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Hey Hey What Can I do - WHICH parts are Zither?


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on "hey hey what can I do" - I'm trying to discern which parts are Jonesy on Mandolin and which parts are Page on the Zither

Is Jones doing the chords that kinda mimic the acoustic guitar? while Page is doing the "Lead Line" ?

So the riffs at 26 seconds in and 33 seconds for example are Page?

If anyone repsonds, please feel free to send link to your source..

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If I had a nickel for every time Wikipedia has been wrong...

I've listened to this song a zillion times and have never heard a zither. Acoustic guitars and mandolins and bass are all the string instruments I hear.

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If I had a nickel for every time Wikipedia has been wrong...

I've listened to this song a zillion times and have never heard a zither. Acoustic guitars and mandolins and bass are all the string instruments I hear.

It sounds like a 12 string guitar to me.

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If I had a nickel for every time Wikipedia has been wrong...

I've listened to this song a zillion times and have never heard a zither. Acoustic guitars and mandolins and bass are all the string instruments I hear.

I am with you, I have never heard any zipper in there.


Boss, its zither not zipper!


You Stoopids! never correct your peerless leader!!

Edited by juxtiphi
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  • 2 weeks later...

On Black Country Woman, there is a mandolin blended in the background, it's intermittent and textured playing. I think that's jpj, as it's so similar to what he's playin these days. I only noticed it on the box set 2 cd, not on vinyl or original 80s cds.

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