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Stevie Ray Vaughn


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Stevie Ray Vaughan is still the best guitarist I've ever heard. Sorry Jimmy Page.

And I just don't get where people say they don't like the production on his albums. They mostly recorded live in the studio. This puzzles me.

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I was lucky to see SRV 2 times-both in 1989.

One was a double headliner with SRV and Jeff Beck. They would alternate in each city who would open and close. When I saw them at the Sam Houston Coliseum in Houston, TX- Jeff Beck went on first. At the end Jeff came back out and they jammed on 'Going Down" Awesome show.

The other show was at the Astrodome- it had the The Who as the headliners. Fabulous Thunderbirds opened and SRV was in the middle slot.

I had tickets for a 3rd show in 1986 to see SRV but got sick and didn't make it. I still have the unused ticket stub as well as the other two from the other shows.

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I dont need to see a video of him. Have seen him live. Saw Page and Zepp live. I think its a stretch to say he is the best. Better than Page, Clapton, Hendrix, Rhodes, etc. I think not. Im glad you like him. But I strongly disagree that he is the best. And the video you put up is supposed to convince me he is in the same league as Jimmy Page?? Hahahahahahahahahahah

Hey, opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one, and they all stink. I'm still going to sit here and say I like Stevie Ray more than Jimmy Page. Still doesn't mean I don't like Led Zeppelin. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here.

I will say that as of today, Jimmy Page is probably the better guitar player though. :D

Edited by Deezer
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The guy was damn good. Saw him open for Plant. But he is NOT Jimmy Page!! Are you freakin kidding me? Based on what material?? Doesnt have enough material to be mentioned in the same breath as Page. Page is the greatest guitarist to ever walk this planet!!!

The sooner you allow others to express their own opinion without you trying to force yours on them the better off we'll all be. So what if someone thinks SRV is better than Page? There's plenty of people out there that don't think Page is the best guitarist ever. It's not a FACT they're expressing, it's an opinion.

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Stevie Ray Vaughan is still the best guitarist I've ever heard. Sorry Jimmy Page.

And I just don't get where people say they don't like the production on his albums. They mostly recorded live in the studio. This puzzles me.

:huh: Why puzzled? The Swede described the sound on these albums, and didn't like it. Others have agreed. I would go so far as to say that the sound is simply too slick for blues. Never liked his albums for that reason. But he was a really good player, and may have been great live - never heard any live recordings.

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Correct. So why am I not able to express mine? I am sticking up for Page. This is a zeppelin site and I am a Zeppelin fan. so if someone comes on here and says this guy is better than Page he is going to hear my opinion.

You have every right to express your opinion but you express it as though it were a hard cold fact, that's different. And so what if this is a Zeppelin site? This is the Other Bands / Music section. Not everyone here even considers Led Zeppelin their favorite band and I'm one of them. It doesn't mean you have to stand up for Page (or any of the other members) if someone doesn't think they're the best band in the world.

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I still find it odd, because I've had discussions with people who didn't like Stevie's albums because they weren't recorded well.

Again, with the exception of In Step, except for the vocals, everything was done live in the studio as a band. I find it hard to criticize the recording of something just because they basically mic'd what is essentially a live performance really well. Because for the first three albums, John Hammond was at the helm, and was a big fan of no effects added to the voice, and getting the most straightforward production possible, so no echo drums, and stuff like that.

But that's just my opinion anyway.

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Correct. So why am I not able to express mine? I am sticking up for Page. This is a zeppelin site and I am a Zeppelin fan. so if someone comes on here and says this guy is better than Page he is going to hear my opinion.

Oh great Zeppelin defender. It's all good bro.

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:huh: Why puzzled? The Swede described the sound on these albums, and didn't like it. Others have agreed. I would go so far as to say that the sound is simply too slick for blues. Never liked his albums for that reason. But he was a really good player, and may have been great live - never heard any live recordings.

He has several on the market now but Live Alive! was my first taste of SRV live. There's also some very choice live selections on the SRV box set as well as a DVD from Austin City Limits. All very good stuff.


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He was amazing live. I've heard quite a few boots, and very rarely was there a bad performance, and very rarely did he even miss a note. For example, Live Alive is probably his worst live recording because it's when he was drugged out of his mind on cocaine and whiskey, but he still plays very well. He rarely played a bad note, even live.

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Tell me you never hear opinions that dont ge under your skin? It just bothers me that someone that had so little material compared to the likes of a legend like Jimmy Page can be put ahead of him. It is terrible that this guy lost his life way too soon. But it doesnt take away the fact that he doesnt have even close to as much material as Jimmy. That said, its quite obvious you dont care for me Jahfin. But ther are always going to be people that dont like others on here. There are going to be personality clashes. We just have to keep it civil. Doesnt mean we cant disagree and "argue". Just keep it civil.

Lack of material is just not a viable reason to me.

And I'm so sorry that I've upset you that you feel the need to defend Led Zeppelin.

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Tell me you never hear opinions that dont ge under your skin? It just bothers me that someone that had so little material compared to the likes of a legend like Jimmy Page can be put ahead of him. It is terrible that this guy lost his life way too soon. But it doesnt take away the fact that he doesnt have even close to as much material as Jimmy. That said, its quite obvious you dont care for me Jahfin. But ther are always going to be people that dont like others on here. There are going to be personality clashes. We just have to keep it civil. Doesnt mean we cant disagree and "argue". Just keep it civil.

What in the fuck does the amount of material SRV has vs. Page have to do with anything? Hell, he probably has more material available (legally) since he passed away than when he was alive. It's about his talent anyway and not the amount of music either one of them have released (legally or otherwise).

I don't have a problem with you but I do have a problem with folks that express their opinions as unwaviering facts. I've got some news for you, not everyone thinks Jimmy Page is the best guitarist on the planet. Nor does everyone here think Led Zeppelin hold the same title. It's all a matter of opinion anyway whether this is a Led Zeppelin site or not. I post at a variety of sites and none of them are even devoted to my favorite band, this site is no different. If it was a prequistite that you can only post at a site for your favorite artist that would be pretty fuckin' foolish, wouldn't it?

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He has several on the market now but Live Alive! was my first taste of SRV live. There's also some very choice live selections on the SRV box set as well as a DVD from Austin City Limits. All very good stuff.


I personally love the Montreux shows. Here's a video from it, Hide Away/Rude Mood.

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If an artist has a couple of albums and they sell well and another has 4 times the amount and all gold record awards, are you telling me that it makes sense to pronounce the first artist as better than the second. Ill use Boston and Led Zeppelin for an example here. If someone comes on here and says Boston is better than Led Zeppelin ( who have how many Gold fucking record awards??) are you telling me you are going to just sit there and not say anything?

Since when did popularity have anything to do with it?

Look, I'm sorry you have a problem with my opinion, I suggest you build a bridge and get over it.

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If an artist has a couple of albums and they sell well and another has 4 times the amount and all gold record awards, are you telling me that it makes sense to pronounce the first artist as better than the second.

What in the fuck do sales figures have to do with anything? I keep pointing out this particular flaw in your already weak ass arguments but you keep falling back on it again and again. Milli Vanilli moved tons of records and outsold lots of artists back in their day. Hell, they were even nominated for a Grammy but does that mean they were better than any of those artists? Hell no.

If someone comes on here and says Boston is better than Led Zeppelin ( who have how many Gold fucking record awards??) are you telling me you are going to just sit there and not say anything?

Oh, I'm sure I'd express an opinion but I'd express it as just that, an opinion and not a fact. There is a very huge difference between the two.

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i've always liked srv, right from the begining. even his albums, even tho they sounded like something was missing. hard to explain, try this zep= whole milk, srv = 1% milk. i saw him open for jeff beck in miami, he played better then beck that night. he just attacked the stage. he was faster then anyone i ever saw, including zack w.. besides being a great player, he was a showmen, like page, or hendrix. if you didn't see him live you missed something....but page s still better.

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I started listening to SRV because I heard John Mayer liked him, and then after listening to him I realized John Mayer was blatantly ripping him off. I still love both guys, though. Whatever. I'm easily pleased as long as it sounds good.

I don't really have very many of his albums at this point, though. I'm an excessively poor college student who has to scrape the change together to buy toilet paper. I've stopped stealing it from the various bathrooms on campus. I think someone was on my tail.

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Well I am quite certain I did state it as an opinion. I dont recall using the word fact. If I did then fucking sue me. I will say that you are an encylopedia of knowledge about alot of music. Dont know why I would compliment someone that not only hates me but constantly badgers my posts. You do know your music very well. Better than many. But I know a few things too. And I think I have a little more experiance and have heard alot more than some of these members that are a third my age. i have been to somewhere between 60-90 concerts in my life. Have seen many of the very important and huge bands. I can play the guitar myself, used to play piano, can read and write music and have taken music theory. so I do know a few things about music. So I would say that my opinion has some degree of education behind it. That is all I will say. As for the guy who started the post-no hard feelings. Rick(a defender of Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin til the day I die!!)

I don't care how much education you have, you're not going to change my opinion, and I absolutely love the fact that you have to take down people on a message board because they have a different opinion.

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Well I am quite certain I did state it as an opinion. I dont recall using the word fact. If I did then fucking sue me. I will say that you are an encylopedia of knowledge about alot of music. Dont know why I would compliment someone that not only hates me but constantly badgers my posts. You do know your music very well. Better than many. But I know a few things too. And I think I have a little more experiance and have heard alot more than some of these members that are a third my age. i have been to somewhere between 60-90 concerts in my life. Have seen many of the very important and huge bands. I can play the guitar myself, used to play piano, can read and write music and have taken music theory. so I do know a few things about music. So I would say that my opinion has some degree of education behind it. That is all I will say. As for the guy who started the post-no hard feelings. Rick(a defender of Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin til the day I die!!)

When did I ever say I "hate" you? Fact of the matter is, I didn't. In regards to Page vs. SRV you may not have said it was fact that Page is the better guitarist but you presented it as more than just mere opinion. As for who has a right to post in this thread, that isn't up to you, people can post in here as they damn well please. Regarding your so-called experience, that also doesn't mean a fucking thing. The opinion of a 13 year old is just as valid as your opinion, no matter how many concerts they've been to or how well versed they are on any given musical instrument. None of that matters as it is only opinion afterall. I can't play a fucking note on guitar and I can't carry a tune in a bucket, does that make my opinion any less valid?

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I started listening to SRV because I heard John Mayer liked him, and then after listening to him I realized John Mayer was blatantly ripping him off. I still love both guys, though. Whatever. I'm easily pleased as long as it sounds good.

I don't really have very many of his albums at this point, though. I'm an excessively poor college student who has to scrape the change together to buy toilet paper. I've stopped stealing it from the various bathrooms on campus. I think someone was on my tail.


I like SRV. He's quite the bluesy contemporary artist. I don't own any CDs but I like him.

Don't steal campus toilet paper! Its hard and scratchy! :lol:

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I would make the argument that I would give a little, not alot, more weight to the opinion of guitar players by someone that actually knows how to play one and knows the differance in talent and difficulty than one that does not. Same with a piano player judging piano players over someone that knows nothing about music or playing an instrument. so I think that it does make someone a little more qualified. Its like someone that doesnt know anyting about playing a guitar telling me that angus Young can outplay Jimmy Page. Get fucking real!

So what about me? I can play guitar, read music, all that stuff. But I'm sure you've done that more, so your opinion matters more right?

It's all about the feeling. It doesn't matter what a person plays, it's how they play it. B.B. King plays some of the most rudimentary stuff you'll ever find, but NO ONE CAN SOUND LIKE HIM. Why, it should be easy. Because it's how he plays it, not what he plays. Same with a guitarist like Billy Gibbons, whose stuff can be very hard to play despite the fact that what he plays is quite easy.

And it's all about how it kicks you in the gut, not how many notes or the complexity of what someone can play. That's the deal. That's why guys like Jeff Beck leave me cold, but I can listen to Albert Collins all freakin' day.

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I would make the argument that I would give a little, not alot, more weight to the opinion of guitar players by someone that actually knows how to play one and knows the differance in talent and difficulty than one that does not. Same with a piano player judging piano players over someone that knows nothing about music or playing an instrument. so I think that it does make someone a little more qualified. Its like someone that doesnt know anyting about playing a guitar telling me that angus Young can outplay Jimmy Page. Get fucking real!

Read Deezer's post above. It's about how a guitarists' playing affects one emotionally on a gut level. It doesn't have a damn thing to do with technical ability (or the lack thereof). There's dozens of guitarists out there that can play lightyears faster and hit more scales than Jimmy Page. Does that automatically make them the world's best guitarist?

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I would say that it is a combination of playing witih feeling and technical ability combined. And I seriously doubt there are dozens of guitarists that can play light yrs faster than Jimmy Page. No way.

Yep, there are. There are probably more than dozens actually. There's a whole subgenre called "speed metal". In any case, who the fuck cares how fast one can play? Does that mean someone is a better guitarist just because of speed? I sure hope to hell not.

I thought that picture on your profile was you playing a guitar Jahfin. Or is it a young Johnny Cash? I cant tell.

That's Cash.

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