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2014 NFL Thread...

paul carruthers

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I wonder what Rick will have to say whenever he's on again.... :D

"Seahawks will eat their lunch....Brady is over the hill...Belichick is a cheating asshole...Brady has no one to throw to except Bronk...they were lucky...the Bills beat them in week 17 and will beat them in the East next year...the f^ckin' zebras gave it to them."

Close enough? ;)

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Redrum, love 'em or hate 'em....they won that game. You've gotta give that to them. 5 turnovers, down 12 with 3 min to go, and then go to OT and win. Very impressive.

There is no way Richard Sherman plays with that torn bicep in the Super Bowl.

Luck on the onside kick, luck on that floater to Wilson, luck on the coin toss.

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Two of the biggest games of the season and Rick, of all people, is nowhere to be found? :blink: I sure hope nothing has happened...like his bookies catching up to him. ;)

Luck is the residue of design, redrum...and no, I am not talking about Andrew Luck*. Since Green Bay didn't seem all that eager to win the game, Seattle wrested victory from Green Bay's all-too-cautious claws. Pete Carroll was dashing and gambling in his calls. Mike McCarthy did the usual "play-it-safe" routine. In fact, the way Green Bay was doing all they could to hand the game over to Seattle, I thought maybe Green Bay's coaches had been kidnapped and replaced with the Detroit Lions staff during the night. But nope, that was the real Mike McCarthy stumble-bumbling his way to ignominious NFL history. A real choke-job.

Now, the Super Bowl early line is out and guess what? It's a pick 'em! Never before has there been a pick 'em Super Bowl...the closest a Super Bowl line closed at was one point (Miami over Washington in Super Bowl VII and San Francisco over Cincinnati in Super Bowl XVI). Of course, with two weeks to go there is plenty of time for the line to move either way.

* Andrew Luck can grow his beard all he wants but when it comes to quarterbacking he is still a little boy compared to Tom Brady. The Patriots played with their food for a half and then it was lights out as they went for the kill in the second. Brady has now played the Luck-led Colts four times and each time New England has put 40 or more points on the board. If it hadn't been for that bonehead Wilfork, the Colts wouldn't have scored at all.

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At least it wasn't the muscle tear it looked like. Emmitt played with an injury like that before, but it was in the shoulder area.

Seattle vs. New England is truly a pick 'em game.

What's the story about? http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000460728/article/nfl-looking-into-pats-possible-use-of-deflated-balls

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Does it really matter at this point? How long does Peyton have?

Oh, and John Fox going to the Bears is a snooze too...more retreads being rehired.

Deflate-gate? That's the best the Colts can do?

When I made my last post before going to bed I had seen something about the Colts complaining about the balls but felt it was too silly to even mention...it sounded like the desperate whine of losers.

That's what I love about the Belichick-Brady New England Patriots: They are so ruthless and unconcerned with the usual group-think mindset of the NFL, that teams are reduced to squealing babies when they lose to them. It's always the same, tired "New England cheats" whine.

New England reminds me of the way the Raiders used to be. Daring, pedal to the metal iconoclasts.

Most coaches and teams in the NFL are cowards...they hide behind the conventional wisdom and doing things by-the-book. That's why most of them never win a championship. They are so preoccupied with playing not to lose that they fail to seize the opportunity to win. They are afraid to risk anything and so gain nothing.

Look at the coaches that have won the Super Bowl lately...Pete Carroll, Sean Payton, Bill Belichick. Not your usual Wade Phillips-Marty Schottenheimer types.

Remember when Belichick and Brady went for it on 4th down in Patriot territory at the end of that game against the Colts? They failed and the Colts won and people lost their minds. Not me...I applauded Belichick. That's how I would want the coach of my favourite team to play the game. No risk, no reward.

Did New England lose that game? Have they not lost some Super Bowls? Yes and yes. But they have won so much more. And ten years after their last Super Bowl triumph, they are still winning. No other coach-quarterback combo can make that claim.

The Chuck Noll-Terry Bradshaw reign lasted about 6-7 years. Bill Walsh-Joe Montana around 10 years. Jimmy Johnson-Troy Aikman lasted only a few years. Don Shula-Dan Marino never won a Super Bowl...same with Dan Reeves-John Elway.

Belichick and Brady are in their NFL record 6th Super Bowl together nearly 15 years after their first appearance.

This Super Bowl promises to be interesting because both coaches are imaginative take-no-prisoners types. They don't hide behind going for the safe field goal or trying to run out the clock with three predictable runs up the gut.

You wouldn't have seen a Belichick team get gifted with 5 turnovers and only come away with two field goals. I rewatched that Green Bay-Seattle game and you could literally see Mike McCarthy's balls shrivel up as the game went on. His post-game press conference was a scream...a bunch of nonsense about "I came into this game with a target...I wanted to run the ball 20 times in the second half...blah blah blah."

Hello! The only target you should be concerned about is winning the damn game. You play to win the game. Screw your damn run quotas and other bullshit. Belichick is a master at making in-game adjustments on the fly...he doesn't wait for halftime either. If the game situation dictates a change in his original approach and strategy, he's not afraid to implement the change immediately.

Pete Carroll is like that, too. That is why I am looking forward to this battle of wits in the Super Bowl. It should be a killer game.

Edited by Strider
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Well put thoughts Sean. All day yesterday I was talking about waiting for Green Bay to deliver the knockout blow and how they might regret letting Seattle hang around in that game and looked what happened. I think for years to come Green Bay is going to have to live with that monumental choke job--unless of course, they can actually get to a few more Super Bowls and with their QB, it's always a possibility.

As for the big game, I think I'll wait awhile before making my not so bold prediction....

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Well put thoughts Sean. All day yesterday I was talking about waiting for Green Bay to deliver the knockout blow and how they might regret letting Seattle hang around in that game and looked what happened. I think for years to come Green Bay is going to have to live with that monumental choke job--unless of course, they can actually get to a few more Super Bowls and with their QB, it's always a possibility.

As for the big game, I think I'll wait awhile before making my not so bold prediction....


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Does it really matter at this point? How long does Peyton have?.

If it brings Manning back for another season, it is to Denver fans. Otherwise they are probably screwed next season. Overall, it doesn't matter as I believe next year is Peyton's last season regardless.

John Fox going to Chicago....yawn. They need a major overhaul - starting at qb.

Right now I would have to say I'm going with Seattle for the Super Bowl. IF they can get pressure on Brady, like the Giants did, then they have a decent shot. Much like last year, the AFC champ hasn't seen a defense like Seattle's. There's nothing to compare them to. Detroit was the best D the Pats saw all season and they still don't hold a candle to the 'hawks.

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Two of the biggest games of the season and Rick, of all people, is nowhere to be found? :blink: I sure hope nothing has happened...like his bookies catching up to him. ;)

Luck is the residue of design, redrum...and no, I am not talking about Andrew Luck*. Since Green Bay didn't seem all that eager to win the game, Seattle wrested victory from Green Bay's all-too-cautious claws. Pete Carroll was dashing and gambling in his calls. Mike McCarthy did the usual "play-it-safe" routine. In fact, the way Green Bay was doing all they could to hand the game over to Seattle, I thought maybe Green Bay's coaches had been kidnapped and replaced with the Detroit Lions staff during the night. But nope, that was the real Mike McCarthy stumble-bumbling his way to ignominious NFL history. A real choke-job.

Now, the Super Bowl early line is out and guess what? It's a pick 'em! Never before has there been a pick 'em Super Bowl...the closest a Super Bowl line closed at was one point (Miami over Washington in Super Bowl VII and San Francisco over Cincinnati in Super Bowl XVI). Of course, with two weeks to go there is plenty of time for the line to move either way.

* Andrew Luck can grow his beard all he wants but when it comes to quarterbacking he is still a little boy compared to Tom Brady. The Patriots played with their food for a half and then it was lights out as they went for the kill in the second. Brady has now played the Luck-led Colts four times and each time New England has put 40 or more points on the board. If it hadn't been for that bonehead Wilfork, the Colts wouldn't have scored at all.

No Strider I am alive and well. I do not care for the remaining teams so I did not watch except for some of the first half of the Seattle/Green Bay debacle. I was shocked when I learned Seattle somehow rallied and watched the replays of both games. As I suspected Indy was a fluke, only Denver and Mannings short comings let them look better than advertised. This is the last hurrah and I am telling you Buffalo will find a way to be in next year. Nothing is going to stop them. A friend who hates New England and Lynch equally believes NE is a lock. well, I remember SB XXV was supposed to be a lock for us and so too SB III, the greatest upset in sports history IMO. No such thing as a lock in a pick game.

I am up to W15 on my ESPN Streak. Might not sound real impressive but the prize is $30K and it ends on the last day of the month. If I pick two games correctly every day for the rest of the month I would have a Streak of 40 which nobody has ever come close to. Lets knock 8 off of that when they shut down the NHL, my bread and butter, and give me 32. Still likely enough,. 25 has the current lead. He will sit on it until he is threatened and then make a panic induced decision. I have tried to get you guys to take a look at their fantasy games. FREE

Give me Seattle in the Bowl.

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