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Christmas Tradtions

Jimmy's A Legend

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Me, We always have Cristmas Dinner of Christmas Eve for some reason (I don't actually know why :lol: )

We always get the same things for the 'Santa's Stockings' which is chocolate, biscuits and fruit.

Do you lot have any special tradtions?

I don't really have any. I live alone with just my cat. I don't even bother getting a xmas tree anymore.

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We celebrate the most on Christmas eve. Going to church, waiting for the Christ Child, getting lots of presents, eating pies with rice and meat, getting pissed on tequila and margheritas...

Next day hanging in front of the TV and watch all three Lord Of the Rings movies without interuption or another horribly long film...

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When my sister and I were younger we did, but now that we're both in our 20s, not so much. We do watch White Christmas on Christmas Eve and then the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, which is nice because we can eat s'mores.

Okay, so I shouldn't say we have none because there are some things we do every year, it's just not as involved. For example, when we were younger, our parents would take us downtown to see the giant tree in Daley Plaza, then over to Marshall Fields to see the windows and then to Berghoffs for dinner. That was every year from as far as I can remember to when we moved out of Chicago. Nowdays, we just do what I mentioned above and make a lot of Christmas cookies. I think from the 18th to the 25th, all you smell in our house is baking cookies. It's fun.

Edited by Electrophile
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I don't really have any. I live alone with just my cat. I don't even bother getting a xmas tree anymore.

Here's a song for you, spats - from my favorite Christmas tradition, Mr. Magoo:

A hand for each hand was planned in the world

Why don't my fingers reach?

So many grains of sand in the world

Why such a lonely beach?

Where is a voice, to answer mine back?

Where are two shoes, to click to my clack?

I'm aaaaalllll allllooooooooone, in this wooooorrrllld...

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Our traditions were, open at least ONE present on Xmas eve.

No one can open anything until the grown-ups have had their coffee....not always worked.. :P

You HAVE to guess what is in the package before you open it.

Mistletoe. :aw:

Easy on the eggnog.


Merry Holidays everyone!

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We don't have any traditions anymore since my parents are divorced. It happens 9 years ago, but we had traditions then. We always opened presents in pajamas, and Santa's presents came last. I guess at my mom's the tradition is do'nt put the wrapping paper in the bag she says to. My brother and I leave it for the dog to play in because she loves it. At my dad's my Nana always has stockings for us to open.

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Christmas Eve, we go to my Grandfathers house, who I only see on that day, although he only lives 10 minutes away from my moms house. Needless to say, Im not too fond of him.

Christmas morning is spent at home unwrapping presents with the puppies and kitties trying to help. Then we eatch them play in the tissue and wrapping paper, it''s precious.

Then we go over to my other grandmothers house where we have another thanksgiing dinner type meal and more presents. Meanwhile, everyone argues about what we have playing on tv in the background, which really shouldnt matter because we aren't even watching it. One or two males want football, my cousins want A Christmas Story on repeat, and the rest of us want anything else but that fucking movie. I hate hate hate that movie, most overrated piece of crap ever.

Then, day after Christmas shopping! Bright and early, I think we like that day better than Christmas itself.

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