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Guitar Shopping


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When doing business with a musical instrument retailer, there are three numbers that affect the final sale price: MSRP (manufacturer's suggested retail price), MAP (minimum advertised price) and net.

Years ago, MSRP was the standard sale price for musical instruments, as it still is in many other industries. Anymore though, the MSRP is just the base number from which all other numbers are derived. These days, if you paid MSRP, you probably could have gotten a better deal somewhere else.

MAP pricing is a relatively recent invention. Its goal is to keep large chain retailers from poaching sales from mom-and-pop stores by limiting how low of a price can be advertised for a particular product, but in reality it has become the new "street price." Stores such as Guitar Center typically sell at MAP price because that's all they can offer: a low price. Locally owned stores generally have better customer service, but due to various economic factors may not be able to offer as low of a price. Still, most local retailers are hungry for business, and when pressured may offer to match or beat chain store prices. MAP is generally 20-40% off the retail price.

Net is the store's actual cost for an item. 50% off MSRP is the standard discount, though some items may receive an additional 5-20% discount. Depending on how the store pays for its merchandise, it may receive an additional quickpay discount. This number plus shipping is a retailer's bottom line. Most stores need to maintain a profit of 20-30% over net + shipping in order to remain solvent.

Knowing these numbers gives you bargaining leverage and is your key to getting a great deal.

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Has anyone checked out the musical instruments store on Amazon.com? Some of the prices are so low, it makes me wonder. Still, I imagine the shipping costs for a guitar or amplifier would be so high as to almost cancel out any discount pricing.

The selection is very broad and it's nice to "window shop". I'm loving those Gibson Goddess guitars - fantastic colors.

Edited by FireOpal
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Agreed, this is good advice.

I just priced LP Standards at $1400 - $1800.

I bought my Eric Johnson signature Strat for under $1500 new a couple of years ago. I got the best price I could get over the web, went down to the local GC and had them ship one in. I played it before I bought it.

I bought a korean hollow body Gretsch for $400 and I probably paid too much.

I've never owned an LP, if anyone has a line on what to look for in a used one, drop me a line.

Eric Johnson just performed at NAMM on 1/16/09: (playing a new EJ signature strat)


Friends, Steve's Boogie, Camel's Night Out and When The Sun Meets The Sky were performed

R B)

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It looks heavy! But very cool. People will automatically assume you're an Oasis fan I imagine - Noel played a guitar like that in the 90's IIRC.

I've been thinking about getting a lighter guitar, and heard that the Gibson SG is good in this department while not sacrificing on resonance and sustain. I've noticed that some of the smaller guys in rock - Angus Young and Robby Krieger - use this model primarily.

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I just checked it out. the guitar I want is the 2008 Gibson Les Paul Standard Honeyburst. They want $2,699. I can get one brand new at the House of Guitars for $1800 plus tax.

You must be loaded!! You better be in a band earning money before spending that kind of cash on a guitar. Or maybe you a just some rich yuppie.

Edited by JethroTull
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Loaded no. Rich Yuppie no. It is a great investment. And $1800 is not alot of money for a great guitar. $700 for a copy is alot of money for a guitar that will not be worth a penny in 20 yrs. The LP will be worth more.

Buying a musical instrument is NEVER a waste of money!! You cant take it with you (the money). If it something that brings you enjoyment in your life, how may I ask you can it possibly be too much money?

Completely agree. I paid $3500 for my Les Paul Custom and $1k a piece for my LP Std and my Strat. If stolen, the first guitar I would replace would be the Custom, hands down, b/c it's my best guitar.

Alotta people put their extra money in the stock market and are now broke. I'm pretty broke, but as long as I have my 2 LP's and my Strat, I've got enough money "saved" to bail myself out of almost any financial sitiuation.

People that don't play could be well served to buy guitars as investments, especially in a down economy like this, while prices are lower.

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PLEASE do me a favor. If you dont play an instrument. And you dont ever plan to play an instrument. Then dont fucking post here!


That means you Aqualung!

That's it, YOU are on permanent ignore. Just so you know I play guitar. Go ahead buy your guitar, what's stopping you. GO PULL THE TRIGGER. Buy it, so you can play by yourself in your bedroom to your legions of fans.

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Completely agree. I paid $3500 for my Les Paul Custom and $1k a piece for my LP Std and my Strat. If stolen, the first guitar I would replace would be the Custom, hands down, b/c it's my best guitar.

Alotta people put their extra money in the stock market and are now broke. I'm pretty broke, but as long as I have my 2 LP's and my Strat, I've got enough money "saved" to bail myself out of almost any financial sitiuation.

People that don't play could be well served to buy guitars as investments, especially in a down economy like this, while prices are lower.

Yes, over the long term fine instruments are a great investment. However, they are an extravagant item to most buyers and in "hard times" temporarily devalue. The motto of veteran traders is, "it's only worth what someone will pay for it on a given day". I recommend GOLD as an investment (If you have money to burn). With governments around the world printing more money than they have gold to back up, the gold will become much more valuable in short order.

That said, I, too have a few Les Pauls and other valuable instruments that I could sell in hard times, but I'm a guitarist and it hurts to sell them, emotionally. I do strongly recommend buying the best guitar that you can afford, if you are a guitarist, cheap guitar purchases are almost always a disappointment that you will later look to upgrade from. :D

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That is way too much money. You could get a brand new Les Paul here for less than $3000. the only differance between the custom and the standard is gold plating rather than silver. About $100 more. I actually prefer the standard.

That's not true.

Standard Custom

Rosewood fretboard, Ebony

MoP inlay, Abalone

Burstbuckers, 490r/t

singly ply binding, 4ply binding on all edges of body, headstock inlay

my Silverburst and older ones finish is bursting all over,

Not to mention an overall greater attention to detail. Nearly every LP Custom I have played is a nicer playing and looking than any Std, I have played off the rack.

Edited by ArmsofAtlas
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Can play it outdoors in the summer at parks and such. Dont have to worry about pissing off neighbors. My wife isnt keen on me forming a band. Though im not ruling it out. I can only afford one or the other. If I get the LP then I need a Marshall.

If you wanna go electric, go electric man. There are other options besides Marshalls. Hell, some of them even suck. You can get a completely badass tube amp, that can cover alotta ground, for the price of the lowest end Marshall. I have a newish Marshall JVM combo, and I dropped close to $2k on it, and it was worth every penny, just know that there is other stuff out there. I actually just bought an Egnater Rebel, b/c the Marshall is just a bear. The Egnater is great for practicing in my bedroom, with a sleeping baby in the next room, but I can crank it up and jam with THUNDERBUTT, the drummer. It has variable wattage, going from 1 to 20.

You can't quite pick up an electric like you can an acoustic, but electric playing can be more satisfying, esp. if thats what you really wanna do. I have a pretty decent acoustic, but honestly I would rather plug in a couple of pedals into my amp and rock the fuck out.

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I agree that usually electric is more satisfying. I do love acoustic too. You dont have to want to be a rock star to enjoy playing an intrument. Well, I have to go sign autographs now, my bedroom is filled with groupies! :o

That's another point I was gonna make. Just b/c you play electric, doesn't mean the only use for your guitar is to join a band. You can take part in some casual jams. Hell, even if it becomes a regular thing, it doesn't have to be anything more than just jammin. Or jam along to your records, ipod, cds, 8tracks. I've logged alotta hours doin both, and I'm 10x better for it.

Bands are fun and his isn't the first wife, or husband for that matter, to have reservations with a band. Everybody obviously has their own personal situation, but being in a band is so much more than gigging out in crummy bars, or hangin out and having a few beers, and all the other negatives people can bring into it.

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Not easy to just go out and spend that kind of dough when you are married. Have to get the approval of the Mrs. Almost there.

So after all your TALK about how great an investment the guitar is and blah, blah, blah, you can't even buy the guitar without the permission of your wife. Sad life.

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So after all your TALK about how great an investment the guitar is and blah, blah, blah, you can't even buy the guitar without the permission of your wife. Sad life.

Hey man, why the nasty attitude? Everyone else is getting along fine....

I have 2 Les Pauls, a PRS HollowbodyII, a Martin D18-v acoustic, two top of the line Ibanez axes (Jem 7VWH and a Universe777BK), 3 doublenecks, a Cello, a mandolin, a Ukelele, a bass and tons of recording gear....

.....AND I DON"T CURRENTLY PLAY IN A BAND!!!! It's not a crime. :D

Oh yeah, and I'm not a yuppie! I love playing music.

Jethro, Yukon seems fine with his situation, so why should you care? He's pondering a purchase of a non-essential item, not anything that will effect your life.

... just sayin' .... :wave:

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Hey man, why the nasty attitude? Everyone else is getting along fine....

I have 2 Les Pauls, a PRS HollowbodyII, a Martin D18-v acoustic, two top of the line Ibanez axes (Jem 7VWH and a Universe777BK), 3 doublenecks, a Cello, a mandolin, a Ukelele, a bass and tons of recording gear....

.....AND I DON"T CURRENTLY PLAY IN A BAND!!!! It's not a crime. :D

Oh yeah, and I'm not a yuppie! I love playing music.

Jethro, Yukon seems fine with his situation, so why should you care? He's pondering a purchase of a non-essential item, not anything that will effect your life.

... just sayin' .... :wave:

Read the history of posts on this thread. I questioned why he would spend $1800 on a guitar and he comes back cursing at me and forming a lynch mob against me. And all for nothing, he's not even buying the axe.

Edited by JethroTull
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Read the history of posts on this thread. I questioned why he would spend $1800 on a guitar and he comes back cursing at me and forming a lynch mob against me. And all for nothing, he's not even buying the axe.

Actually, he is still thinking about "buying the axe". There is nothing wrong with consulting with his spouse about a major purchase. I find it to be quite mature. No offense, but if you can't offer some positive input, maybe this is not the thread for you.

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I would like to see what stores in various areas are charging. About 4 years ago a guy at a famous store here called the HOG (House of Guitars) said I could walk out the door with a brand new custom Gibson Les Paul for $1700. They were retailing around $3000 at the time I think. Im sure that it will be more now. The biggest competition they have is a store called Guitar Center. I believe they may be a chain. the onlyl way you are going to get even close to as good a deal there is to come right out and say "Ill go to the House and they will charge me X amount of dollars -will you match it?" I have gone there lately and found a nice Taylor acoustic/electric. used but mint. they wont budge-want over $1200. I can get it brand new at the "House" for $1300 and change. Would like to see what prices are around the us and England and Canada. Does anyone recommend buying on E-bay?? I am a little scared to buy an instrument without holding it first. And as you all know, you are going to usually get something out of state. If it looks like a steal, I would worry that there is something wrong. If anyone does not like that I made this thread, and I try to be carefull not to create unecessary ones, let me know and ask the mods to delete it. Just trying to get some ideas from other buyers, players, and collecters.

Have you tried looking at the Dot on Shaft guitars out of Canada, these are exqusit guitars, very high quality at a third of the price of Gibson, many musicians are now saying they have passed Gibson on Quality and sound, well worth looking at

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wow, since when has all the boards become so aggro.

I own a squire strat - my starter guitar and a Epiphone Les Paul Custom.

It's not a bad collection considering im only 20. Soon as i have money to burn i might consider upgrading to a gibson, but right now ive got no problems with my epi and lovin it to bits. so i think its gonna be an amp and a few pedals before a new guitar.

seriously though what the hell happened to icantquityoubabe. I liked that dude, pretty good guitar knowledge even though he plays a "shitty epiphone" :angry:

edit: those DOS guitars over $1000 come with strings for life program haha. Gotta love that if you live in or near Ontario.

Edited by ledzep4life
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