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The NBA Thread! 08


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The NBA is in my DNA. That's what happens when you've been a LA Laker fan since 1969. I had to go through many years of suffering before the glory days of Magic's Showtime teams and the Phil Jackson era.

Electro, your locale is more a college basketball hotbed I think. No NBA tradition to speak of, so your antipathy is understandable.

But even with the Lakers out, I will still watch the Finals this week...hopefully Dallas can take Miami out. I don't know, still have reservations about Dallas defense.

I will always consider that Lakers team of 1970 with Wilt Chamberlain and Jerry West the greatest team of all time. They won 33 games in a row, a record that still stands today and willl stand perhaps forever? It will be like breaking Dimagio's 56 game hitting streatk. West and Rick Barry I will say are my all time favorites. Barrry never got enough credit. He was great. I also liked Dr J who was just as good as Jordan and Kobe in his prime. Remember him jamming the ball from a jump from the foul line? The guy could really fly.

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Great job at the end by Dirk...Go Dallas!

On another note, watching the pregame events, two thoughts crossed my mind.

1. Watching that 10- year old girl sing the National Anthem, I was reminded of the saying, "children should be seen, not heard".

2. Miami's PA announcer is the WORST!!!

Edited by Strider
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Not so fast Miami -- A Pre-Mature Ejaculation

Mavs get fire in the belly from Heat's early celebrations

By Simon Evans

MIAMI (Reuters) - Not for the first time this season, the Miami Heat have been accused of celebrating too soon -- this time with NBA Finals rivals the Dallas Mavericks saying premature jubilation inspired their Game Two comeback win.

The Mavs rallied from a 15-point deficit to win 95-93 and level the best-of-seven series at 1-1 ahead of the upcoming three games in Dallas.

With seven minutes remaining, Dwyane Wade sunk a three pointer to stretch Miami's lead to its biggest margin of the night and he milked the moment with LeBron James in front of the Mavericks bench as a timeout was called.

"He celebrated in front of our bench and I think it angered a lot of us," Dallas center Tyson Chandler told reporters.

"We came out there and we responded. It is upsetting when you are out there playing hard and someone celebrates right in front of your bench. We just wanted to come out and respond to it, continue to play and walk them down," he said.

The Heat have made a habit of celebrating recently and were criticized for overplaying the signing of James and Chris Bosh with a party for the fans before the season even began.

Miami also upset some with their celebrations after the Eastern Conference playoffs series win at Boston, which some said was over-the-top, given they were still some way from the title.

But as for Thursday's latest incident, Wade said there was nothing out of the ordinary about how the Heat reacted to his three-pointer.

"Every team in the league, when they go on a run they do something. Whether it's a signal or a chest bump, it's part of the game of basketball," he said

"A celebration is confetti, champagne bottles. There was no celebration. It was a shot made going into a timeout."

Wade, however, conceded the reaction may have had an influence on Dallas but insisted it did not show any complacency on the part of the Heat.

"It pumped them up? They won the game, obviously it did something, that's not the first time and it won't be the last if we do a great play, that we do something with our team mates.

"Don't make nothing out of that celebration. It had nothing to with the outcome of the game for us," he said.

Mavericks guard Jason Terry said that it certainly was a defining moment for his team.

"Right at that moment, it was a turning point in the game. Obviously we come out of that timeout, and if we don't score, then we're pretty much dead," he said.

"We looked at each guy in the huddle to a man. Me, I, specifically looked at Dirk (Nowitzki) and said, 'there's no way we're going out like this.'

"There is too much time left in this game and for us to go out in a blowout-type fashion with them dunking on us, shooting threes on us, it would have been disheartening.

"We continued to keep faith in ourselves. We went out and grinded it out and got it done."

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All I know is I'm sick to death of ESPN hyping James the way they have for a year now. It's shameless and it's so transparent it makes me sick. Even Scottie Pippen lost his mind last week when he said LeBron was a better player than Jordan was. Seriously now.............

They used to rip on LeBron when he was in Cleveland saying he couldn't finish. From what I saw last night against Dallas he still can't. Duane Wade was lights out for three quarters and then he vanishes............LeBron's turn was it? Bad decision there.

By the way Silver Medalist, that Lakers team you mentioned is my all time favorite too. I grew up idolizing Jerry West actually.

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All I know is I'm sick to death of ESPN hyping James the way they have for a year now. It's shameless and it's so transparent it makes me sick. Even Scottie Pippen lost his mind last week when he said LeBron was a better player than Jordan was. Seriously now.............

They used to rip on LeBron when he was in Cleveland saying he couldn't finish. From what I saw last night against Dallas he still can't. Duane Wade was lights out for three quarters and then he vanishes............LeBron's turn was it? Bad decision there.

By the way Silver Medalist, that Lakers team you mentioned is my all time favorite too. I grew up idolizing Jerry West actually.

I loved West and Rick Barry. Rick Barry won the title with no big Center and no three point shot. He scored 70 in a game with no three point line. He never gets enough credit. Go Dirk. Go Mavs. Take them bitches to school!!!!!!

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Tough loss for Dallas...thought Dirk was gonna tie it at the end.

Time to regroup for game 4...Dallas loses that game and IT is OVER.

Yeah it sucks. I dont like the way Carlisle has coached at times. He has to go after Wade. Wade is the star. He is the guy that can kill you. Dirk is not getting help as Magic says. They need Marion to get off his lazy ass and do better. They will bounce back.

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Yeah it sucks. I dont like the way Carlisle has coached at times. He has to go after Wade. Wade is the star. He is the guy that can kill you. Dirk is not getting help as Magic says. They need Marion to get off his lazy ass and do better. They will bounce back.

And JJ

And Kidd

And Terry

Even IF Dallas plays well, it would still take Miami not playing well, for Dallas to overcome them.

Answer: IF Miami plays well for 48 minutes, no team, not even a Dallas team playing well, can stop them !

Only Miami, can beat Miami. It's their Series to lose.

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Yeah baby!!!!!!!! Dallas wins!!!!! All tied up!!!!! Both these finals are turning into wars. Baskets and hockey. Dirk had a 103 temp and somehow played. Tough thing to do. Go Dallas!!!!! He willl have to play one of his classics to win game five. Hopefully will be in better shape. Big big win.

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Hopefully Dirk is recovered from the flu. Playing one game with the flu is one thing...asking him to play two great games back-to-back with the flu is something else.

Dallas cannot go back to Miami down 2-3. It's that simple.

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Going back to that Pipen comment he made - Scottie and LeBron are two peas in a pod - NO BALLS!! Remember when Pipen refused to go into the game at crunch time because he wasn't gonna get the ball? That's why he relates to James, he never won sh!t w/o Jordan. Just like James is gonna need Wade to take over so they can win!

Go Mavs!!

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LeBron James.........



Again in game 5, two points in the fourth quarter after checking out completely in game 4. The kid cannot finish and all the hype that ESPN throws at him isn't changing the reality of the situation. He couldn't finish in Cleveland and he's not doing it now in Miami.

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Okay, that was another hella-win by the Mavs last night. In fact, this whole series has been a gas to watch...just about every game has gone down to the wire. FANTASTIC SFUFF!

But now the hard part...going to Miami for the final 2 games. For it is a trueism of the NBA that on the road, 3-point shots don't fall as easy and the bench players usually don't play as well.

These games in Miami will be Eastern Conference-style grinders...no scores in the 100's. Dirk and the starters will have work and play TWICE as hard now, and grit and grind it out.

Expect Lebron to be more comfortable and more aggressive at home...and, as such, get the benefit of the ref's calls. I expect Wade to go all-out crazy, too. If Dallas can withstand the first 10 minutes of the game, when the Heat will be super-amped to blow Dallas out, then they'll be alright.

Coach Carlisle has got to have his team ready to match the Heat's energy. In fact, to get his team in the mindset of taking care of business, I would have Dallas pack for only one day.

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Okay, that was another hella-win by the Mavs last night. In fact, this whole series has been a gas to watch...just about every game has gone down to the wire. FANTASTIC SFUFF!

But now the hard part...going to Miami for the final 2 games. For it is a trueism of the NBA that on the road, 3-point shots don't fall as easy and the bench players usually don't play as well.

These games in Miami will be Eastern Conference-style grinders...no scores in the 100's. Dirk and the starters will have work and play TWICE as hard now, and grit and grind it out.

Expect Lebron to be more comfortable and more aggressive at home...and, as such, get the benefit of the ref's calls. I expect Wade to go all-out crazy, too. If Dallas can withstand the first 10 minutes of the game, when the Heat will be super-amped to blow Dallas out, then they'll be alright.

Coach Carlisle has got to have his team ready to match the Heat's energy. In fact, to get his team in the mindset of taking care of business, I would have Dallas pack for only one day.

Im with you. GO MAVS GO MAVS!!!! Remember those two 40 plus games by Dirk? Remember the Okla City game he put up I think 48? Now its time to go back to Dirk on the road. Just have Terry, Berrea and Kidd take a few timely open look shots and Marion some drives and especailly in transition. But in the half court game, just keep feeding Dirk and let him eat their asses for breakfast. Who can stop him? Nobody. Lebron has his own issues. The media is all over him. He is not thinking about Dirk. Feed Dirk the ball, have him shoot the ball all night Then there is no way Wade can beat them. Wade is the guy hat they can trust. Not Lebron. Silly ass overated Lebron. It Dirk time baby!!!!!

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