Frontman 25r, Marshall MG10CF.or other options Prices nearby AMP Which also nearby Jimmy Page sound possible.

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The amp is only part of the way to getting close to Jimmy's sound.

Guitars are important too, particularly his customised Les Paul with push / pull pots.

Then there are effects to consider, and, ability.

To expect to replicate his tone using inferior quality equipment is both a waste of time and money.

Better you save up and buy good gear as it would be a sound investment (pun intended) as it is far easier to sell than lesser named brands.

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If those are your amp options, I'd recommend a foundation overdrive pedal like a Catalinbread RAH or Dirty Little Secret, to go along with it. The RAH was designed to reproduce Page's tone from the 1970 Royal Albert Hall show from the S/T dvd and does an amazing job. It also does a great job with stuff other famed Hiwatt players like Townshend and Gilmour.

The Dirty Little Secret is more Marshall flavored and is just a great pedal overall. If you're looking for old school Marshall tone on a budget, it doesn't get much better.

There's also the JHS Superbolt, which is based on the Supro amps Page is so famed for using, but I don't own it to speak on the quality or how well it achieves the Page thing.

That being said, unless you learn in the style of Jimmy Page, you're not gonna sound like him. So focus on that as much, or more than your gear. Emulating the styles and checking out the gear of players you enjoy is the best way to develop your own style, so don't let the "develop your own sound" guys get you down.

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I remember reading an interesting article many years back on Ted Nugent. He happeend to be in the line-up of a gig with Van Halen. He said he loved the sound that Eddie got with his live rig and as the crew was setting up the Van Halen equipment, he asked if he could try out Eddie's rig. He wailed away for a few minutes. After he was done he asked the soundboard crew what it sounded like. They all said "Ted Nugent".

So as others have said, equipment alone won't make you sound like your hero. It's your playing style as well.

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but many comments were very good. Now, I still use the computer speaker to the effect guitar to play guitar and no amp guitar. I'm going to buy a guitar amp with a budget not to exceed $ 150. I want to sound like Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin the most help me. I am willing to receive instruction.

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but many comments were very good. Now, I still use the computer speaker to the effect guitar to play guitar and no amp guitar. I'm going to buy a guitar amp with a budget not to exceed $ 150. I want to sound like Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin the most help me. I am willing to receive instruction.

No offense, but maybe you should use that money on some remedial English lessons if you are in the U.S.

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None of the amps you mentioned (or any amp that, for that matter) are going to make you sound like Jimmy Page. This point has been reiterated many times in this thread. You should find what sounds best to you. And, if you're set on sounding like Jimmy Page, pick the amp that you think produces the closest approximation to his tone.

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