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2014 Baseball Thread


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I like the looks of those steak sandwich's in Detroit brother. Dang. This ganme is a nightmare for the Dodgers relievers. The American League looks better so far. I am picking the Giants to win tonight. I may be wrong. My O's in a rain delay And the White Sox are doing a number on those Red Sox

Tanaka taking his lumps. Ha. Man Zepcoda, your Rangers have really fallen apart. I mean big time. Texas cannot buy a win. And they do not appear to care.

I do believe the O's and Nats will be rained out

They were, in fact, rained out. Fortunately, we were in a suite tonight! So we ate, and drank, and had really close parking so we could escape when the rain lightened up a bit. Don't know if we'll be invited back for the makeup date.

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They were, in fact, rained out. Fortunately, we were in a suite tonight! So we ate, and drank, and had really close parking so we could escape when the rain lightened up a bit. Don't know if we'll be invited back for the makeup date.

They should invite you back for /God's sake. We needed the rainout for our bullpen. Yeah, easier to be an O's fan here than there I guess. So anyway, Dodgers and Tigers at 1, Greinke and Sherzer. Good one. Then I must switch to the Netherlands and Argentina. I hope Norris pitches well tonight. If he is on, we are in good shape. Maybe we can put the Yankees in the hole but good this weekend

Detroit really got lucky on that call on Puig's throw to second base in the first inning. It caused a chain reaction of events leading to the Dodgers undoing. I know it was close and maybe he missed the tag but he had him by two feet. If you can review that you should be able to review everything. I do not know how the fucking Dodgers infielder blew it. That is why I will take Baltimore's infield over anyone's. And a very underated infield is the White Sox. Better than people realize.And those White Sox are making a small move. They do not quit. They are staying on the heels of Detroit and KC. Though they have alot of work to do obviously. They have to beat those teams head on. Not sure if they can but they have Sale and a couple other pitchers that are doing well.

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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Greinke and Scherzer should be good--but then again, Verlander & Ryu was supposed to be a low scoring game & look what happened.

The American League so far has made the National League look awful. Oakland over SF, Baltimore over Wash, Detroit over Dodgers? Maybe the Dodgers bounce back with Greinke? Or maybe not. If not, you cannot blame it on motivation, I expect Washington has plans for us too. But the Nationals yesterday were favored. Today, same pitchers due to rain out and Baltimore is favored? May be something to that? I like Sale to go take care of Boston

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I don't know what the stat is this year, but the trend for the last several years has been the AL dominating the NL in interleague play. The AL was dominating the World Series too, until the Giants and Cardinals turned that around. I don't know who would be favored in this years series--if it's the Tigers then I would put my money on the National League. If it's the Orioles, then who knows....

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I don't know what the stat is this year, but the trend for the last several years has been the AL dominating the NL in interleague play. The AL was dominating the World Series too, until the Giants and Cardinals turned that around. I don't know who would be favored in this years series--if it's the Tigers then I would put my money on the National League. If it's the Orioles, then who knows....

Well Paul the AL playoffs would be some kind of war. And look at Seattle right now. They may sneak in behind the Angels? the Angels have turned their fortunes around. The Tigers are so on and off. They looked unbeatable for a while and then came crashing down, and now are beating the /Dodgers. Though today its a game. I have changed the channel to catch the Lebron news before the soccer starts. Decision 2.0. LOL. Maybe he should have another show. So where does he go Paul? Oops, am I on the baseball thread? Go Birds.!!!!! If Chris Davis has found his swing, look out. Him and Cruz and Jones and Pearce is a scarey lineup. And Manny. Matt Wieters must feel terrible to miss this season. Lastly, my money is on Chris Sale shutting down the Red Sox and getting that last spot. He deserves it. I voted for him and the kid on the Nationals. Renden.

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Well I don't know about you, but I have this idea that the Yankees have some major problems in their bullpen. I mean, 3-0 in the 7th and they lose 9-3 to the Indians. Kuroda vs Gonzalez tomorrow. Miguel has really come around. Kuroda is now 6-6 and I suspect its due to that pen? Miguel just has to stay with him until the 7th or so and then its huge advantage Orioles. Toronto goes to Tampa. Have fun with that. Especially without their catcher. Well, we lost Wieters also. How good would we be with Matt? Scary good. But in the mean time Joseph has done a very nice job for a young kid. His defense especially. And he has had some timely hits. Big win tonight vs Washington. Another bunch of bearded mountain men swinging baseball bats

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Hey! LedZeppfan77. Did you happen to read the post I replied to your new topic regarding the 2014 MLB All-Star Game? Post # 6?

Sorry I missed it. I willl go look now. hard to keep track of everything here. Yankees in tonight. Kuroda is probably their best shot at us. But Miguel has been on. bring em on

Bad news for the Yankees on the Tanaka thing. He may even need Tommy John like half the pitchers and my boy Wieters. If Baltimore had Wieters right now I just think that would be as good as any lineup in the game. Even without him we are pretty solid. Its been a long time waiting. Now lets go out and put the Yankees in a hole. Tonight is the game I have to worry about if there is one to worry about. Kuroda is only 6-6 though. Jimenez has been good lately. The Jays must go play a hot Tampa club. I do believe we will go to the All Star break in first place. I cannot see anything changing that. Wieters was a top vote getter and did not get to play. That is sad. It looks like we get some justice and Sale is going to get that extra spot. Donaldson has had a good and injury free year so I cannot bitch that he is there over Manny. Is he better than Manny? Hell fucking no. Machado is the best infielder in baseball. Period.

Edited by LedZeppfan77
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Bob Uecker and Bob Costas calling the Brewers/Card game on MLB Network. Very entertaining.

And... yay O's!!

Zippity doo da!!!!! Today was the only game that scared me because of Kahona. Orioles turning into a machine!!!!!! Love it!!!!! We have waited too long EBK!!!!

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The Cardinals overcame an early 6 run deficit to rally back and win the game 7-6 over the Brewers. I did not know that the Brewers had lost 9 out of their last 10 games. With the Cardinals winning this game that makes the Brewers have lost 10 out their last 11. I believe that makes the Cardinals one game below the Brewers for first place in the NL Central.

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The Cardinals overcame an early 6 run deficit to rally back and win the game 7-6 over the Brewers. I did not know that the Brewers had lost 9 out of their last 10 games. With the Cardinals winning this game that makes the Brewers have lost 10 out their last 11. I believe that makes the Cardinals one game below the Brewers for first place in the NL Central.

The Brewers are finished. The only team that will give you a fight is Cincy. The Reds are playing well. They are also right there. Milsquakee has fallen apart for reasons unknown. As for the Yankees win yesterday, the kid pitched well, but we played liike shit. 10 games over 500 finally and we got too big on ourselves. I think the real Orioles show up tonight and will pay them back. Last game until the All Star break, in any event, the Orioles will go into it in first place.

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The Brewers collapse and the Cardinals back in 1st place. I can't say I'm surprised--as I've said before, the Cardinals seem to be deathproof, just like the Spurs or cockroaches. I'm not sure I would throw in the towel on the Brewers just yet. They are still 9 games over and every team has slumps (Detroit Tigers anyone?)....

Should be an interesting NL Central division race going down the second half stretch.....

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The Brewers collapse and the Cardinals back in 1st place. I can't say I'm surprised--as I've said before, the Cardinals seem to be deathproof, just like the Spurs or cockroaches. I'm not sure I would throw in the towel on the Brewers just yet. They are still 9 games over and every team has slumps (Detroit Tigers anyone?)....

Should be an interesting NL Central division race going down the second half stretch.....

The Cardinals are in Baltimore on August 8,9,10 and boy is the 9th game at 130 in the afternoon tempting to hop on a plane and get a ticket. My wife says she wants to go but more likely next year. I am tempted to make the trip this year but not sure if I would have medical clearance. I found some box seats still available. And we are in first place. I am hoping we are still in first then. No reason for us not to be.

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The Cardinals are in Baltimore on August 8,9,10 and boy is the 9th game at 130 in the afternoon tempting to hop on a plane and get a ticket. My wife says she wants to go but more likely next year. I am tempted to make the trip this year but not sure if I would have medical clearance. I found some box seats still available. And we are in first place. I am hoping we are still in first then. No reason for us not to be.

Come on down, Rick! We could have dinner.

FYI, the game on the 9th is at 4. The game on the 10th is at 1:30

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Come on down, Rick! We could have dinner.

FYI, the game on the 9th is at 4. The game on the 10th is at 1:30

I pmed you a couple of questions. I am not sure how my medical will go as I did have a set back of sorts. I see him next week and the PT tomorrow. I doubt its anything major. I really am dying to go down there. And yes, when the day comes we would love to meet up. My wife seem to think next year is more likely. but will we be in first place next year/ I hope. I hope they spend to keep this team in tact and even make them better. I would likely want to hit the ocean down there as well. I have been to Maryland once with an ex girlfriend who's sister lives down there but I cannot remember the town. Not near the city but close to some blue crab restaurants.

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The good news is Tampa has beaten Toronto. Tampa is making a surge. So the Orioles are guaranteed a 3 game lead minimum heading to the break. St Louis getting pummeled 9-1 by Milwaukee. Just me saying they are finished did the trick. And Detroit are down to KC. Its a humbling game. Every day is different. I hope my boys bring their bats tonight. No reason for the shitty game yesterday. We have been pretty good at bouncing back.

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Music to my ears that Bundy may be ready to join Baltimore's staff before this year ends. If he is as advertised, look out.

In the meantime, lets beat the damn Yankees and put some distance between us the the pack

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Hey LedZeppfan77,

It's the A's vs the O's this week! This should be some good baseball.

Go A's!

All Star Break? You mean after? Machado just lost a routine pop up in the lights. Never saw the fucking ball. Unbelievable. Pearce should have gotten it

Well the A's and Angels likely are in for a big fight in the second half. But it appears both will get in. I think we must win the division if we do not get real hot to get in. I am hopeful Bundy will get his shot. The A's, I caught the end of that game in Seattle where Melvin lost it at the end of the game. Screaming at the ump. Did he get fined? That was something. I mean, they were both screaming at the Ump. If the game had not ended they would have been tossed

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Who made this damn schedule? Cashman or Girardi? WTF? We have to go to Oakland and Anaheim and then come home and play the Angels while the Yankees get Texas 4 in a row at home. Texas cannot beat a little league team right now. They do get Cincy at home. That is no gimme. Then Toronto and I guess we hope they beat each other. Jons gets the out so lets see if we can score a fucking run against one of these punk ass rookies

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There is some loud weather moving past my house right now. The O's would do well to get through this half inning quickly!!

I'm glad I sold my tickets for tonight...

I am watching. Only supposed to last a half hour. Davis took them out of the opposite field. Two run shot. 3-1 good guys!!!! Game is official in any event. But I think they resume. Girardi pulled that punk already!

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