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Meanings in Led Zep songs

the piper

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(He also said something to the effect of "every singer has six good songs, and while the

words may change he'll sing those same six songs over and over". )

ACK! You gave away the ultimate secret of Led Zeppelin music. Every song has elements of its counterparts. Which is why its so addicting, we are being fooled again and again.

I've stated this before, and no offense intended. But besides different tunings, musicaly what is the difference between "Over the hills and far away", "Ten Years Gone" = nothing. The song remains the same and they are all the same tune re-invented over and over again.

Someone said in an earlier post that the lyrics are luciferian....hmmm, I sure hope not...I'm hoping it was young rockers doing their thing in that time and lets face it, that is what sells on terra firma. But if that is indeed true.

Yes, they are all strikingly similar compositions: instrumental intro, inject lyrics, build-up,

more lyrics, guitar solo, outro lyrics. You could easily add No Quarter, STH and Trampled Underfoot which are also of the same formula.

Actually, it was I who mentioned there is a lot of Luciferian imagery in TSRTS, just as there is in The Who's Tommy.

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I'm sure I've read an interview with Page that although Plant had written most of the lyrics, he (Page)

had in fact put some of his in there. One can only speculate which lyrics were from which artist and what meanings were behind them. I tend to think Page enjoyed hidden/ obscure meanings to his work- his talismanic magic drew heavily on the work of Austin Osman Spare - I believe that is the origin of his Zoso symbol.

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Yes, they are all strikingly similar compositions: instrumental intro, inject lyrics, build-up,

more lyrics, guitar solo, outro lyrics. You could easily add No Quarter, STH and Trampled Underfoot which are also of the same formula.

Actually, it was I who mentioned there is a lot of Luciferian imagery in TSRTS, just as there is in The Who's Tommy.

First-ive got the musical scores and have over the years played most of their stuff---though now im pretty much burnt out on playing zeppelin on guitar...note by note...not the arrangement itself, but the segments of the notes are the same tune.

The good news is in TSRTS<-- finally figured out what that means....derrrrrr, lol.

When Robert is singing in NQ-and he says "The Devil mocks their every step" his body langauge and movement clearly suggest he dis-approves of the devil.

also , when reffering to "Nobody's Fault but mine" the Devil told me to "roll" it.

The end of stairway clearly says. the tune will come to you at last... to be a 'rock' and NOT TO ROLL-oh dont make me roll.

and of course he has refused to sing that tune for so long- you go Robert! Your the man now-dont let yourself be influenced by others.....do what is in your heart and screw the rest of them.

See what happens when you dont put out 10,000 albums every second like the stones did...after you play a record so much you can hum the song in your sleep...whats next. Get out the scalpel and the magnifying glass and see what we can find.

My opinion...they are not devil or satanists...but mystics...all beit the wealthiest mystics in the world, but mystics none the less.

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I'm sure I've read an interview with Page that although Plant had written most of the lyrics, he (Page)

had in fact put some of his in there. One can only speculate which lyrics were from which artist and what meanings were behind them. I tend to think Page enjoyed hidden/ obscure meanings to his work- his talismanic magic drew heavily on the work of Austin Osman Spare - I believe that is the origin of his Zoso symbol.

We can tell you what the symbol means , but then we'd have to kill you. just kidding......lol

Where's nirvana-he can probebly explain it...

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We can tell you what the symbol means , but then we'd have to kill you. just kidding......lol

Where's nirvana-he can probebly explain it...

One critical fact is missing in all this. Zeppelin created their music during a time when esoteric knowledge was still in lockdown mode...that was until 1995 when by a mystical decree made a few hundred years earlier designated that year when the so called doors of esoteric knowledge could be revealed to the world. And it has already been done...there isnt anything you cant find if you seek it out now.

90% of the esoteric schools all have their own web sites now, you can join any number of these schools and recieve teachings through the net or mail...prior to 1995 that didnt exist. Also most of these groups have applied for and been granted tax exemption as non-profit organizations in their given countries.

That leaves the ones that are still in the closet and begs the question, what are they hidding or what are they afraid of ?

They have served the world well...we should appreciate that aspect.

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I hear you. If you ever had the chance to hear "And IV to go" it sounds like Robert made up the lyrics on the spot...

I have heard that but if I'm not mistaken it's actually Roy Harper? It's been 20 years

since I pulled out that one so I could be mistaken.

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One critical fact is missing in all this. Zeppelin created their music during a time when esoteric knowledge was still in lockdown mode...that was until 1995 when by a mystical decree made a few hundred years earlier designated that year when the so called doors of esoteric knowledge could be revealed to the world. And it has already been done...there isnt anything you cant find if you seek it out now.

90% of the esoteric schools all have their own web sites now, you can join any number of these schools and recieve teachings through the net or mail...prior to 1995 that didnt exist. Also most of these groups have applied for and been granted tax exemption as non-profit organizations in their given countries.

That leaves the ones that are still in the closet and begs the question, what are they hidding or what are they afraid of ?

I'm a member of AMORC and we have been granted permission to say that...as I've been reminded every frikin week by email to spread the word. www.rosicrucian.org .

The curious thing is, I would have never sought out such a path if it wasnt for such music as zeppelin and many other groups....they provoked my thought...i sought out meaning to otherwise obscure lyrics...heard things one just doesnt hear at a mall or at an amusement park-which is basically what our lives are now.

They have served the world well...we should appreciate that aspect. keep in mind however that most mystics dont seek out personal wealth as they have done..anyway, its been fun.

I think it just goes to show you there's a lot of quackery masquerading as religion to reap a tax advantage.

MTV world premier of Jimmy Page & Robert Plant: Unledded fell on Crowley's birthday,

if I remember right.

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Lyrics mean nothing more than what you take from them. To be forced into "this means that', and "that means this", is rediculous. Why do people read books other than to fantasize and let a story take them into a place within their own heads. Each reader in a different place. Sure the author sets the scene, but the imagry will vary from person to person.

Personally, Zep's lyrics mean nothing to me. I take roberts voice as an istrument and blend it with the others. What he's saying......I could care less. It's music. It's not political, it's sexy, it's mysterious, it's foggy. To try and read into some deep dark meaning will lead you into a place all by yourself. As you yourself have your own interpretation based on your own innerworkings. (and to include his body language in conjuction to the lyrics is even crazier IMO) he's a rockstar striking a pose, not Shakespeare. I think people give rock singers a tad too much credit for being some kind of genius lyricists. Many are clever, but no geniuses. Oftentimes it's nothing more than words that rhyme, filled in with a made up story about nothing. Of course they'll never come out and tell you that. They want to remain mysterious. :huh:

some of this thread reminds me of the bible thumpers that frequented the parking lots of big concerts in the 80's...handing out flyers telling you that The Wall and other popular albums were actually a Christian message..... making a song by song lyrical synopsis connecting each with passages of the bible. It was a fucking joke!

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I have heard that but if I'm not mistaken it's actually Roy Harper? It's been 20 years

since I pulled out that one so I could be mistaken.

I remember hearing two albums one called 3 to get ready and the other "and 4 to go". I may be wrong...

Led Zeppelin - And IV To Go

Stairway to Heaven (Jimmy Page inst.)

Instrumental I

Instrumental II (Black Dog riff)

Black Dog Rehearsal (g. mono)

No Quarter (fair mono)

Stairway to Heaven

Instrumental III

Stairway to Heaven

Stairway to Heaven

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Yes, they are all strikingly similar compositions: instrumental intro, inject lyrics, build-up,

more lyrics, guitar solo, outro lyrics. You could easily add No Quarter, STH and Trampled Underfoot which are also of the same formula.

Actually, it was I who mentioned there is a lot of Luciferian imagery in TSRTS, just as there is in The Who's Tommy.

Actually, it was I who mentioned there is a lot of Luciferian imagery in TSRTS, just as there is in The Who's Tommy.

Can you elaborate how you came to this hypothises?

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I searched the internet one dat and found this. Be warned it has be decphiered by a Born Again Christian (Not that there is anything wrong with it!)


Have to becarefull what you read when a person tries to decipher what they dont understand.

This guy gave it his best translation so that he could justify listening to it...

on a funny side note; last summer a resident here in the park we live in rented out the clubhouse so his sons church band could practice their set for the weekend event at their church.

They practiced "The Wanton Song" !

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Lyrics mean nothing more than what you take from them. To be forced into "this means that', and "that means this", is rediculous. Why do people read books other than to fantasize and let a story take them into a place within their own heads. Each reader in a different place. Sure the author sets the scene, but the imagry will vary from person to person.

Personally, Zep's lyrics mean nothing to me. I take roberts voice as an istrument and blend it with the others. What he's saying......I could care less. It's music. It's not political, it's sexy, it's mysterious, it's foggy. To try and read into some deep dark meaning will lead you into a place all by yourself. As you yourself have your own interpretation based on your own innerworkings. (and to include his body language in conjuction to the lyrics is even crazier IMO) he's a rockstar striking a pose, not Shakespeare. I think people give rock singers a tad too much credit for being some kind of genius lyricists. Many are clever, but no geniuses. Oftentimes it's nothing more than words that rhyme, filled in with a made up story about nothing. Of course they'll never come out and tell you that. They want to remain mysterious. :huh:

some of this thread reminds me of the bible thumpers that frequented the parking lots of big concerts in the 80's...handing out flyers telling you that The Wall and other popular albums were actually a Christian message..... making a song by song lyrical synopsis connecting each with passages of the bible. It was a fucking joke!

Thats because you dont know how to read!

its ok though, we still love you anyway.

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I think it just goes to show you there's a lot of quackery masquerading as religion to reap a tax advantage.

MTV world premier of Jimmy Page & Robert Plant: Unledded fell on Crowley's birthday,

if I remember right.

Well that is why I stay away from religion...religion is for sheep that need to be told what to believe. I do respect all religions and peoples right to believe in what they choose.

I've read many of crowleys works and have to say it is something. wow! Brutal in a way...but that guy was born rich, he had all the time in the world to study and develope such systems. He also had the resources to be non-accessable, one risks a lot studying such material without having that resource of absolute control over ones life. Most people are just too darn busy trying to get food and shelter to go so deep in the mind or have the consistant time to learn such a complex system.

The good news is there is a guy out there named griffin something or something griffin or griffen (no not the record mogal), and he has cleared all the crap and guess work out of it that is riddled in Crowleys work. Another guy Cecero-he too cleared all the crap and there was a lot of it. Back in the day when everyone had to read between the lines...even Helen Blavatsky's works are so clouded it takes years to even come close to understanding.

We've come a long way, havent we...

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Actually, it was I who mentioned there is a lot of Luciferian imagery in TSRTS, just as there is in The Who's Tommy.

Can you elaborate how you came to this hypothises?

Oh, I think for me to label it a hypothises would be a tad pretentious. In TSRTS there is a light bearer. At the end of Tommy, the last scene is of the main character basking in

a sunrise and it's similar to the Rimmer painting 'Evening Fall of Day' (Swan Song logo).

TSRTS contains an enormous amount of occultic symbology. The All Knowing Eye is on

the back of Jimmy's shirt as he turns to face the camera, eyes burning red. The next

scene cuts to Peter Grant on the phone at Horselunges Manor. Look at the tapestry

above his head: it too displays The All Knowing Eye. Message: Page and Grant saw

things Eye to Eye, in a very literal sense.

Putting my flame suit on..

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Oh, I think for me to label it a hypothises would be a tad pretentious. In TSRTS there is a light bearer. At the end of Tommy, the last scene is of the main character basking in

a sunrise and it's similar to the Rimmer painting 'Evening Fall of Day' (Swan Song logo).

TSRTS contains an enormous amount of occultic symbology. The All Knowing Eye is on

the back of Jimmy's shirt as he turns to face the camera, eyes burning red. The next

scene cuts to Peter Grant on the phone at Horselunges Manor. Look at the tapestry

above his head: it too displays The All Knowing Eye. Message: Page and Grant saw

things Eye to Eye, in a very literal sense.

Putting my flame suit on..

Actually the all knowing eye so to speak, is more complicated than that and has nothing to do with them seeing eye to eye.

heres a snippet-the rest you will have to seek out;

The EYE OF HORUS has a very specific meaning. The eye is represented as a figure with 6 parts. These 6 parts correspond to the six senses - Touch, Taste, Hearing, Thought, Sight, Smell. These are the 6 parts of the *eye*. The eye is the receptor of *input*. It has these six doors, to receive data.

The construction of the eye follows very precise laws. The senses are ordered according to their importance. And according to how much energy must be *eaten* by the *eye* for an individual to receive a particular sensation. All of the sensory data input is *food*.

after this part it gets really good! but again, cant make it that easy for you......

heres a small portion just to show you how deep things can go;

3. Hearing 1/16 heqat or 20 ro (there is a glyph that shows each angle of the eye, each with their proper corrospondance of recieving-though the glyph did not paste on here....

This part of the EYE represents the EAR. The figure points towards the ear on the face. Also, it has the shape of a horn or musical instrument. When we Hear a sound or combination of sounds we find this to be pleasing or unplesant. The sound has a taste for us, causing a preference. Sound requires Touch + Taste and so is a combination of the lower senses.

Has absolutely NOTHING AT ALL to do with lucifer!!!

Red - going to have to look into color symbology in a very specific fram of study also related to the eye of horus-which im not at liberty to share in a public forum. Red referes to a certain level of mystical attainment.

Anything else?

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No, I didn't really want to get into this in the first place. I really prefer to assign my own interpretations and the film allows for such affilliation which is what makes it so great.

Yup, I appologize. I'm italian...debate is our form of communication.

The film is awesome, the music is awesome.

It's all good friend.

Regards :)

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Here is my interpretation of the last verse :)


(as life unfolds)


(reality is obscured)


(mother nature)


(heightens awareness and reveals)


(that enlightenment is our destiny)


(by means of meditation)


(realization will dawn)


(during mystical union)


(be at peace)

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Yes! ALL reasoning is self-referential, but can be strongly influenced thru meme.

A meme (pronounced [miːm] in IPA), as defined within memetic theory, comprises a theoretical unit of cultural information, the building block of cultural evolution or diffusion that propagates from one mind to another analogously to the way in which a gene propagates from one organism to another as a unit of genetic information and of biological evolution.[1] Multiple memes may propagate as cooperative groups called memeplexes (meme complexes).

Biologist and evolutionary theorist Richard Dawkins coined the term meme in 1976.[2] He gave as examples tunes, catch-phrases, beliefs, clothing fashions, ways of making pots, and the technology of building arches.

Meme-theorists contend that memes evolve by natural selection (similarly to Darwinian biological evolution) through the processes of variation, mutation, competition, and inheritance influencing an individual entity's reproductive success. So with memes, some ideas will propagate less successfully and become extinct, while others will survive, spread, and, for better or for worse, mutate. "Memeticists argue that the memes most beneficial to their hosts will not necessarily survive; rather, those memes that replicate the most effectively spread best, which allows for the possibility that successful memes may prove detrimental to their hosts."[3]

A short story written in 1876 by Mark Twain, A Literary Nightmare, describes his encounter with a jingle so "catchy" that it plays over and over in his mind until he finally sings it out loud and infects others (also known as an earworm).

A successful meme must perform two actions:

- Ensure it takes up long-term residence in its host.

- Bring about the conditions for its spread.

To establish itself in the mind of its host it will use some or all of the following mechanisms:

[1] Promise heaven for belief.

[2] Threaten eternal punishment in hell for disbelief.

[3] Boost the believers' egos by telling them they are 'chosen' or superior to believers in false memes.

[4] Disable the faculties of disbelief ('immune response') by claiming that faith is superior to reason.

[5] Establish itself as the One True Meme, usually by some sort of holy book containing a circular self-referential argument such as:

X is the one true meme. We know X is the one true meme because The Source of Universal Truth has approved X. We know The Source of Universal Truth has approved X, because X contains statements which say so. We know what X says is true because X is the one true meme.

Once it has parasitised the mind of its host, a meme needs to propagate itself. A successful meme will contain instructions for some or all of the following:

[6] Holy war - convert or kill all unbelievers.

[7] Intimidation and terrorism - threaten and discriminate against unbelievers.

[8] Enforced social isolation or even death to apostates. (An apostate is a host which has cured itself of a meme-infection. It is especially dangerous to the meme because it might pass on meme-resistance to others).

[9] Fecundism - encourage true believers to breed faster than believers in false memes.

[10] Censorship - prevent rival memes from reaching potential hosts (a theological doctrine known as 'Error has no rights').

[11] Disinformation - spread lies about rival memes. Demonise them - the bigger the lies the more likely they are to be believed. The disinformation may even include instructions for a meme to lie about itself!

Can you concieve of a being whos non-existance is impossible ?

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No, I didn't really want to get into this in the first place. I really prefer to assign my own interpretations and the film allows for such affilliation which is what makes it so great.

I just wanted to add. We all have the right to assign our own interpretations..as we all should do with our own dreams. But that doesnt mean if one sees a cat that they can start calling it a dog....or visa versa, it is what it is. One can try and understand or not...that too is a personal choice.

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Lyrics mean nothing more than what you take from them. To be forced into "this means that', and "that means this", is rediculous. Why do people read books other than to fantasize and let a story take them into a place within their own heads. Each reader in a different place. Sure the author sets the scene, but the imagry will vary from person to person.

Personally, Zep's lyrics mean nothing to me. I take roberts voice as an istrument and blend it with the others. What he's saying......I could care less. It's music. It's not political, it's sexy, it's mysterious, it's foggy. To try and read into some deep dark meaning will lead you into a place all by yourself. As you yourself have your own interpretation based on your own innerworkings. (and to include his body language in conjuction to the lyrics is even crazier IMO) he's a rockstar striking a pose, not Shakespeare. I think people give rock singers a tad too much credit for being some kind of genius lyricists. Many are clever, but no geniuses. Oftentimes it's nothing more than words that rhyme, filled in with a made up story about nothing. Of course they'll never come out and tell you that. They want to remain mysterious. :huh:

some of this thread reminds me of the bible thumpers that frequented the parking lots of big concerts in the 80's...handing out flyers telling you that The Wall and other popular albums were actually a Christian message..... making a song by song lyrical synopsis connecting each with passages of the bible. It was a fucking joke!

(and to include his body language in conjuction to the lyrics is even crazier IMO)

What do you think "Speak to me only with your eyes" means?

hint; the physical "Futhark"

Reference is in "Battle of Evermore"

"Gonna send youuuuu, back to schoolin" and that will cost you the cost of every album 500 times, to be followed by replacing all those albums with the new cd version only to have to replace those with digital cd's and again when hi-def cd comes out and then is replaced with invision.

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Lyrics mean nothing more than what you take from them. To be forced into "this means that', and "that means this", is rediculous. Why do people read books other than to fantasize and let a story take them into a place within their own heads. Each reader in a different place. Sure the author sets the scene, but the imagry will vary from person to person.

Personally, Zep's lyrics mean nothing to me. I take roberts voice as an istrument and blend it with the others. What he's saying......I could care less. It's music. It's not political, it's sexy, it's mysterious, it's foggy. To try and read into some deep dark meaning will lead you into a place all by yourself. As you yourself have your own interpretation based on your own innerworkings. (and to include his body language in conjuction to the lyrics is even crazier IMO) he's a rockstar striking a pose, not Shakespeare. I think people give rock singers a tad too much credit for being some kind of genius lyricists. Many are clever, but no geniuses. Oftentimes it's nothing more than words that rhyme, filled in with a made up story about nothing. Of course they'll never come out and tell you that. They want to remain mysterious. :huh:

some of this thread reminds me of the bible thumpers that frequented the parking lots of big concerts in the 80's...handing out flyers telling you that The Wall and other popular albums were actually a Christian message..... making a song by song lyrical synopsis connecting each with passages of the bible. It was a fucking joke!

Ummmm...does the word "Opera" mean anything to you. Opera is sight and sound. Every movement corrosponds to a note or vibration or articulation, everything matters, every color, every prop, every note, every gesture, every reaction. Usually takes me weeks, even months to really appreciate a concert.

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