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Wow, not that this game is over, but going into the weekend, how many of us in the postseason contest had the 2 teams from Texas being up 2-0 in their respective series--I know I sure as hell didn't.

What is "home field advantage?" 

Toss it out the window...


What did Earl Weaver used to say? Momentum is next day's starting pitcher.

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I know the baseball home field advantage isn't as pronounced as the NBA and NFL. But it is kind of new when what has happened in these playoffs has not occurred since 1906!

Thanks Rick. Even if you don't like the Dodgers, and I'm not a fan, if you love baseball how can you not love Vin Scully? Hope he's on the mend soon...but the day is coming soon, I fear.

Vin Scully and Rick Jeanorettre of the Sabres both I love.  And both are stepping down this year.  Sucks.  Two great announcers. I am a fan of the Dodgers. I want the Cubs but Dodgers are my other choice.  I have been doing great in the contest until Lester pitches a gem and the Cardinals got him in the 9th.  I figured winning game one would be tough.  But it would be  a big mistake to count these Cubs out just yet

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It's only one game, but I said before that beating the Cards in a best of 5, or even a best of 7, if they get that far would be a daunting task. I know there are a lot of people who are tired of the Cards--just like the Patriots in football--but you can't deny the Cards greatness, especially this time of year....

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It's only one game, but I said before that beating the Cards in a best of 5, or even a best of 7, if they get that far would be a daunting task. I know there are a lot of people who are tired of the Cards--just like the Patriots in football--but you can't deny the Cards greatness, especially this time of year....

I think you are selling this Cubs team short.  I say they bounce back strong . They are not going quietly.  Nor is Mr Kershaw and the Dodgers

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