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So what is it that makes Zeppelin relevant?


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Many bands have tried to re-create it but have failed dismally; either by completely misrepresenting Zeppelin or shamelessly ripping them off. (Kravitz, Wolfmother, aspects of guns and roses)

I think the overall impression created by Led Zeppelin is an important one because it is obvious that merely emulating their sound and persona, is not enough.

On the master forum, there was some talk about a new album and this concerns me. By capturing the 'spirit' of what they had rather than appropriating their trade mark sound, then maybe...just maybe the idea of new and worthy material is possible.

It is 'essence' and integrity which makes it possible to be relevant in a new era.

Anyone care to explain what this essence is/was?

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The cast of American Idol have talent.

Surely it is not talent alone.

They have skill, not talent.

Thousands of guitarists play better than Jimi, but no one cares about them because they lack creative talent/dont write for shit.

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Many bands have tried to re-create it but have failed dismally; either by completely misrepresenting Zeppelin or shamelessly ripping them off. (Kravitz, Wolfmother, aspects of guns and roses)

I think the overall impression created by Led Zeppelin is an important one because it is obvious that merely emulating their sound and persona, is not enough.

On the master forum, there was some talk about a new album and this concerns me. By capturing the 'spirit' of what they had rather than appropriating their trade mark sound, then maybe...just maybe the idea of new and worthy material is possible.

It is 'essence' and integrity which makes it possible to be relevant in a new era.

Anyone care to explain what this essence is/was?

The essence was the sacred mystical teachings in various forms the music hinted too...weather it was on purpose or to sell records, I'm not sure.

The era of the times, coupled with the innocense and free reign they had to stimulate a very wide ignorant drug induced audiance (which no longer exists in the magnitude it did back then)...and the fact that this wasnt just music...it went way beyond just music.

The new album will have to transcend itself to this new era, of free information and free access to information. Not to mention the ascended consciousness of society as a whole) I wasnt able to attend the 02 concert , yet seen most of it on youtube! Wow- this is indeed a new time.

One can never recreate an origional...not even the origional artist can truely recreate the origional work. But they can make it better by using the wisdom they have gained since its origional creation.

Being relevent is another ballpark...the world we live in today is spinning much faster than the one yesterday and the globalization of the market economies has made a simple task as earning a daily living a lot harder thing to do.

We now have two very distinct classes of people in all developed countries. Todays folks, really dont have it as easy as they did back when Zep was coming up the ladder.

Also as most bands are moving up the ladder they are talking on the same level as the audiance in what they protest and also challange in the status quo and main stream society. The Zep folks are themselves now the pillars of main stream society themselves, and they now stand symbolicly from no choice of their own, for the very thing they once protested in their music.

Todays audiance is much more intelligent and a simple love song is ok and always warm to hear...but it isnt going to raise any eyebrows.

Also, when we were kids we had two choices...music or be very very bored all day. Today music is only one of a gazillion things to do. All that come with a price tag on the label. The average teenage dollar now has a million hands grabbing for it, compared to when music ruled the world.

It wont be as easy peddling the same old song and dance as a new art and expect it to turn heads like it once did when we didnt have anything else to do.

Life is busy now, music is what we listen too while we are doing life. Yesterday, life is what we did while we were listening to music.

Relevence depends on your age, how good your weed is and how much money you have.

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They have skill, not talent.

Thousands of guitarists play better than Jimi, but no one cares about them because they lack creative talent/dont write for shit.

You're really playing with words here.

Talent, skill -different?

Then there is creative talent?

Then why can't there be creative skill??

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The essence was the sacred mystical teachings in various forms the music hinted too...weather it was on purpose or to sell records, I'm not sure.

Zeppelin lyrics, much like most 70's 'mystical' lyrics, may have suited the lifestyle choices of hippie culture but it's a complete farce. These are probably the same hippies who created the bullshit new age culture. You have to remember that Led Zeppelin were rock stars; sexually devious and hedonistic. It just so happened that they made good music, there's no spiritual or mystical crusade but I'm sure Robert and Jimmy thought there was.

The era of the times, coupled with the innocense and free reign they had to stimulate a very wide ignorant drug induced audiance (which no longer exists in the magnitude it did back then)...and the fact that this wasnt just music...it went way beyond just music.

The new album will have to transcend itself to this new era, of free information and free access to information. Not to mention the ascended consciousness of society as a whole) I wasnt able to attend the 02 concert , yet seen most of it on youtube! Wow- this is indeed a new time.

This is where you are wrong. drugs are no less prevalent than they were in the seventies and people are no more enlightened. It is true that the band catered to the needs of hippie culture. But it seems that Led Zeppelin attracted, and still attracts a broad cross section of society. I think that the Zeppelin product was twofold, It was selling sex and it was good music.

One can never recreate an origional...not even the origional artist can truely recreate the origional work. But they can make it better by using the wisdom they have gained since its origional creation.

Being relevent is another ballpark...the world we live in today is spinning much faster than the one yesterday and the globalization of the market economies has made a simple task as earning a daily living a lot harder thing to do.

Again, a misconception. While the world is changing, people still want the same things. Rock music hasn't had an original idea in twenty years.

We now have two very distinct classes of people in all developed countries. Todays folks, really dont have it as easy as they did back when Zep was coming up the ladder.

Also as most bands are moving up the ladder they are talking on the same level as the audiance in what they protest and also challange in the status quo and main stream society. The Zep folks are themselves now the pillars of main stream society themselves, and they now stand symbolicly from no choice of their own, for the very thing they once protested in their music.

Todays audiance is much more intelligent and a simple love song is ok and always warm to hear...but it isnt going to raise any eyebrows.

Total bullshit! Why are people more aware? Is it because bands like rage against the machine spew out left wing sentiments so audiences can feel a little more culturally superior? Don't fall for it, it's a scene.

It is indeed a lot harder to climb the music industry ladder, simply because music is more corporate, society has been culturally 'watered down' and there are less opportunities because of things like myspace and less radio play. People often expect less of music these days.

Bands like Led Zeppelin were in a fortunate position -yes, but the reason why they have endured such longevity is because of something more intrinsic to the band. With a little more technology, it might not ever have happened.

Also, when we were kids we had two choices...music or be very very bored all day. Today music is only one of a gazillion things to do. All that come with a price tag on the label. The average teenage dollar now has a million hands grabbing for it, compared to when music ruled the world.

I'm not sure that it amounted to a short attention span. When I was a kid there were less distractions but because one knew no better, it was easier to amuse oneself with simplicity. Today's youth have lost their innocence, it doesn't make them any wiser though. Loyalty and innocence were stronger back then, you can hear it in the recording technology as well.

It wont be as easy peddling the same old song and dance as a new art and expect it to turn heads like it once did when we didnt have anything else to do.

Life is busy now, music is what we listen too while we are doing life. Yesterday, life is what we did while we were listening to music.

I agree.

Relevence depends on your age, how good your weed is and how much money you have.

I think that music can cut through all that bullshit if executed well. After all, it's all about inciting emotion

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I think that music can cut through all that bullshit if executed well. After all, it's all about inciting emotion

True to a point...there is such a huge demand for musicians now that it all has been watered down and has become completely and totally commercialism. The control of creative content has taken all the fun out of being a musician. Who the hell wants to play cover tunes for a decade...A band like Zeppelin couldnt even happen now, first they wouldnt be given the creative freedom this band, as we now know due to Peter Grant and Ahmet Ergin (sorry if i spelled his name wrong) provided.

But their endurance over time is more associated with them being the highest stock holders in the industry and maintaining asset leverage on the industry more than it has to do with staying power. Plus the fact, they are our band...weather we like it or not, it is the music we grew up on. We can't walk away from it, any easier than we can erase 30 years of our own lives.

I'm going to have to agree that they catered to the hippy audiance, of course that was the only audiance of the time ...and as it has been revealed sexual connotations have been at the for front of the musical enuendos, which by itself desicrates any thought of spiritual or mystical sacredness...though on another level, that was what people wanted, and what people related too. Could be these are the wise men of our time, or that time and this is the communication mechanism they used.

I myself have found that if one stays hidden too long they become irrelivant...but shit 20 million registered for that 02 concert!!!!!!!!!!! I dont really think they give a damn what we all have to say anyway.

I'm going to have to agree with you to be carefull on ascerting a link between sacred mysticism and this bands expression of it. We cross the line of, is perversion sacred? Not to mention that gazillions of dollars have been made off it.

Maybe they were just darn good musicians and unlike the Stones that release a tune every 5 minutes, Zeppelin is the extreme opposite and we have built them up to be much more than it actually is using our own imaginations from a shear lack and trickle of work.

Didnt Pink Floyd sing,"It was only fantasy, the wall was too high and you cant see"

If it was only fantasy...then...............................................................

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