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Little Miss

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I heard that Australia was one of the most exciting places in the world,WTF? Should I not even bother coming over?

Don't tell me that you live in a van down by the river :o I would understand if that was the case :D

Australia might be exciting if you're into surfing, rock climbing or power kayaking...

I live in Brisbane, Australia's third largest city, population 1.7 million... But don't even think about going to a restaurant after 8.30pm...You'll be lucky if they're still open

Brisbane is a working town for working people. It's probably a great city to bring up a family. It's cheaper than Sydney or Melbourne, easier to get around, property prices more manageable. But that's the curse of Brisbane as well. In the past, for many years, it was the biggest 'country town' in Australia, and the mentality is still there. Brisbane's perfect if you're married, got 2 kids at the local school. You're a Plumber, your wife's a suburban hairdresser, and every saturday night you like to have a drink with some friends at your local Gilhooleys Tavern, and Sunday mornings take the kids for a ride in the park. And then Monday to Friday you're back to the 9-5 grind with a TV dinner. If that's your life, Brisbane would seem perfect. Other than that, the city's got nothing else to offer.

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I don't really see what is so fantastic about life.

To me it's a necessary evil because we can't exist without it. When you're born, you're basically forced into accepting life, and as the saying goes 'if life gives you lemons, make lemonade', and well frankly life is a lemon, and we're all having to make the bloody lemonade. Life is simply life, it's existence, it's a blank canvas. And whatever happens inside that canvas determines our reaction to it. If Life is a gift, then it's a gift of an empty box. And it's either empty or we put something into it. So whatever we do in life, we are forced into doing because nobody wants to die or be bored, so we're off on this daily quest to distract ourselves from time and the emptiness of life.

Life's just finding ways to kill time until you die.

Well i'm not overjoyed on a daily basis. I do enjoy alot of things in life though. I rarely get bored. I do get lonely, but that's to be expected. It sounds sad what you are saying. Maybe you are depressed. Maybe you just need to find what would make you feel good and do it. Maybe where you live is the problem. I know nothing about you so i can't say much. I think you should give some thought to what you do like and make some plans to do those things. There has to be something!!!

I don't except what you say because i have been around people all my life who do enjoy living. I also spend a great deal of time around people who are dying, and i often hear their wonderful stories of their life and how much they will miss it.

You sound like you need inspiration. Find it and start living. You are already here, you may as well try to make the best of it :)

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Yeah,something like that. :D

You must be enjoy trivialities of this board,it's got to be more exciting than Big Brother or you would be watching it now.Is this board keeping you from pulling the big plug?Is life REALLY that bad?

This is the smoking thread,how did it turn into the"I hate life thread"

I smoked for a long time and it damn near killed me.I'm happy to be alive and not smoking anymore.I'm making lemonade and happy to do it.......for now!

I'm happy you quit. I smoked for many years and quit. Seen it take too many friends and family members :(

As far as life goes, for the most part I love it.

I take a licking and keep on licking. But maybe that's just the cat in me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've tried many times to quit smoking: willpower/cold turkey, hypnosis, the nicotine patch, acupuncture, etc. Nothing worked. I'm now on Champix, and all it has done so far is make me feel tired and headachey. I'm still smoking but I have hope. I met a lady who smoked for 40+ years and was able to quit on Champix with no cravings or weight gain.

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I don't smoke, but I have a grandma who used to. She quit on will power. MY dad had a calender on the refridgerator when he was a kid and would mark everyday that she went without smoking. I think it's helps a lot to have someone behind you.

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